Friday, September 27, 2024

Decoding the Spin of Electrons: A Beginner’s Guide to Quantum Mechanics

 What Exactly is Spin?

Let's talk about spin. When we think of an electron, proton, or other elementary particles, we often imagine them somehow “spinning.” But what exactly is spinning, and how it works – we don't know for sure.

In classical physics, spinning objects have something called angular momentum. The faster they spin, the greater the angular momentum. Similarly, the heavier the object, the greater its angular momentum. Electrons and protons have something like "intrinsic angular momentum", which we call "spin". However, the value of this spin isn't just any number – it takes discrete values, multiples of half the Planck constant.

I consider it as quite possible that if we can one day fully understand what spin is, we might unlock the entire mystery of quantum mechanics. 

It is quite possible that if we can one day fully understand what spin is, we might unlock the entire mystery of quantum mechanics. 

For now, though, we have to be content with its mathematical description – which, unfortunately, is not quite the same as understanding the essence of the phenomenon.

Understanding Electron Spin

So, let’s dive into the mathematical description of electron spin, and I’ll try to make it a bit more accessible. An electron's spin is equal to half of a Planck constant. This is why we say the electron has a spin of ½.

In experiments, we can align the electron's spin axis in a specific direction, for example, upwards along the z-axis. This alignment defines the spin state, but it doesn’t fully describe the state vector. In quantum mechanics, we make a distinction between states and state vectors.

  • State: What we observe.
  • State Vector: Information that includes both what we see and what is invisible, yet still necessary.

A Model for Spin: Visible and Invisible Wheels

Can we visualize this? Maybe. But let’s remember, models can be misleading. What I propose is simply a mental tool – it might help, but it could also lead us astray.

Imagine an electron as a blue cog with a visible mark. The position of this mark in relation to an external coordinate system represents the electron's state – what we can directly control. However, alongside this visible cog, there’s an invisible gray cog, also marked. This cog is hidden from our view but plays a crucial role.

The Internal Phase

To fully describe the state vector of the electron, we not only need to know the position of the visible mark, but also the angle it makes with the mark on the invisible cog. Let’s call this angle the internal phase.

  • Knowing the state (the position of the visible mark) is important.
  • But we also need to know the internal phase, the relationship between the visible and invisible marks.

Now, let’s make this more interesting.

A 720-Degree Rotation

Imagine the gray, invisible cog is twice the size of the blue, visible one. If you rotate the blue cog 360 degrees, the gray cog only rotates by 180 degrees. To return both cogs to their original alignment, you would need to rotate the blue cog a full 720 degrees.

Think of it like this:

A More Detailed Model

For those of you following closely, I need to add a bit of complexity. My earlier analogy of two cogs is a bit too simple. Ideally, I should color the gray cog (instead of keeping it plain) to emphasize that the internal phase is relative and subjective. One person might define the "zero" phase when the marks align; another might choose red or green as the reference point. The key idea is that it takes a full 720-degree rotation of the visible cog for both to return to their original states.

Exploring Other Models

This model is just one of many. There are also examples in the literature involving cubes tied together with strings, or twisted strips resembling Möbius bands. However, I prefer my cog analogy – it’s simple and relatable. But again, it's a rough analogy. There’s something happening with the topology of space within the electron itself. It’s as if the electron “screws” itself into space when we rotate it.

Think of it like this: part of the electron exists in our space, while another part is in a sort of “anti-space,” where time flows in the opposite direction, some topologically twisted Einstein-Rosen bridge. When you rotate the electron by 360 degrees, part of it moves into anti-space, and vice versa. To return everything to the initial state, you need to rotate it another 360 degrees. It’s fascinating, but we’re far from fully understanding this yet.

The Spin State on a Sphere

Now that we've explored the analogy, let’s focus on the mathematical representation. We can describe the electron (the “visible” part) as a point on a unit radius sphere in three-dimensional space (x, y, z). This point indicates the spin direction. It can be described by using:

  • Latitude and longitude, or
  • Cartesian coordinates (nx, ny, nz) of a vector n of length 1.

Here’s the basic relationship:

nx2+ny2+nz= 1

The conversion between spherical and Cartesian coordinates follows these formulas:

  • nsin(ϕcos(θ)
  • nsin(ϕsin(θ)
  • ncos(ϕ)

In this model, ϕ (latitude) ranges from 0 to Pi, andθ (longitude) ranges from 0 to 2 Pi. At the poles (where phi = 0 or Pi), theta is undefined, but we often just assign it a value of zero for convenience.

Wrapping It Up

To summarize: the spin state (the visible part) is a point on the sphere that indicates the direction of the electron’s spin axis. Think of this spin axis as an arrow rather than a simple straight line.

In future posts, we’ll dive deeper into the concept of the state vector, its mathematical representation, and its relationship to the spin state. We’ll also explore how to project from four-dimensional space to three-dimensional space, allowing us to visualize the invisible internal phase, which, while not directly observable, plays a vital role in understanding the electron’s behavior.

What's Next?

In the upcoming posts, expect more formulas and visual aids as we continue unraveling the mysteries of quantum mechanics. 

Will we discover new insights? Only time will tell. But one thing is for sure – the journey is just beginning.


  1. Strange equations under "relationship:" and under "formulas:"

    1. Indeed I've messed up. Fixed. Should be correct now. Thank you!

  2. "The faster they spin, the greater the torque."

    Is this the slang of French mathematicians?
    (torque vs. angular momentum)

    1. The torque word was a very bad choice. Fixed. Thanks again.

  3. "In experiments, we can align the electron's spin axis in a specific direction, for example, upwards along the z-axis."

    I don't understand the above sentence.

    1. I mean it is in principle possible to manipulate the direction of the spin, as it is discussed here:

    2. The electron doesn't seem to have anything like a spin axis - it has got spinning axis.

    3. For me spin axis and spinning axis are the same. If they are not the same, what would be the difference?

    4. Spinning axes is a feature of the electron. Spin axes is a feature of a measuring instrument.

      If for example spin axis of a measuring instrument is z then we can measure if electron's spinning axis before (and after) the measurement was (and is) in upper or lower hemisphere.

    5. Correction: was (and is) directed in upper or lower hemisphere.

    6. Well, I wrote "electron's spin axis", so it is clear what I mean here is the feature of the electron. The measuring instrument does not have to have any "spin axis". Perhaps electric and magnetic fields involve some spin (electromagnetic field is considered to have spin 1), but the instrument itself is not usually spinning as a whole.

    7. We must distinguish the electron's spinning axis (feature of electron) from the "spin axis" meaning the axis of the device in the direction of which we measure spin. Otherwise we won't know what we're talking about.

    8. In the future I will use "electron's spin direction", which is the standard terminology. I will avoid the term "spinning", since we do not know yet if anything is indeed "spinning". We do not have yet a definite answer to this question.

    9. I probably don't need to mention that the spinning axis usually has a different direction than spin axis.

    10. Well, if you want to use the standard nomenclature and get into trouble (not distinguishing between different features), then there's nothing I can do about it.

    11. Perhaps it will be better to wait with this discussion until I will discuss the problem of "measuring" electron's spin direction. So far there is no way of "determining" this direction, but there are methods of forcing the electron to "get" a given direction - at least theoretically.

    12. And in my own model theory, when we really try to "determine" electron's spin direction, the electron gets very upset and behaves crazy and unpredictable.

    13. "Electrons and protons have something like angular momentum, which we call spin. However, the value of this spin isn't just any number – it takes discrete values, multiples of half the Planck constant."

      Electrons angular momentum (with its axis of spinning) is not a spin (with measuring instruments spin axis).

    14. Thanks. To avoid misunderstandings I changed this sentence adding quotation marks and the word "intrinsic".

    15. That doesn't settle the matter. I'm not addressing the issue of orbital angular momentum at all.

    16. But now it is clear that I am introducing my own terminology. And I will do my best to be consequent, though I will not promise to never change it. I am open to changes in the future.

    17. But you are already inconsistent, because you write that spin has a value of 1/2 and yet electron's spinning value (along spinning axis (which you strangely call electron's spin axis)) is grater.

    18. "yet electron's spinning value (along spinning axis (which you strangely call electron's spin axis)) is grater."


      Who says so?

    19. The component (one of the orthogonal ones) is less than (or equal to) the original value.

    20. True, but measuring the spin is not by determining its components. I will discuss "measurements" much later.
      There may be some confusion in my mentioning of the "unit sphere". It is the unit sphere in the space of spin directions - a convenient tool. Spin value is something different - it is an eigenvalue of the operator representing spin measurement in a given direction. Electron's spin is coded in the eigenvector. Measuring instrument is coded in an operator (2x2 Hermitian matrix with eigenvalues plus or minus one half of the Planck constant hbar in this case).

  4. Spin is the effect of the fourth spatial dimension.

    1. Perhaps, but the devil is in details... Where can I find these details?

    2. Rumer, for instance, added the fourth space dimension, but later he abandoned his idea when he realized that for many particles, each particle has to have its own extra space dimension.

    3. Arkadiusz, this follows from the group-theoretic description of the periodic law. I hope that in the near future I will be able to publish the details

  5. Варламов прав только отчасти. Действительно, спин это эффект четвёртого измерения, но не пространственного, а временного. Я имею в виду, что хотя точечно-подобный электрон и не может вращаться в евклидовом пространстве, он может вращаться в компактифицированном пространстве Минковского. Под компактифицированным пространство Минковского я понимаю пространство Минковского, все псевдоевклидовы плоскости, которого компактифицированны с помощью факторизации изотропных прямых. Одну изотропную прямую не трогаем, а вторую скручиваем восьмёркой и натягиваем на окружность. Тогда спин электрона это вероятностная суперпозиция вращений по восьмёркам скрученных плоскостей (x,t), (y,t), (z,t).

  6. The Dirac equation for handling spin-1/2 fermions has conformal symmetry which has a 4 space-like and 2 time-like signature. For an 8-dim spacetime there would be 8 spin component directions which can be handled by an 8-dim Clifford/geometric algebra.

  7. Не стоит все симметри валить в одну кучу. Для спина достаточно пространственн-временных симметрий. А вот само 4-мерное пространство-время выделяется топологией гиперсферы (R^4 × S^3), которая формируется вакуумным векторным полем в 8-мерном пространстве.

  8. "The Dirac equation for handling spin-1/2 fermions has conformal symmetry which has a 4 space-like and 2 time-like signature."
    В то же время алгебра Дирака изоморфна алгебре векторных полей 8-мерного пространства с нейтральной метрикой.

    А вообще, своими комментариями мы, наверно, только сбиваем автора этой статьи от развития его представлений о спине электрона.

    1. No, these comments do not disturb me. Simply I wish I would be able to split myself into a dozen of parallel processing units, as I do not have time to do all what I should do, and do it fast.
      A physics journal asked me to review a submitted article about photon's position operators. I looked at the paper and could not understand its logic. So I contacted the author and we are discussing the issues right now. Reviewing as a rule is done without revealing to the author the reviewer's identity, but I do not mind my identity to be known to the author. It is more efficient and it avoids the trap of reviewer's bias. Such a reviewing process takes of course much more time than simply writing a short report and checking the box "good, bad, average, excellent", "publish, reject,...".
      Than I have my own paper that needs to be finished, and desperately so. And I have all these other papers to read, about nature of things, periodic tables, three dimensional time, turbulent Lorentz aether, Einstein's Relativity, etc.
      And then I also need to find time to write these posts, and do it on a regular basis, as it helps to keep self-discipline.
      So, Igor, you can't disturb the storm by throwing a few stones in the waters. Just the opposite, you are helping the hurricane to navigate in interesting directions.

  9. Не менее удивительная вещь это спин (поляризация) фотона. Даже если представить, что это компактный объект (имеющий геометрию окружности) в пространстве R^3 x S^1, то непонятно почему в случае поступательного движения по цилиндру (z,\phi) он обязательно будет вращаться с определённой вероятностью или в цилиндре (x,\phi) или в цилиндре (y,\phi), где плоскость (x,y) ортогональна оси z


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The Spin Chronicles (Part 3): Spin frames

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