Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Trinh Xuan Thuan - "The Quantum and the Lotus" - Part III

 John Archibald Wheeler vs. Thuan

John Archibald Wheeler, the renowned American physicist, is well known for his “delayed choice experiment” and “participatory universe”. The message of Wheeler can be interpreted the way Thuan would like to see it only by someone who did not really study any discussion by the experts. In his autobiographical book “Geons, Black Holes & Quantum Foam”, Wheeler states explicitly:

Reasoning like this has made me ask whether the universe is a “self-exciting circuit” – a system whose existence and whose history are determined by measurements. By “measurement” I do not mean an observation carried out by a human-designed instrument – or by any extraterrestrial intelligence, or even by an ant or an amoeba. Life is not a necessary part of this equation. A measurement, in this context, is an irreversible act in which uncertainty collapses to certainty. It is the link between the quantum and classical worlds, the point where what might happen – multiple paths, interference patterns, spreading clouds of probability – is replaced by what does happen: some event in the classical world, whether the click of a counter, the activation of an optic nerve in someone’s eye, or just the coalescence of a glob of matter triggered by a quantum event.

Wheeler could not have said more clearly: “Life is not a necessary part of this equation.”

John Wheeler is also known for his graphic representation of “quantum reality”:

The picture is endowed with this perplexing caption: “Does looking back “now” give reality to what happened “then”?” Certainly, looking only at the picture, and not reading the text that accompanies the discussion, it is easy to make an error. But in his written text, Wheeler states it clearly:

“The eye could as well be a piece of mica. It need not be a part of an intelligent being.

Thuan Misrepresents Quantum Theory

Why is Thuan misrepresenting the state of affairs in his discussion of the implication of quantum theory? Again my guess is that the reason is that he is not expert in this domain, that’s why. But there are many experts that are around, and many papers and books written by experts. John Wheeler, who is a coauthor of several well-known advanced books, including “Gravitation Theory and GravitationalCollapse” (1965), “Einstein's Vision” (1968), “Gravitation” (1973), “Frontiers of Time” (1979), “Quantum Theory and Measurement” (1983), and who was awarded the Niels Bohr International Gold Medal in 1982, is certainly such an expert.

Of course I am taking into account the possibility that Thuan would disregard Wheeler’s expertise for political reasons – Wheeler, at least according to Encyclopedia Universalis – which, as we already know, may be true or may be not true - was rather actively engaged in the American war machine while Buddhists are, as a rule, though not always, of a peaceful nature. But if that is the case - one should not covertly mix politics and Science. Moreover, there are other experts that came to the same conclusion as Wheeler did.

Thuan Misleads His Readers About “The Observer”

To summarize this part of my argument: there is nothing in quantum theory that would force us to consider an “observer” as a necessary part of our description of the observed phenomena. There exists formalisms and interpretation in which no “observer” is necessary.

John Bell and Measurement

John Bell, a recognized expert, was explicitly criticizing even the use of the very term “measurement” in quantum theory. 

Note: As for myself, perhaps I should not call myself “an expert”, nevertheless I received Humboldt award for my work on one such alternative formulation.

He was stressing that it leads to confusion, and he was advocating a formalism that could serve as a possible alternative to the orthodox formulation of quantum theory. Thuan is misleading his readers by showing one particular interpretation of quantum theory without discussing in depth all the issues involved. I would not be surprised seeing this type of twisting in a paper by a theologian, but from a scientist I would expect a more objective presentation of the “lessons from quantum theory”.

Thuan is Confused

Now, before giving a final whistle to this subject, I would like to remind you, dear Reader, that I am writing all of this only to demonstrate how easy it is to criticize someone’s hard work – if one wants to. I am simply skipping all the good parts of Thuan’s popularizing work, and I am concentrating on selected points, those points that could be easily fixed by the Author or by a reviewer, but, for various reasons, were left far from being optimal.

After saying the above I will use as my last example – two statements in two different works of Thuan, one contradicting the other.

In “Quantum and the Lotus” Thuan explains the conversion of matter into energy. He writes:

Inversely, matter can be converted into energy – this is what makes the sun shine, for example. By converting a tiny fraction of its mass of hydrogen (0.7 percent) into light (photons), our star allows life to exist on earth.

It is logically implied in the above statement that, for Thuan, light (photons) represents energy and not matter. But in the article the story is different. Thuan writes there:

Thus, the particles we call photons and electrons, as well as all the other particles of matter ….

The reader who is paying attention to both of Thuan’s statements is justified in being confused. Are photons “matter”, or are they “energy”? Evidently Thuan’s is not able to make up his mind concerning this subject. When it is convenient to him, he considers photons as energy – when his aim is to give an example of an application of Einstein’s mass-energy conversion formula. But when his aim is different, then he calls photons “matter”.

Is physics so fuzzy indeed? It is supposed to be an exact science after all Don’t physicists know what matter is, and what is energy? Or is it only our unfortunate author, Trinh Xuan Thuan, who has a problem with definitions?

As is always the case, the fact that other authors of popular physics books (and, perhaps, even textbooks) may be similarly confused and confusing should not be an excuse for a scientist. Contradiction is contradiction. Scientists should avoid making contradictory statements, and when they make them – these contradictions should be pointed out – in the name of Science. Or so I think.

P.S.1. To demonstrate how Real Physicists approach the "dogmas" (in a dramatic contrast to Thuan, as discussed in my recent posts, let me quote from a paper by Willis E. Lamb, Jr  (Nobel Prize in Physics 1955). The paper entitled "Super Classical Quantum Mechanics:  The Interpretation of Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics " published in Zhizhan Xu  Shengwu Xie Shi -Yao Zhu  MarIan  O.  Scully (Eds.) , "Frontiers of laser Physics and Quantum Optics ", Springer 2000.

5  Historical Misunderstandings 

One of the advantages gained by our treatment is that one can forget  (and, or,  forgive?)  many  of the  fuzzy  ideas[15,16]'  that  cluttered  the  path  from Classical Mechanics to Quantum Mechanics.  These include:  Planck's theory of black  body radiation,  Einstein's photon and treatment of the photoelectric  effect  of  1905,  Bohr's  1913  quantization,  Bohr's  1918  Correspondence Principle, de Broglie's waves of 1924, Heisenberg's matrix mechanics of 1925, Schrodinger's  wave  equation  of 1925,  Dirac's  Quantum Mechanics  of 1926, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle of 1927, Bohr's Principles of Complementarity and Wave-particle Duality,  Dirac's and von Neumann's notions of the Collapse of Wave Packets, and the excessive use of Hilbert Space.  We  might have  been  spared  much of the  agony  needlessly suffered  with the Two  Slit Diffraction Pattern Paradoxes, the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradoxes,  and the  Schrodinger  Cat Paradox[17,18].  Also  unnecessary  were  Bohm's  Quantum Mechanics and Hidden Variable Theories, and Bell's Inequalities. Other variations abound in the pages of Physics Today[19]  and Physics World[20]: DH  (Decoherent Histories), with words like  "reality"  and  "non-locality", SL (Spontaneous Localization), and BQM (Bohmian Quantum Mechanics). It is widely rumored that the Editors of the Physical Review find  that papers on measurement theory are too troublesome to edit. 

Delayed Choice Experiments[21] have never been adequately discussed using any systematic theory of Quantum Mechanical Measurement.  The same can  be  said  of Quantum  Computers  and  Quantum  Cryptography[22].  The bulk of papers on these subjects lack any understanding of the intrinsic probabilistic nature of Quantum Mechanics.  Papers on teleportation are beneath contempt. 

As you can see, no sacred cow was spared in these paragraphs written by an expert scientist! Of course the public wants to believe that a least physicists will tell them the "truth". The public should forget it! The public should keep in mind what Bertrand Russell wrote:

The scepticism that I advocate amounts only to this: 

 (1) that when the experts are agreed, the opposite opinion cannot be held to be certain; 

(2) that when they are not agreed, no opinion can be regarded as certain by a non-expert; and 

(3) that when they all hold that no sufficient grounds for a positive opinion exist, the ordinary man would do well to suspend his judgement.

Sceptical Essays, Routledge 2004

It follows in particular that one should always look for the second, third, 100th expert's disclosure. Do all experts agree on a given subject? Or, perhaps, they jump to each other throats at the conferences? Relying on a journal with a reputation is not a good idea, as these journals do everything possible to avoid confrontation and to present themselves as "reliable".

Pay attention to this sentence in the above quote:

It is widely rumored that the Editors of the Physical Review find  that papers on measurement theory are too troublesome to edit. 

P.S.2. Studying now: Bernard Jancewicz, Premetric Electrodynamics (2008). 

P.S.3.  "JA, JA, JA,,,,,,, you are modest, you would never become politic...." What reminds me:

How to get rid of pride? 5 proven ways

P.S.4  Also useful to know:

P.S.5. Sunday's Special - More from Confucius:

P.S.6. Jancewicz is following Hehl and Obukhov and starts with a spacetime separated into space and time, and with a twisted  3-form J of physical dimension q (Coulombs) satisfying dJ=0. Deduces from it that J=dG, where G is the excitation two-form. The currents J is the source of "excitation" G of the "medium".  Here J is active, and G is passive. While J splits into rho and j, G splits into H (magnetic excitation) and D (electric displacement/induction). Obukhov and Hehl are somewhat more clear about physical dimensions, and how they are related to a local co-frame. According to all of them G can be in principle "measured" using "perfect conductors and superconductors", though they do not immediately explain how. No metric so far. Though I am not sure about Coulomb, because when I look at the definition of Coulomb, it involves metric, unless we declare that it is, say, 6.241509×1018 e. Perhaps Hehl and Obukhow will clarify it in their paper "Dimensions and Units in Electromagnetics" (to be read later).

Bamberg, Sternberg, "A Course in Mathematics for Students of Physics: Volume 2".Here is the content of this volume:

12  The theory of electrical networks  407
Introduction  407
12.1  Linear resistive circuits  411
12.2  The topology of one-dimensional complexes  419
12.3  Cochains and the d operator  429
12.4  Bases and dual bases  431
12.5  The Maxwell methods  433
12.6  Matrix expressions for the operators  436
12.7  Kirchhoff’s theorem  444
12.8  Steady-state circuits and filters  446
Summary  451
Exercises  451
13  The method of orthogonal projection  458
13.1  Weyl’s method of orthogonal projection  458
13.2  Kirchhoff’s method  461
13.3  Green ’ s reciprocity theorem  466
13.4  Capacitive networks  469
13.5  Boundary-value problems  474
13.6  Solution of the boundary-value problem by Weyl’s method
of orthogonal projection  477
13.7  Green’s functions  482
13.8  The Poisson kernel and random walk  485
13.9  Green’s reciprocity theorem in electrostatics  487
Summary  492
Exercises  492
14  High dimensional complexes  502
14.1  Introductory remarks  502
14.2  Dual spaces and cohomology  520
Summary  526
Exercises  526
15  Complexes situated in  532
Introduction  532
15.1  Exterior algebra  535
15.2  £-forms and the d operator  539
15.3  Integration of £-forms  54115.4  Stokes theorem  553
15.5  Differential forms and cohomology  564
Summary  574
Exercises  574
16  Electrostatics in [R3  583
16.1  From the discrete to the continuous  583
16.2  The boundary operator  585
16.3  Solid angle  586
16.4  Electric field strength and dielectric displacement  588
16.5  The dielectric cofficient  596
16.6  The star operator in Euclidean three-dimensional space  597
16.7  Green’s formulas  600
16.8  Harmonic functions  602
16.9  The method of orthogonal projection  604
16.10  Green ’ s functions  606
16.11  The Poisson integral formula  608
Summary  612
Exercises  612
17  Currents, flows and magnetostatics  615
17.1  Currents  615
17.2  Flows and vector fields  616
17.3  The interior product  621
17.4  Lie derivatives  626
17.5  Magnetism  628
Appendix: an alternative proof of the fundamental formula 
of differential calculus  633
Summary  636
Exercises  636
18  The star operator  638
18.1  Scalar products and exterior algebra  638
18.2  The star operator  641
18.3  The Dirichlet integral and the Laplacian  646
18.4  The □ operator in spacetime  651
18.5  The Clifford algebra  653
18.6  The star operator and geometry  660
18.7  The star operator and vector calculus  662
Appendix: tensor products  664
Summary  674
Exercises  674
19  Maxwell’s equations  686
19.1  The equations  686
19.2  The homogeneous wave equation in one dimension  689
19.3  The homogeneous wave equation in IR3  692
19.4  The inhomogeneous wave equation in [R3  695
19.5  The electromagnetic Lagrangian and the energy­
momentum sensor  697
19.6  Wave forms and Huyghens’ principle  700
Summary  704
Exercises  7n/l20 Complex analysis
20.1 Complex-valued functions 707
20.2 Complex-valued differential forms 709
20.3 Holomorphic functions 711
20.4 The calculus of residues 715
20.5 Applications and consequences 724
20.6 The local mapping 729
20.7 Contour integrals 735
20.8 Limits and series 740
Summary 744
Exercises 744
21 Asymptotic evaluation of integrals 750
Introduction 750
21.1 Laplace’s method 750
21.2 The method of stationary phase 755
21.3 Gaussian integrals 758
21.4 Group velocity 761
21.5 The Fourier inversion formula 762
21.6 Asymptotic evaluation of Helmholtz’ formula 764
Summary 766
Exercises 766
22 Thermodynamics 768
22.1 Caratheodory’s theorem 769
22.2 Classical thermodynamics according to Bom and
Catheodory 775
22.3 Entropy and obsolute temperature 780
22.4 Systems with one configurational variable 785
22.5 Conditions for equilibrium 796
22.6 Systems and states in statistical mechanics 800
22.7 Products and images 805
22.8 Observables, expectations and internal energy 808
22.9 Entropy 814
22.10 Equilibrium statistical mechanics 816
22.11 Quantum and classical gases 823
22.12 Determinants and traces 826
22.13 Quantum states and quantum logic 831
Summary 835
Exercises 836
Appendix 838
Further reading
Index 848


  1. Arkadiusz, I discovered you on year 2000, with that paint from René Magritte of that mountain in the sky.

    I see you are still alive, it is good.

    I wish you best.

    Javier, Madrid, España.

    1. Thank you! How nice to know that the set of people that wish me well is non-empty!
      And now, once you discovered that I am still alive, perhaps once in a while you will; write a comment related to the subjects discussed on my blog blog, so that I know that you are also ok.
      Of course you can also suggest an independent topic for discussion If it is of interest to me, i will think about it.
      Right now I am learning from scratch electromagnetics, because I realized how little I know and understand about this important topic. It is unbelievable how a professor in theoretical physics can be so undereducated in such an extremely important area!

    2. Мэтр! Вы съекономите много времени, если прежде ознакомитесь с краткой благой вестью от Ваша Соплеменника Ф.Ф.Горбацевича там есть и о магнитном поле. Учтите - он врылся в микромир до разумного основания, глубже замысловатых кварков, ароматов и прочей парфюмерии метаматики. Оспорьте этот базис или замените и поднимайтесь к прочим противоречиям - вместо просто осуществить проверку по вьетнамцу адуального мира Ритца ?

  2. Bjab -> Ark
    "Thus, the particles we call photons and electrons, as well as all the other particles of matter …."

    And did he not want the above sentence to be read as:
    "Thus, the particles we call photons (and electrons, as well as all the other particles of matter) …"


    1. Also true! Though if you burn something and then decide it was a bad decision - there is no return.

  4. that's how we got the irreversibility of time?

    "A ship in port is safe; but that is not what ships are built for" Grace Hopper

    1. That is why we should not burn things, unless absolutely necessary. Symbolic burning is allowed though.

      Nice quote about the ships.

  5. Interesting.
    I am in the process preparing a review for a potential publisher of a book about Aristotelian physics. And Laura has just received a notice that her ponerology paper is being read by:

    George Boger
    Canisius College, Philosophy, Faculty Member
    Ancient Philosophy

    Retired professor of philosophy with special focuses on Ancient Philosophy -- Aristotle's logic, Plato's and Aristotle's moral and political philosophies…

  6. Bjab -> Ark
    Thank you for the link to "A gentle introduction to the foundations of classical electrodynamics..."

    But there is a sentence: "Obviously, the velocity c and the resistance Ω0 are constants of nature".

    Apart from that there should be speed not velocity, is that sentence correct?

    c is a constant by definition - but the speed of light varies (e.g. near massive stars)?

    1. "A gentle introduction" was written in 2000, treat it as a preliminary thoughts. I moved now to its newer, more developed version "On Kottler's path: origin and evolution of the premetric program in gravity and in electrodynamics".

      There are some comments about the speed of light at the beginning, where I am now.

    2. And of course better than the "Gentle Introducion" ia Hehl and Obukhov " Foundations of Classical Electrodynamics", Charge, Flux, and metric". It is costly, but really worth having. It also has little programs in Reduce (free but powerful software).

    3. In "On Kottler's path" the authors suggest a textbook: Bamberg, Sternberg "A Course in Mathematics for Students of Physics: Volume 2". I love Sternberg!

      Just a while ago I managed to order a used copy of this book for just 10 E, including shipping. In a P.S. I added a copy of the table of content of this textbook.


Thank you for your comment..

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