Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Smashed by the cosmological constant

This post is an English rendering of an old post (May, 2019)  from my now abandoned Polish blog.

I have been interested in gravity since childhood. Then, as a student, I puzzled over Einstein's field equations. I shared my thoughts with my colleagues - one of them even immortalized it in a photo.

Einstein's equations of gravity

Then my interests became a bit more serious. I received a German Humboldt scholarship, during the scholarship I stayed in a hotel for scholarship holders, it was Europa Kolleg,

Europa-Kolleg Hamburg

near the DESY (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) research center in Hamburg, where I worked.

I was working on advanced gravity. In the hotel, in the same corridor, a couple of doors away, lived another grantee - a Russian. Since I knew Russian, every now and then he would invite me to his room for a discussion. On the table he would put a bottle of vodka, a loaf of bread, and we would start the discussion. The end of the discussion I usually did not remember, as well as the return to my room. I only remember that I was returning, as it were, against the laws of gravity and certainly not along the shortest (geodesic) line - as Einstein commanded.

Then I dealt with various things. For example, the basics of quantum mechanics. I wrote one book on theories of gravity and one on quantum mechanics and quantum fractals. Both books are apparently ahead of the era - no one reads them. Maybe in a hundred years.

Recently, somehow, I went from Clifford's algebras to gravity. I started thinking about antigravity and that's how I came across "bimetric theories." I began to correspond with authors of papers writing about these theories and negative masses. I wrote a short note criticizing the errors I noticed in their works. The result is that one of these authors stopped talking to me because I did not defend him in a dispute over priority with the other. However, I still have good contact with the other author. This one drew my attention to yet another theory of gravity - which seems to be becoming more and more fashionable lately . It is called unimodular gravity. This phenomenon escaped my attention, so I began to study what it was about. And I found out that it goes to the problem of the cosmological constant.

Nobel Prize-winning physicist Steven Weinberg wrote a nice review of "The cosmological constant problem." Weinberg's paper is from 1988, but is still cited as a classic. You can download it from here.

There is a small problem with this cosmological constant. We have two great theories, we (we physicists, and we humanity) are very proud of them. These are the General Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. We like to highlight their great successes. Time and again we read that quantum mechanics may be strange, may not really explain anything, but if we take the pragmatic attitude of "shut your mouth and get down to the calculus" - then quantum mechanics is never but never wrong. Similarly, the General Theory of Relativity. It predicted, as it should, the strange motion of Mercury, it predicted, as it should, the deflection of light rays by the Sun, it predicted various lensings and such, it predicted black holes, and recently a photograph of such one was even in the paper. So what is this little problem? This is what Weinberg wrote about.

When we combine the powers of these two theories together, we can calculate from here the value of the cosmological constant responsible for the observed course of expansion of our Universe. And we get the number as needed. This number obtained by using our best theories, of which we are so proud, we compared with observations. It turns out that it doesn't quite agree.

Perhaps it is for want of other crises to worry about that interest is increasingly centered on one veritable crisis: the theoretical expectations for the cosmological constant exceed observational limits by some 120 orders of magnitude.

The theory comes out with a number 10 to the power 120 times too large. How many times too big? By 10 times? 120 times? No, 1 with 120 zeros times too big. Weinberg writes that we have something to worry about. We have a CRISIS.

One of the ideas to get out of this crisis is precisely unimodular gravity. A good review paper came out not too long ago (2011), authors are Ellis and co, title: "On the trace-free Einstein equations as a viable alternative to general relativity".

That's what the newspapers say, that it's supposedly like in the picture, but what is it really like?

From this paper we learn, among other things, that from combining the forces of ordinary quantum theory and Einstein's theory of gravity, it follows that our Universe should have a diameter of 31 km:

"... one can easily compute that R = 31 km [17]. So this value drastically affects the solar system, since there would be no solar system.

It seems prudent to look for a way out."

 I'll just mention that the authors seem to show a bit of black humor here.

To lift your spirits, let me briefly say what the idea of unimodular gravity is all about. Normally, gravity is described by a 4x4 symmetric matrix of gravitational potentials - the space-time metric. These are the dynamical variables of the ordinary theory of gravity. Unimodular gravity arises when we impose constraints, i.e., when we find that not all these ten functions are independent functions. Constraints are the imposition of a condition on the determinant of a matrix, that it should have a predetermined value and that's it. For this "predetermined value" can be taken (in the chosen system of units) the value of 1 (variations then have trace zero). One , odin, uno - hence also the name "unimodular". When this is done, the cosmological constant appears only as an integration constant, not predicted by the theory, and then we can take its value as we are comfortable. In boxing, this is "evading the blow". It has its own value. Even if we lose the fight, it's only a matter of time and not right now.

It is not easy to be a physicist. In order to survive one needs black humor and faddishness. One such fad in our house is daily gymnastics, a combination of Chinese, Tibetan and Western exercises. We have our own repertoire. The picture below shows how we exercise. I myself am lying down and hiding my face in the grass on the top left. It's because of this cosmological constant.


That was in May 2019. Today I am coming back to the idea of unimodular gravity. And unstable gravity waves. Another  nice review of the subject can be found here: Unimodular conformal and projective relativity, Kaća Bradonjić, John Stachel

And here is  one of my own old attempts at proposing a new theory of gravity based on a conformal structure rather than on Riemannian metric: A Note on Conformal Field Equations. Int. J. Theor. Phys. 18, (1979) p. 107-112.

I am going to return to this subject again and again.

P.S.1. Thursday Feb. 2. 2023, 12:40: As I wrote above, it is not easy to be a physicist. This very morning I was subjected to the direct attack - the smash by an unstable gravity wave (materialized as a variable g heavy hammer). Here is the result:

This event cause a number of secondary effects. The end result being: we won the war. The office chair has been fixed. And, at the end of the day, results is all that counts.

P.S.2. My present task: t will understand every line in the paper W. Kopczyński and L.S. Woronowicz, A geometrical approach to the twistor formalism, Rep. Math. Phys. Vol 2, pp. 35-51 (1971). It is a paper of an indescribable beauty!!! 

And I will understand it at least as deep as the authors of this true pearl understood it!


  1. My spirits are lifted, this is the main niche in physics I want to see explained better. I originally found that Bradonjic and Stachel paper in a short 2 page paper of Tony's, however I actually don't like Tony's comments on the Bradonjic paper, I think he could have actually used that paper more directly in his model for reasons related to how Tony talks about spacetime hypervolume elements elsewhere on his rather massive website. Also don't like what Tony does for an 8-dim spacetime (I like your SU(4,4) much better).

    Bradonjic's way of being inspired for physics kind of reminds me of Mathilde S.

  2. Thanks John. Interesting story, indeed:

    "The story (linked below) of how I found my way to this subject says something about the ways in which our emotional lives guide our intellectual pursuits, and the power of scientific metaphor to help us make sense of the unpredictable trials of life."

    1. Also this one:
      "Over the course of three years, I produced a series of oil paintings which wed two ideas found in Plato’s philosophy. The first is his theory that non-physical, abstract ideas, or “forms,” rather than the material world we perceive, hold the highest level of reality. In his famous Allegory of the Cave, he likens our perceptions to mere shadows, and the forms to real objects casting those shadows on the wall of a cave. The perceived reality, he claims, simply mimics the ideal, ethereal forms. The second is Plato’s theory that three-dimensional solids of high spatial symmetry, also known as “Platonic solids,” constitute the fundamental elements in nature, namely fire, air, water, earth, and aether. The Platonic solids have been studied and admired for their symmetry since the inception of geometry, have been attributed mystical properties by various religious cults, and were invoked by early scientists as models of the celestial order. In addition, he held that the universe was spherical, having the highest degree of symmetry."

    2. Really beautiful:

      "Imagining the surface of each symbol as an “interface” between two people led to new questions. Our principles and values being our sides, in how many do we match with those we care for? To what extent do the surfaces through which we connect with others limit us from being our full selves? Which kinds of attachments allow one to grow, maximizing one’s volume for a given surface area, like a sphere? Is there, for each of us, someone whose sphere coincides with our own? If not, does prioritizing one’s freedom to grow imply the impossibility of having more than a point of contact with another person? Of Platonic Love series is a visual vocabulary, which, however crude and incomplete, allowed me to meditate on the vast spectrum of human attachments as the shadows of the abstract forms of love."

    3. Though I do not see any of her publications after 2015. I wonder what happened?

    4. Yeah even in this unimodular paper, they mention a future paper being worked on that will discuss the cosmological constant and trying unsuccessfully to find that is when I first found her website. Her co-author (and former advisor who might be fairly well known since he has a short Wikipedia article) is 94 years old now so maybe he had to slow down and she ended up going more in an art/teaching direction?

      It is amazing to see what some physicists are doing and thinking behind the scenes of their papers. In one sense, one might think immersed in numbers requires being bland like with accountant stereotypes but even the numbers themselves are rather amazing for physics and it makes sense if one is truly intensely into fundamental deep questions with physics, they might also be into some deep thoughts in general.

      What you are into behind the scenes was quite the shock initially and as you kind of just described, the unstable gravity shocks are apparently ramping up though you guys have kind of off and on always had attacks of some kind. Not sure everybody who seems to genuinely be yearning for the truth really wants their world turned upside down too.

    5. My guess is that it is teaching and sensitivity. One needs to be really strong to survive and to stay productive among competing career seeking and unscrupulous young male physicists.

    6. That was also a nice paper:

      It seems though that she never managed to publish it in a physics journal!

    7. In the collection
      Frontiers of Fundamental Physics and Physics Education Research, Burra G. Sidharth, Marisa Michelini, Lorenzo Santi (eds.), Springer Proceedings in Physics 145, 2014

      There is Chapter 16 written by John Stachel. We read there

      Chapter 16
      Quantum Gravity: A Heretical Vision
      John Stachel
      Abstract The goal of this work is to contribute to the development of a background-independent, non-perturbative approach to quantization of the gravitational field based on the conformal and projective structures of space-time. But first I attempt to dissipate some mystifications about the meaning of quantization, and foster an ecumenical, non-competitive approach to the problem of quantum gravity (QG), stressing the search for relations between different approaches in any overlapping regions of validity. Then I discuss some topics for further research based on the approach we call unimodular conformal and projective relativity (UCPR).

      There is also there:

      Chapter 20
      Unimodular Conformal and Projective Relativity: An Illustrated Introduction by Ka´ca Bradonji´c

      The illustrations there are not particularly creative. They do not add much to the content, if anything at all

      Abstract This is an illustrated presentation of unimodular conformal and projective relativity, a formulation of unimodular relativity in terms of four independent fields
      with clear physical and geometric interpretations: conformal structure, four-volume element measure field, projective structure, and affine one-form. We present the motivation for the formalism, physical and geometrical interpretations of the independent fields, and briefly comment on its applications and prospects for quantization.

      Nevertheless I am interested in the subject and will study the content.

    8. Yeah I think she to some extent tries to write/illustrate for someone like me but at this point those illustrations are too basic even for me because I already know to think of those things like that. Not that long known ways of picturing things aren't useful at times. I like thinking of the conformal group as its cuboctahedron root system with rotations, boosts, translations and special conformal transformations labeled with their bivector "coordinates" which makes a rotation, boost, and dilation into axes of sorts.

      Given that SL(4,R) is kind of SO(3,3) I kind of think of it as this cuboctahedron with the rotations and boosts sent to opposite wings (split-form) even though that makes no sense in a literal way though it makes more sense when SO(4,2) and SL(4,R) are seen in a Hodge Star map-like view of a Clifford algebra.

      What I really really like about the Bradonjic and Stachel paper is that it has been useful to me for the even subalgebra of Cl(8). There's obviously the scalar and pseudoscalar. The bivectors and pseudobivectors are also obviously known to be SO(8)s but the grade 4 ones aren't obviously known to be anything.

      If you kind of grade the grade 4 via the number of spacetime and internal dimensions you get 1 16 36 16 1 which could be U(1)xU(4)xU(6)xU(4)xU(1). The primitive idempotents (thank you Pertti Lounesto) are the scalar, pseudoscalar plus the Hodge star-map-like diagonals of the two U(4)s and the U(6).

      For Tony, the bivectors and pseudobivectors would be creation/annihilation operators for the bosons and grade 4 is the conformal/unimodular spacetime. I sort of think of it as bosons being placed via the bivectors and Grade 4 is sort of the local effect of bosons placed all over the universe.

      One might think a U(4) in grade 4 could house the conformal group plus a U(1) but it really looked more like a U(4) had the translations, special conformal transformations plus gluons. Clifford algebra seems to kind of throw things out to the wings like a split-form Lie group.

      The two U(1)s in the grade 4 look like not one but two 4-volumes, one for the XYZT spacetime vectors and one for xyzt internal ones. Also, the diagonal of the U(6) splits it into two copies of SL(4,R). I really like the structures of Bradonjic/Stachel but they don't do much with them and Clifford algebra does even less with them; they just literally sit there though having an extra SL(4,R) and the internal/Standard Model differential forms is interesting.

  3. Anyway, I HAVE JUST ordered this:
    Einstein's Unfinished Revolution: The Search for What Lies Beyond the Quantum Hardcover – 9 April 2019
    by Lee Smolin (Author), Kaca Bradonjic (Illustrator)

    "What lies beyond the quantum?" I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW


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