Friday, December 23, 2022

Eine Kleine Al Gebra

 From Wikipedia:

Algebra (from Arabic الجبر (al-jabr) 'reunion of broken parts

And it is time for starting such a reunion. 

It is said:

Matthew 9:17 King James Bible. "Neither do men put new wine into old bottles; else the bottles break, and the wine runeth out, and the bottles perish; but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved."

I will be putting old wine into old bottles Algebra is old and conformal group that includes similarity transformations (as above so below) is probably even older.

Quod est superius est sicut quod inferius, et quod inferius est sicut quod est superius.

That which is above is like to that which is below, and that which is below is like to that which is above.

So here it comes: Eine Kleine Al Gebra. But first the old music-wine in old bottles


Let m,n ≧ 1 be two integers. Let X be a complex vector space of complex dimension m+n. 

Let X be equipped with a fixed sesquilinear form (z,z'), antilinear in the first argument, linear in the second one.

We assume that X admits a basis e1,...,em,em+1,...,em+n  such that, with respect to this basis, the scalar product (z,z') takes the form

(z,z') = -z1* z'- ... -zm* z'+ zm+1* z'm+1 + ... + zn* z'n

where the star * stands for the complex conjugation. Such a basis will be called orthonormal. We say that (z,z') is a hermitian scalar product of signature (n,m). Notice the order: (n,m). n plus signs, m minus signs.

Any two orthonormal bases are related by a transformation from the group U(n,m). We will write matrices of U(m,n) in a block form

U =

A  B


where the matrices A,B,C,D are repectively mxm,mxn,nxm,nxn.

Given an orthonormal basis X can be identified with Cm+n.

Let  denote the standard hermitian conjugate (conjugate transpose). Then, (z,z') can be written as

(z,z') = zJ0z'

where J0 is the diagonal (m+n)x(m+n) matrix J0= diag(-Im, In) and Im, In are the mxm and nxn unit matrices respectively. The group U(n,m) is the set of all matrices U satisfying

UJ0 U = J0

Writing U in a in block matrix form as above, the condition for U to be in U(n,m) translates into:

A*A - C*C = Im, D*D - B*B = In

A*B - C*D = 0, B*A - D*C = 0

In the following, for the ease of notation,  we will use * to denote the ordinary hermitian conjugate for mxm,mxn,nxm, and nxn matrices.

We notice that A*A = I+ C*C and C*C is non-negative. Therefore A*A ≧ Im, and, in particular, A is invertible. D is invertible for a similar reason.

From Wikipedia:

In mathematics, the Grassmannian Gr(kV) is a space that parameterizes all k-dimensional linear subspaces of the n-dimensional vector space V

We will be interested in in a subset of Gr(n,X), Namely we will be interested in the set J of all  n-dimensional subspaces of X on which the scalar product (z,z') is positive definite. Choosing an orthonormal bases one such subspace is evident: it consist of column vectors u,v, u from Cm. v from Cn. for which u=0.

It is more or less evident that U(n,m) transforms J into itself and that the action of U(n,m) on J is transitive. The stability subgroup is U(m)xU(n), therefore J can be identified with the manifold of equivalence classes (cosets) U(n,m)/(U(m)xU(n)).

We will need an explicit parametrization of J.

Let us do some Christmas Eve talk. Say V is an n-dimensional subspace of X on which our scalar product is positive definite. It is then necessarily a maximal subspace with this property, and that because our scalar product is of signature (n,m). 

Let W be the orthogonal complement of V. Then on W the scalar product is necessarily negative definite. Let E be the orthogonal projection on V. Then E*=E and EE=E. Here, and in the following, * applied to linear operators acting on X will denote the hermitian conjugate with respect to the scalar product (z,z') on X. The eigenvalues of E are 1 and 0. 1 on V and 0 on W.

Then F=I-E is the orthogonal projection on W - the orthogonal complement of V. We also have F*=F and FF=F. The eigenvalues of F are 0 and 1. 0 on V and 1 on W. Subspaces V and W are mutually orthogonal.

Let us define 


Then J=J* and JJ=I. The eigenvalues of J are -1 and 1. 1 on V and -1 onW.

Let us define a sesquilinear form (z,z')_J = (z,Jz'). We claim that (z,z')_J is positive definite. Indeed, let z be any nonzero vector in X. Then z decomposes into z=v+w, where v is in V and w is in W. Thus Jv=v, Jw=-w. But then (z,z)_J=(z,Jz)=(v+w,J(v+w)=(v+w,v-w)=(v,v)-(w,w). But if z is not zero, then v or w (or both) must be non-zero. For a non-zero v, (v,v) is positive and for a non-zero w, -(w,w) is positive. Therefore (z,z)_J is positive. 

This way with each n-dimensional subspace V of X on which the scalar product is positive definite we have associated a linear operator J on X such that 

1) J=J*, 

2) JJ=I, 

3) and (z,Jz') is positive definite. 

Let us see that the converse is also true. Namely, Let J has the above properties. Define E=(I+J)/2, F=(I-J)/2. Then, because of 1) and 2), we have that E*=E, EE=E, F*=F, FF=F, EF=FE=0, E+F=I. E and F are two complementary orthogonal projection operators. Let V be the subspace belonging to eigenvalue 1 of J, W be the subspace belonging to the eigenvalue -1 of J. E projects on V, F projects on W. Moreover, if a non-zero v is in V, then Jv=v and, because of 3),  (v,v)=(v,Jv)>0. Similarly, if a nonzero w is in W then Jw=-w and, because of 3),  -(w,w)=(w,-w)=(w,Jw)>0. Thus V is maximal positive and W is maximal negative subspace of X. QED.

Our next step is parametrization of such operators J. We will do that in the next post. Here we just note that these J are very special elemenets of the group U(n,m) (Why so?).  We will cal them "symmetries".

Merry Christmas!

P.S.1 I am slowly (mainly during breakfasts) reading the book "Mistakes we made: But not by me" by Carol Tavris and Elliott Aronson. 

As I have promised, here are my first initial comments on the book "Mistakes we made: But not by me" by Carol Tavris and Elliott Aronson. Today I will deal only with the Itroduction and with quite general comments.

It starts like that:


Knaves, Fools, Villains, and Hypocrites:

How Do They Live with Themselves?

Mistakes were quite possibly made by the administrations in

which I served.

Henry Kissinger, responding to charges that he

committed war crimes in his role in the United

States’ actions in Vietnam, Cambodia, and South

America in the 1970s

And a liitle further on we find the following biting remark:

When Henry Kissinger said that the administration in which he’d served may have made mistakes, he was sidestepping the fact that as national security adviser and secretary of state (simultaneously), he essentially was the administration. This self-justification allowed him to accept the Nobel Peace Prize with a straight face and a clear conscience.

So far so good. There are many more illustrative examples of self-justification in the introduction. But then there is a pragraph that have rised a red frag in my mind. Here it is:

By understanding the inner workings of self-justification, we can answer these questions and make sense of dozens of other things people do that otherwise seem unfathomable or crazy. We can answer the question so many people ask when they look at ruthless dictators, greedy corporate CEOs, religious zealots who murder in the name of God, priests who molest children, or family members who cheat their relatives out of inheritances: How in the world can they live with themselves? The answer is: exactly the way the rest of

us do.

It is evident to me that the authors neglect here important discoveries about workings of human minds: not all brains are wired the same way. If we read carefully „Inside the Criminal Mind” by Stanton E. Samenow, we learn that

There are people who would be “criminals” no matter where they live. These are individuals for whom to be someone in life is to do the forbidden, whatever the forbidden might be.

I submit that there is a major difference between the person who tells an occasional lie and an individual who lies as a way of life. The criminal lies to cover his tracks (he has a lot to conceal) and to get out of a jam that he has created for himself.

However, he also lies about the most minuscule matters even when there is no ostensible reason. He’ll say that he went to one store when he really went to another. Some people in the mental health field will conclude that this is pathological or compulsive. This is not the case. The lie that makes no sense does make sense when you understand the mentality of the liar.”

Not all men are wired the same way. Some are wired differently. And not all mistakes are equal. Results do count. A politician has more responsibilities than a receptionist in an inn. There is a difference between a mistake that costs human lifes and a mistake that has no serious  consequencesat all. It is therefore important to know ourslves, self-observe, consciously compensate for all defects in our wiring. And take responsibility for all results of our actions, and for our negligance of actions, when such are needed.


  1. Anonymous: Someone

    The most common interpretation of Mt 9:17 is that the new spirit of the Gospel cannot be put into the old forms of Jewish piety. I often think about such a new spirit of physics. However, it cannot be put into the framework of old beliefs.

  2. @Anonymous/Someone

    Interpretation of interpretation is uneven... I see something different in this; for me this passage ["Nor do people pour new wine into old bottles; otherwise the bottles break, and the wine escapes, and the bottles perish; but they pour new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved." ] This is about the fact that one cannot "receive" the Spirit if the various habitual machenisms are in practice.

    Why are you called "someone"? Is it caused by your low self-esteem? I also suffered and suffer sometimes from low self-esteem, but not always. What blows away various 'bundles' is humor. Take a look at my avatar. I am riding the alligator.

  3. Anonymous: Someone

    "This is about the fact that one cannot "receive" the Spirit if the various habitual machenisms are in practice.".

    This is also a very good interpretation. As both the one I gave and yours are inaccurate enough that a great deal of detail can be added to them.

    Indeed, we still haven't answered key questions, such as the one about the very nature of spirit. So it is difficult to speak strictly about its receipt or handling.

    "Why are you called 'someone'? Is it caused by your low self-esteem?".

    I can only answer this question for you in part. I would like to keep the rest to myself.

    The fact that I sign my name in this way has nothing to do with my self-esteem. Rather, I assume that the subject of discussion that interests me (among other things, the spirit) does not require me to have temporal information that would indicate, for example, my gender, age, etc. "Someone" is a very neutral nickname. So let those who read my statements or talk to me decide for themselves who I actually am.

    You yourself recently wrote about human requirements for temporal issues such as money, age, physical attractiveness, etc. I want to avoid that. I want to be here in spirit, not in body. Whether that spirit hides under the pseudonym "Someone" or any other is not crucial.

    Perhaps some people here identify me with some temporal forms. However, as long as these forms do not lose their meaning and completely disintegrate, we remain essentially blind. If we think of another person by seeing his face in our minds or hearing the sound of his name, what are we really thinking about? It is one thing to temporarily address a person in a given way, and it is another thing to have the aforementioned "spirit."

  4. @Someone

    It's true that when it comes, even, to our loved ones, our representation of them that we store in our own minds may be merely our subjective representation of them that we store in our subconscious and release those emotions and beliefs about that person 'fired' on their name or the look at their face.

    Sometimes it's just neutral, sometimes it helps us, and sometimes it's a way to become attached and enslaved by the image that this person (or an outsider) has built up in us about him or her. Also, certain programs can be stored in our subconscious by hyperdimensional forces from higher density, which can be triggered, for example, at the face of a person we will meet in the future, whenever that may be.

    Your view of physicality is slightly different from mine. I see physicality more as a place of transformation of spirit, as an interface connecting one 'spiritual state', to another 'spiritual state.' In this 'interface' it is important to distinguish between different aspects of life, even if they are illusory.

    In my opinion, one should have criteria to physical appearance, money, age and so on. Someone who does not have criteria, presents a very low value, that is, he/she is needy and has no choice, settle for anything.... or he/she is a predator who does not respect others, and sees in them only easy prey then he also has no criteria, but only a vision of 'satisfied tummy.'

    I understand women, for instance, if they choose someone wealthy when they have a child to raise. It's a very strong incentive when you have a young child and depend on a partner who is with money that your child need to survive. I also understand myself preferring an attractive and young girl, because it is much more responsible of me to choose a partner capable of giving birth to a healthy child, rather than an older woman who may have physical problems or not be interested in taking care of a child because her psycho-physiology does not support her sufficiently. HOWEVER, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THESE ARE NOT THE ONLY CRITERIA. CRITERIA BASED ON SPIRITUALITY, KNOWLEDGE, CHARACTER TRAITS ARE ALSO IMPORTANT.

    Since Christmas is approaching, and it is a time of reconciliation and forgiveness, and I also mentioned hypnosis, I thought I would share a gift and remind and describe a forgiveness technique based on therapeutic hypnosis. A simple exercise, and it changes a lot.

  5. Anonymous: Someone

    "In my opinion, one should have criteria to physical appearance, money, age and so on. Someone who does not have criteria, presents a very low value, that is, he/she is needy and has no choice, settle for anything....".

    I don't mean being satisfied with anything. Not having worldly criteria does not yet mean that you will be satisfied with anything. You may desire something else. E.g. you want to be alone and your role in this world is a little different than most people.

    That's why I'm the one who signs "Someone" and not someone else.

    "Your view of physicality is slightly different from mine. I see physicality more as a place of transformation of spirit, as an interface connecting one 'spiritual state', to another 'spiritual state.' In this 'interface' it is important to distinguish between different aspects of life, even if they are illusory."

    I don't know if I have a different view from you. However, all my views are so complex that it is difficult for me to present them in short comments under a note. The physical world is close to my heart, plus I am a theoretical physicist myself, among other things.

    In general I agree with you, but as they say, the devil is in the details. These details I am currently working on. Every day, many hours a day.

  6. Anonymous: Someone

    Oh my God! Quotient spaces brought me unexpected joy today! Actually it is possible to describe my dreams in these terms, and it began to manifest itself. I solved the tasks from the book on quantum groups, I have an idea what to do next! I introduced morphisms, as I saw it in June this year, but then through the fog. I can't wait for January...

    But at least I'm relieved that my working methodology is bearing fruit.

    So much was invented at a time when I had no idea this approach existed. Today I can finally express my thoughts better. At least in the language of mathematics. On the other hand, it seems to me that because of this, my conversations with other people are becoming more vague and abstract...

  7. Anonymous: Someone

    The category theory is something amazing. I don't understand why physicists talk so little about it...

    This is an amazing discipline that sees gaps where they are closely guarded in worlds from other fields. Only by defining particular categories of objects do we sometimes see any further way. We no longer rely only on models, as we need a kind of meta-model.

    Category theory allows us to apply this abstract approach in a formal way. This is what is beautiful about it....

    It is downright moving...

  8. @Someone

    "(...)you want to be alone and your role in this world is a little different than most people."

    I think it's an excuse, though :-) No one is programmed by nature (or created by the Creator) to be alone.

    I think it's about knowledge and utilizing knowledge how to enter into a relationship, because there is always a chance to find some common ground on which to build a relationship with someone. Even if, that someone is not ideal for us. This is my personal belief. Whether it is true is a matter of discussion...

    "I don't know if I have a different view from you."

    I think we differ a little, though :-)

    You wrote: "You yourself recently wrote about human requirements for temporal issues such as money, age, physical attractiveness, etc. I want to avoid that. I want to be here in spirit, not in body."

    And this suggests that matter is something separate from spirit. And I see it a little differently. For me, matter is more like "frozen" and "solid" spirit.

    But as you say, it's all maybe just a matter of choice of words, and we're actually thinking the same thing :-) Those are very abstract things, often understood only deep in ourselves, and it's hard to convey in words.

    Being a theoretical physicist, you must be very intelligent and have a rich imagination, even though you probably mainly focus on mathematics. Your predisposition, certainly, allows you to have a deep spiritual life, I guess.

    I would like to share my Christmas gift with you and everyone else. Here it is:

      Thanks for this Christmas gidt. Evidently written from your heart and your personal experience.

    2. Anonymous: Someone


      I also thank you. And I wish you a peaceful, happy and joyful Christmas.

    3. Imagination can certainly put the cart before the horse to use another horse analogy. The other person can be doing not much at all even; it can almost totally be your imagination that leaves you obsessed and scarred for life (though thankfully at a much reduced intensity). You can still go on to experience amazing new things even while scarred.

    4. Thank you for the feedback. Whenever you do that, more people will pay attention. And I think they can benefit from it, If they are willing to explore it.

      ...This choice of Service To Others is what fascinates me the most, it entails such "writing from the heart." It's great that you guys see this, it looks like I'm on the right track.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Anonymous: Someone


    "If we read carefully „Inside the Criminal Mind” by Stanton E. Samenow, we learn that".

    Thank you for your recommendation.


Thank you for your comment..

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