Thursday, June 8, 2023

Why Algebra, Rudolf Haag?

 This is how I proceeded when I asked Rudolf Haag, one of the most prominent theoretical physicists ever to work in this domain: “why an algebra?” The answer was: “No one knows.” But later, in his monograph “Local Quantum Physics”, which was written partly because I was constantly urging him to do so, Haag was trying to avoid the term “observable” and replaced it with another term “a physical operation”. That the results of performing, two different operations, one after the other, depends on the order is intuitively clear; For instance: having a shower and then getting dressed is not the same as getting dressed and then having a shower.

But even so, as regards quantum theory, from Haag’s formulation we still do not get any clarity about “how”, “when”, and “what” or “who”is performing this operation.


Haag’s Rational Philosophy

Rudolf Haag - exactly as I remember Him.

I owe a lot to my private discussions with Rudolf Haag (mainly at DESY, Hamburg, but also at his home in Pinneberg, near Hamburg), and I have used the knowledge that he was trying to bestow upon me in my own research – as much as I have been able to. Here, in this story, up to now, I have been mainly criticizing and deconstructing, even if only briefly, the standard quantum paradigm, as the total destruction would require me to write a whole new book. But now I want to be also constructive. That is why I think it is the right time for me to present some of Haag’s rational philosophy, and to point out which parts of this philosophy I developed into a “physical theory” – which I called “Event Enhanced Quantum Theory”, fondly known in my house as: EEQT.

As you will see, the philosophy of Rudolf Haag seriously puts into question the authoritarian version of quantum theory that is being propagated through the endless publications of the “mainstream” authors. I will base my exposition on Haag's one representative 1997 paper: “Objects, Events and Localization1.

1In Ph. Blanchard and A. Jadczyk (Eds.), “Quantum Future: From Volta and Como to the Present and Beyond”, Springer, 1999

To be continued...

P.S.1 My wife likes this... so this is for her.  

Roberta Flack - First Time Ever I Saw Your Face 1972
During her early teens, Flack excelled at classical piano and Howard University awarded her a full music scholarship. By age 15, she entered Howard University, making her one of the youngest students ever to enroll there. She eventually changed her major from piano to voice and became an assistant conductor of the university choir. Her direction of a production of Aida received a standing ovation from the Howard University faculty. Lyrics.

P.S.2. I am steadily learning more and more about the properties of the aether. Found this interesting 65 pages long paper

G. F. Rubilar
Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 11 (2002) 10–11, 717 – 782

And, lo and behold, in the references section I am finding my own very short paper 

[30] C. Itzykson and J.-B. Zuber, Quantum field theory, McGraw Hill, New York (1985).
[31] A. Z. Jadczyk, Electromagnetic permeability of the vacuum and light-cone structure, Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci., Ser. Sci. Phys. Astron. 27 (1979) 91–94.
[32] G. R. Kalbfleisch et al., Improved experimental limits on the production of magnetic monopoles, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 (2000) 5292–5295.

written after discussions with Haag, Kastler and Singer in Ellmau, Tyrol, Austria :

Ellmau. Of course we were having walks while there, 
and in the evening we were drinking beer
listening to the Gypsy music.

P.S.3. Reading John DeSouza, "The Extra-Dimensionals"

 And there:

"One of these is the fact that the medium of all physical existence is not really matter,  space  and  time—it  is  consciousness.  Matter,  space  and  time  are merely after-effects of consciousness. Once we accept this as inviolable truth, then it leads to all manner of previously unthinkable concepts."

P.S.4. Found in 

Nathaniel P. Brown and Naratuka Ozawa, "C*-Algebras and Finite-Dimensional Approximations",  AMS 2008

"1.4. Double duals 

The Banach space double dual of a C*-algebra A is a wild beast; it should be approached with humility, even trepidity. "

P.S.5.Found in Jean-Pierre Petit, The forgotten symmetry

P.S.6.Found in Jean-Pierre Petit, The forgotten symmetry p.145
A sanctuary of science that God seems to have given up visiting.  

P.S.7.Found in Jean-Pierre Petit, The forgotten symmetry p. 157

So, we have the orientation double cover here!

P.S.8. Reading now:

Debergh Nathalie, Jean-Pierre Petit, D'Agostini Gilles

On evidence for negative energies and masses in the Dirac equation through a unitary time-reversal operator

J. Phys. Commun. 2 115012 (2018)


We review the standards of relativistic quantum mechanics such as the Dirac equation under the concept of negative masses. We show that negative energies are acceptable provided the masses are simultaneously negative. Negative energy and mass anti fermions are obtained from positive energy and mass fermions through a unitary PT transformation.

P.S.9. Next in the same line S. Hossenfelder, Bimetric theory with exchange symmetry, PHYSICAL REVIEW D 78, 044015 (2008)


We propose an extension of general relativity with two different metrics. To each metric we define a Levi-Cevita` connection and a curvature tensor. We then consider two types of fields, each of which moves according to one of the metrics and its connection. To obtain the field equations for the second metric we impose an exchange symmetry on the action. As a consequence of this ansatz, additional source terms for Einstein’s field equations are generated. We discuss the properties of these additional fields, and consider the examples of the Schwarzschild solution, and the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric.

And also this: 2021-mai-Message a Hossenfelder

In a private correspondence at that time Sabine H. got mad at me assuming that I am supporting JPP. JPP got mad at me because I was pointing out to him inadequacies of his accusations.

P.S.10 Another good find of today:

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said Fox News barred content that reflected negatively on vaccines to appease its big-money advertisers in the pharmaceutical industry.

During a June 5 Twitter Spaces interview with the platform’s owner, Elon Musk, Kennedy disclosed that he approached former Fox News CEO Roger Ailes in 2016 about doing a story on the mercury content in vaccines but was shut down.

“He said that any of his hosts who allowed me on TV to talk about this, that he would be forced to fire them,” Kennedy recalled. “And he said that 75 percent of his advertising revenues for the nightly news shows were at that point coming from pharma.”

P.S.11. To the reading list F Henry-Couannier,  Discrete symmetries and general relativity, the dark side of gravity


The parity, time reversal and space/time exchange invariant actions, equations and their conjugate metric solutions are obtained in the context of a general relativistic model modified in order to take into account discrete symmetries. The equations are not covariant and the PPN formalism breaksdown however the new Schwarzschild metric solution in vacuum only starts to differ from that of General Relativity at the Post-Post-Newtonian order for a source at rest relative to the CMB. Preferred frame gravitomagnetic effects well above expectations in the PPN formalism and within the accuracy of the Gravity Probe B experiment are predicted. No coordinate singularity (black hole) arises in the privileged frame where the energy of gravity is found to vanish. The context is very promising to help the cancelation of vacuum energies as gravitational sources. A flat universe accelerated expansion phase is obtained without resorting to inflation nor a cosmological constant and the Big-Bang singularity is avoided. The Pioneer anomalous blue-shift is a natural outcome. The context is also promising to help us elucidate several outstanding enigmas such as flat galactic rotation curves or the universe voids. A wave solution is obtained leading to the same binary pulsar decay rate as observed and predicted in GR.

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