Thursday, December 26, 2024

Spin Chronicles Part 29: Don't be cruel

 Every good story deserves a happy ending. After all, nobody wants to be left with frustration—especially during the holidays! So, on this cheerful Christmas Day, I bring you the happy conclusion to the journey we embarked on in Part 28

Happy conclusion

If you recall, I ended that post with a bit of a cliffhanger:

It would be cruel of me to ask the Reader, on Sunday, two days before Christmas Eve,  to prove that, in fact, we have

R(A) = L(A)',

L(A) = R(A)'.

So, I leave the proof for the next post. But, perhaps it is not so cruel to ask the following

Exercise 5. Show that L(A)∩R(A) = C, where C denotes here the algebra of cI, where c is a complex number and I is the identity matrix.

Now, I must confess—despite my best intentions, I may have accidentally channeled a little too much academic spirit right before the holidays. As Elvis Presley, a favorite in our home, would croon, “Don’t be cruel.” But cruel I was, unintentionally!

Thankfully, Saša rose to the challenge with some impressive attempts to crack the commutator identities. In mathematics, as in life, there’s often more than one way to reach the truth, and this case is no exception. Today, we’ll use some “baby tools” to tackle this “baby theorem,” leaving the more advanced approaches to grown-up textbooks like A.W. Knapp's Advanced Algebra (see Lemma 2.45).

Lemma 2.45. Let B be a finite-dimensional simple algebra over a field F, and
write V for the algebra B considered as a vector space. For b in B and v in V ,
define members l(b) and r(b) of EndF (V ) by l(b)v = bv and r(b)v = vb. Then
the centralizer in EndF (V ) of l(B) is r(B).

So, let’s unwrap this mathematical gift and bring our story to a festive close!

I used the term "commutant" instead of "centralizer". From what I know those dealing with infinite-dimensional algebra (C* and von Neumann) use the term "commutant", those who deal mainly with finite-dimensional cases (pure algebra, no topology)  use the term "centralizer". The proof in the advanced algebra book is not that "instant" and uses previous lemmas. Here is a simple proof that I have produced for our baby case.

Proof  (of R(A) = L(A)')

We already know that R(A) ⊂ L(A)', therefore it is enough to show that L(A)' ⊂ R(A). So, let X be an operator in End(A), and assume that X commutes with L(u) for all u in A. We want to show that then X is necessarily in R(A). I will use Latin indices Wm,n,... instead of μ, ν as in the previous post. We know that X = xmn LmRn.  Let us write L(u) = upLp. Then [X,L(u)]=0 reads as

0 = upxmn [ Lp, Lm ] Rn.

We used the fact that L's and R's commute.

Now, what do we know about the commutators  Lp, Lm ]? We know that L is a representation of A in End(A). We have defined Lp as L(ep), where ei (i=1,2,3) is an orthonormal basis in V, and e4=1. Since L is a representation, we have

[Lp,Lm]= L( [ep,em]).

Exercise 1. Make sure that you really know why is it so. Since er form a basis in A, the commutator
[ep,em] is a linear combination of er. We write it as

[ep,em] = cpmr er.

The constants are called the structure constants of the Lie algebra. Now,

L([ep,em]) = cpmr L(er) = cpmr Lr.


0 =  cpmr upxmn Lr Rn

for all u.

What do we know about the structure constants cpmr ? If p or m = 4, the structure constants are 0, because e4=1 commutes with every other basis vector. Thus the sums over p and m run, in fact, only through j,k = 1,2,3. On the other hand e1e2= - e2e1 = ie3 etc.  Thus [e1,e2] = 2ie3 etc. While [e1,e1]=[e2,e2]=[e3,e3]=0.Therefore

[ej,ek] = 2i εjkl el.

So, we have

0 =  2i εpmr upxmn Lr Rn

where p,m,r run only through 1,2,3. We know that LrRn are linearly independent, therefore
εpmr upxmn = 0. And this is true for any u, therefore

0 = εpmrxmn ,

for all p,r = 1,2,3. To show that, for instance, x1n =0, we choose p=2,r=3. We deduce this way  that xmn=0 for m=1,2,3. The only possibly non-vanishing xmn are x4n. They stand in front of L4Rn . But L4 is the identity. QED.

So, we are done. It was technical, but rather straightforward, and not scary at all - once you overcome the fear of flying!

I used the term "representation". Anna used it too in the comment under the previous post, when talking about the scary Shur's lemma. So, here comes the exercise that should help in overcoming the fear of flying:

Overcoming the fear of flying

Exercise 2: Is the representation L reducible or irreducible?

Exercise 3. Let ✶ denote the map from A to A defined by ✶(u) = u*. Then ✶ is real-linear, but complex anti-linear. Thus it is not an element of End(A), because by End(A) we have denoted the algebra of complex linear operators on A. Show that

L(u) = ✶∘R(u*)∘✶

Hint: don't be scared of flying. First try to understand what it is that you are supposed to prove. It only looks scary. 

P.S. 27-12.24 10:09 In a comment to Part 28 Anna asked for an explanation why the matrices  Rm are transposed to Lm?(Exercise 3),  One way to answer this question is by calculating them explicitly. But there is a way to see it without calculating explicitly. Suppose we accept the already discussed property that L and R matrices are Hermitian. Then we start with the defining relation for (Lm)rn:

Lmen = er (Lm)rn

emen = er (Lm)rn.

We apply * to both sides. * is anti-linear, and (em)* = em. On the left we get

(emen )* = enem = Rmen = er(Rm)rn.

On the right we get

er cc((Lm)rn),

where cc stands for complex conjugate. Comparing both sides we get

Rm = cc(Lm).

But Lm is Hermitian (conjugate transposed) , thus, for  Lm, cc is the same as transposed (why is it so?).

P.S. 29-12-24 8:07 This morning received the following email:

Dear Dr. Arkadiusz Jadczyk,

We are pleased to inform you about a recent citation to the following papers you have authored or co-authored.

Your paper:
was recently cited in:

As of today, the paper received 1556 views and 256 downloads. For more article metrics, see:

Although in the meantime I have almost forgotten about photon's localization problem, the phrase "light as foundation of being" is still in my mind. So, it is a good news.

P.S. 29-12-24 10:57 Anna, in her comment, mentioned the idea, supported by neuro-science research, that deep metaphysical questions exercise the most ancient parts of our brains. One such questions appeared in the comments to this blog: are we predetermined, or, perhaps, we are endowed with (necessarily limited) "free will"? How can we answer this question? I am applying my most ancient part, and I am reasoning, using it, as follows.

Whether we are predetermined or not, there are FACTS. One such fact is that we have senses, that these senses are limited, and we have brains, rather small compared to the size and complexity of the Universe. Thus our knowledge is limited, and our understanding is even more limited. There are many facts that we know about, but we do not understand them. Since our knowledge is limited, all conclusions are questionable. We can't really be sure of anything. What we know is the tip of an iceberg. So, how can we adhere to the conclusion that we are necessarily "predetermined". Such an idea is irrational. Of course someone may happen to be predetermined to hold to irrational ideas. But I choose to be rational, therefore open-minded. That is what my ancient part of my brain tells me. The newer part can find no fault in that kind of old-brain thinking.


  1. The representation L is irreducible because the algebra A is a simple algebra, and L acts on the A according to its structure, with no possibility of decomposition into smaller parts.

    1. What does "simple algebra" mean, as our Cl(V), that is A, does not look so simple to me, but a rather complex and rich in sort of additional structures? And how does that simpleness coupled with L acting according to its structure (what does that mean in our context?) on it, lead to L not being possible to decompose into smaller parts?

    2. A “simple algebra” is one with no nontrivial ideals and a trivial center (elements commuting with all others are scalar multiples of the identity). Although A=Cl(V) appears rich in additional structures (basis, involution, scalar product), these do not contradict its simplicity. The simplicity ensures that A cannot be decomposed into smaller invariant subspaces under left multiplication L(u), as any such subspace would correspond to an ideal in A. This directly implies L is irreducible, preserving the structure of A without decomposition. And it seems to me that this is how it appears in the case of A, if I understand the definition correctly.

    3. Thank you for the explanation.
      As we haven't yet touched in real sense the concepts of ideals and center, neither trivial nor nontrivial, through this series of posts here, if my memory serves me well, it appears on the first glance like somebody brought heavy artillery to our little learning ground, but it's managable and adaptable.

      So, even if we switched from 8 dimensional real algebra to 4 dimensional complex one, with a help of recognizing relationships to quaternions or biquaternions, does not change the "simplicity" of our algebra at hands?

    4. @Saša "As we haven't yet touched in real sense the concepts of ideals "
      We will get there soon. Right now we are waiting for Anna to show up with her Shur's lemma.

    5. @Saša

      Thank you for your insight! When we move from the real to the complex case, the algebra effectively transforms its representation (e.g., quaternions to biquaternions), but the fundamental property of having no nontrivial ideals remains unchanged.

      You can take a look here:

    6. Thank you.

      As a friend would say: patience, perseverance and rational use of energy.

    7. @Saša Anna is still chewing on Part 28. I do not want to get any further until she is 100% happy.

    8. @Ark, thank you for your care, sincerely, but i thought i could feel free and keep chewing on any place i prefer. You should not wait for me, under no circumstances! This would be the most scaring thing for me! I am absolutely happy already as i can take part in adventures in the company of professionals. This is more than i could dreamed of, indeed.

    9. Not so easy Anna! I will wait until you get rid of your fear of Shur's Lemma and do Exercise 2 of this post!

    10. Don't worry about ideals now. They have NOTHING to do with Exercise 2. Just read the exercise and do it.

    11. How can i know whether L(A) is reducible or not... Up to now we have been studying the structure of End(A), not L(A). If i try to apply the Schur's lemma, then, on the one hand, i can admit that L(A) and R(A) are both irreps with only the unity element commuting with them both. While, on the other hand, presuming that L(A) is irrep and so is R(A), and knowing that they commute with each other, i.e., with 'all irreps', they can be only unity (by the Schur's lemma). But they are not unity and hence, they have to be reducible.

    12. " But they are not unity and hence, they have to be reducible."
      You got it Anna!

    13. All we need is that L(A) is contained in R(A)' and R(A) is contained in L(A)'. Thus both commutants is nontrivial, thus both are equally reducible. Your beloved Shur's lemma at work!

    14. Nice!!!
      Wasn't expecting such an answer, but it surely makes perfect sense.
      Great job Anna!

    15. These L and R will come to my dream tonight :)
      We did not learn such things when i was a student (only theorists did), that is why i am so slow with it. Still, need to get used to this logic.

    16. Even if some tools are new to youm you have a very good and reliable intuition.
      The more questions you will ask, the better my blog will be, for all readers.

    17. Intuition in scientific research may be even more reliable than we think. My friend neuroscientist wrote an intriguing book, the main idea is the following: the more abstract, deep, and complex a problem is that we are thinking about, the older parts of our brains are involved (not the youngest, as is commonly believed). I asked her if we could then say that, in the extreme metaphysical realm, the most ancient instincts of our body are involved? She said yes.

    18. Most interesting. You will then have to apply your most ancient instincts, as we are going to visit the extreme metaphysical realm - that is at least my plan.

    19. A breathtaking plan. Engaging the whole body rather than only one's brain is the main principle of yoga, that is how i've got to know it.

    20. @Saša, thank you very much for your inspiring words yesterday! Support of colleagues is the most important.

    21. You're most welcome. I also appreciate your encouraging comments and creative insights, your contributions bring valuable things to our shared table. Thank you.

  2. Since er form a basis in A -> Since e^r form a basis in A

  3. "Exercise 3. Let ✶ denote the map from A to A defined by ✶(u) = u*. Then ✶ is real-linear, but complex anti-linear. Thus it is not an element of End(A), because by End(A) we have denoted the algebra of complex linear operators on A. Show that

    L(u) = ✶∘R(u*)∘✶"

    We want to show that the left multiplication operator L(u) defined as:
    L(u)v=uv for u,v ∈ A
    is equivalent to the operator resulting from the composition:

    So we take the right side: ✶∘R(u^∗)∘✶(v) and we want to check if this will be the same as L(u)v.

    From definition we have that: ✶(v) = v* (This works for u, so also for v).

    R(u*)(v*) = (v*)(u*)
    ✶(v*)(u*) = (v*)(u*)*
    (v*)(u*)* = uv (from properties of involution).

    And this is exactly the definition of L(u)v, so I guess that was the point.

  4. An idea occurred to me. This idea suggests a mathematical framework that extends algebraic structures with anti-linear operators to model dynamic processes of consciousness, inspired by the work of Król and Schumann: J. Król and A. Schumann, The formal layer of {brain and mind} and emerging consciousness in physical systems, “Foundations of Science”, 2023. [Online]. Available:

    Let A represent an algebraic structure with elements u ∈ A and an anti-linear operator ⋆:A→A The development focuses on incorporating dynamic transformations that align with their model of layered structures in spacetime and consciousness.
    The first step is defining the representation space of A as a collection of models M in Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory (ZFC). These models can represent localised "conscious states" or "perspectives" within the broader system, analogous to the ZFC-inhomogeneous systems described by Król and Schumann.

    Next, the anti-linear operator ⋆ is extended to a time-dependent operator ⋆t(u) = e^{iλt}u^∗ where t symbolises the evolution of time within the structure. This extension introduces a dynamic element to the operator, capturing temporal changes in states of consciousness.

    The operator L(u)=⋆t∘R(u^∗) is then analysed as a dynamic relation between different "states of consciousness." Here, R(u^*) represents a right multiplication operator, and the composition with ⋆_t introduces a symmetry transformation tied to time evolution. This dynamic operator can be interpreted as a formal representation of how states within a conscious system interact and transform over time, reflecting the relational and layered nature of consciousness as posited by Król and Schumann.

    This framework aligns with their idea of consciousness as emerging from interactions within formal systems, where models interact dynamically with external stimuli and each other. By incorporating time-dependent anti-linear operators, this approach bridges abstract algebraic structures and the temporal dynamics crucial to understanding consciousness.

    This could be interesting as the start of something good. Although it is not enough yet, but these algebras are quite inspiring...

    1. Well, to have a common ground for a discussion, how do you define consciousness for starters?

    2. Ah, this is a very hard question! This is one of the most important questions in my life, and perhaps even the most important.

      Consciousness is a profound and enigmatic phenomenon often defined as the subjective experience of being aware, encompassing what Thomas Nagel described as “what it is like” to experience something. This qualitative nature of phenomena, such as perception, thought, and emotion, challenges reductionist approaches. The “hard problem” of consciousness, as articulated by David Chalmers, probes why and how subjective experiences arise from physical processes (I think this problem is not fully well posed, due to the fact that it implies as if consciousness is secondary to physicalism, and I think this is not the case), revealing a persistent explanatory gap that remains unresolved. Attempts to address this issue span diverse frameworks, including quantum mechanics, panpsychism, and mathematical modelling, each offering insights yet grappling with limitations.

      Quantum mechanics has inspired numerous theories attempting to link physical reality with consciousness. Eugene Wigner proposed that consciousness collapses the wavefunction, suggesting that observation by a conscious agent resolves quantum indeterminacies. While revolutionary, this idea has been criticised for introducing dualism without providing a clear mechanism for interaction between mind and matter. Similarly, Penrose and Hameroff’s Orch-OR theory ties consciousness to quantum coherence in neural microtubules, with gravitationally induced collapse serving as the mechanism for transitioning quantum potentialities into conscious states. Although this model intriguingly connects quantum mechanics with neural substrates, it has faced significant challenges due to the rapid decoherence times in biological systems, as highlighted by critics such as Max Tegmark and Christof Koch.

      Irwin’s self-simulation hypothesis shifts the discourse toward panpsychism and informational paradigms. This model envisions the universe as a self-referential system where consciousness is both the origin and the product of recursive informational processes. By leveraging principles of efficient language, it proposes that reality optimally organises itself through nested hierarchies of information. While conceptually provocative, the hypothesis remains speculative - there is a lack of empirical possibilities to validate it.

      Panpsychism broadly posits that consciousness is a fundamental property of matter, present in all entities to varying degrees. This perspective resonates with traditional Neoplatonic views, which conceive of reality as a hierarchical emanation from a singular, unifying principle. Such metaphysical frameworks align with the dual-aspect monism explored by Król and Schumann, who employ set-theoretic and mathematical tools to model consciousness as an interplay of layered structures within spacetime. Their use of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory to describe consciousness as a multiscalar phenomenon highlights the potential of formal systems to capture the relational and structural aspects of conscioussness.

      To be continued...

    3. Continuation:

      A notable trend in consciousness studies is the move from biologically rooted approaches toward abstract mathematical and categorical models. Category theory, particularly its focus on relational structures and quotient categories could be - in my opinion - a promising framework for understanding the emergent and interdependent properties of consciousness. Topos theory, with its ability to unify geometric and logical perspectives, offers a robust mathematical language for exploring the interplay between consciousness, time, and fundamental physical laws. Some researchers propose that these abstract tools could provide the basis for describing how consciousness interacts with temporal and gravitational phenomena, connecting it to theories of spacetime and quantum gravity.

      Ultimately, while quantum mechanics, panpsychism, and mathematical models each illuminate different facets of consciousness, they face significant challenges in addressing its full complexity. The abstraction inherent in mathematical frameworks, such as category theory and topoi, hints at promising directions for integrating disparate insights. These approaches suggest that consciousness may be deeply tied to the relational structure of reality itself, potentially involving interactions between time, gravity, and informational hierarchies. However, the elusive nature of subjective experience and the difficulty of empirical validation underscore the need for interdisciplinary collaboration to further advance this field.

      In my private opinion, the way to explain consciousness is through very abstract mathematics, the kind that Polish researcher Michał Heller calls mathematics with a capital “M.” These are very complicated structures, and at a certain level almost everything becomes blurred. Just as algebra has some connection to physical reality, some of these structures are actually completely outside the known world and outside intuition...

      Relational and categorical approaches also have their dark sides, such as the problem of computer functionalism, etc. In the end, there are various forms of dualism or pluralism that may be possible to describe using these categories and topoi, but nevertheless I discuss this quite extensively and with many people, and so far I have not obtained results that are satisfactory to me. I also suppose that there is some non-obvious connection linking consciousness, time, gravity and information. The space of states in quantum mechanics, and classical space, there are some interesting transitions, EEQT is also one of the more interesting approaches to this kind of problem, as well as to the mind-body problem.

      I think it is impossible to abstract consciousness and study it separately from other aspects of reality, I consider it to be the foundation of reality, and I also believe that the time-bound mind causes many difficulties involving its study. But I could write about this for a very long time. I'm currently writing a review article on consciousness from the perspective of quantum information science, then I'm going to analyze some mathematical structures to deal with it, but that will be a lot of work for many years.

      I don't even know if describing consciousness at all is possible, if it can be captured formally, if only because of the so-called limiting theorems in mathematical logic, which in general speak of certain limitations of any formal systems. I currently have a paper on them in review, but this paper was not directly about consciousness, but in general about the possibility of expressing certain issues using formal languages.

      If I could answer the question of what consciousness is I could die. In fact, time and consciousness are my greatest fascinations. And in addition, time and consciousness seem to be inextricably linked… So I think this is one of the biggest mysteries in the world and solving it requires something more, much more than knowledge or the ability to operate on certain structures.

    4. Yes I do think consciousness and fundamental physics are quite bound together and can't be looked at separately. An infinite Clifford algebra tensor product universe through time state would also be a consciousness state. Entanglement in time is certainly possible with this. EEQT I think of as making the global infinite state effects available locally and classically without doing infinite calculations. Wikipedia says of the centralizer: "In mathematics, especially group theory, the centralizer (also called commutant[1][2]) of a subset S in a group G is the set CG(S) of elements of G that commute with every element of S". Hopefully I can grasp a little better eventually how the central classical part fits with the infinite tensor product quantum state part.

      I once saw Penrose, Hameroff, Chalmers and Stapp at a consciousness conference. This is the latest paper I've read that thinks hundreds of milliseconds for a coherent state in microtubules is feasible.

      Tony Smith thought there was literally Clifford algebra structures in the microtubules. I didn't overly understand that idea. Tony was supposed to be at the conference I went to also but he had to cancel at the last minute because of a legal fight he was trying against the arXiv.

    5. @John G

      "Tony Smith thought there was literally Clifford algebra structures in the microtubules.".

      And do you happen to have a link to the paper where he wrote about it?

      It seems to me that Tony Smith may in fact have been suggesting that an ordered, symmetrical organisation can be found in microtubule microstructures, which is described by Clifford algebra.

    6. It's here; part of the problem for me is that he is using his Cl(16) for E8 idea which I never liked as much as his Cl(8) for a Fock space idea.

    7. It seems somehow rather pointless and like a waste of resources to be discussing in real, practical and down to Earth terms, the models of dynamical processes of something that we don't have even a working definition or hypothesis what that something is that we agree upon. And even then, if we adopt something simple as a starting point like "self-referencing system", there seems like a long way to "processes", and even longer to "dynamical". FWIW.

    8. @John G

      Thank you very much for the link!

  5. "Overcoming the fear of flying"

    Yeah. Even if your plane is accidentally shot and then deliberately directed out to sea to sink, you still have a non-zero chance of reaching the opposite shore and survive.

    1. And that only stresses my point: it is so crucially important to understand deeply the Clifford algebra of space. For developing aether theory, consciousness model, paranormal phenomena, like precognition, teleportation, and time travel.

    2. Let me explain: when bad things happen, like those you listed, it i not because you were flying, but because you were in a wrong place in a wrong time.

    3. Is it anyone's fault that a given place and time became inappropriate since everything is determined?

    4. "it is so crucially important to understand deeply the Clifford algebra of space"

      Either way, solving this puzzle is fun.

    5. @Ark

      "And that only stresses my point: it is so crucially important to understand deeply the Clifford algebra of space. For developing aether theory, consciousness model, paranormal phenomena, like precognition, teleportation, and time travel.".

      Yes, Clifford algebra is a good generalisation of many algebraic structures, but we also have other structures. We have Calkin algebras, quotient categories, various kinds of fibrations, e.g. Hopf fibrations, various layered models and even more strange models that have been created on the grounds of e.g. quantum computer science, e.g. fractal structures and very interesting topological structures concerning the modelling of quantum processors. Still twistors, spinors and various other interesting structures that Penrose, for example, writes about. And now the question is which of them to apply and in what way, what to choose. After all, all these models can be mixed in many different ways and can even be made into mathematical symphonies, but it is still important that these ‘symphonies’ correspond to experience. In the meantime, science has not even developed a methodology for paranormal research, as we often rely on probability calculus, while paranormal phenomena are rather singularities, so how do we study them?

      In addition, it is even possible to create categorical models that allow an alternative view of paradoxes such as the EPR or the black hole information paradox, but the fact that we write it down in a different language and the whole thing appears more coherent does not yet imply that a time machine and consciousness transfer will suddenly appear.

      There are a lot of these questions, and personally I like total abstraction very much, nevertheless I would like this abstraction to also lead to empirically verifiable theories.

      It seems to me that for this type of theory it is worth thinking about how we can link time, consciousness, gravity and information together. Do Clifford algebras make such connections possible? Is it better to quantise gravity or rather to gravitate to quantum?

      Does this quantum gravity even make sense, or is it worth analysing it all at once from a metatheoretical perspective, instead of trying to combine these theories? Of course, it is clear that quantum mechanics and general relativity theory are not combinable, if only because of the whole metaphysical structure of both theories. So one has to do it differently, most probably from the purely mathematical side.

    6. "Is it anyone's fault that a given place and time became inappropriate since everything is determined?"

      Of course. It is determined for everyone that one needs to learn what is determined for him/her, and not to act stupidly against your life mission.

    7. "Either way, solving this puzzle is fun."
      When a determined life mission is fun - that is determined heaven!

    8. @Ark "not to act stupidly against your life mission"
      unless that's exactly what this mission is :)

    9. OK. You won! Good that we agree on the fun part.

    10. @Bjab
      Regarding "everything is determined", just to understand correctly what you mean by that; suppose I had a flat tyre, it was determined to happen on that exact day/time and place, is that what you're claiming? And I had no part in it, my choice to use the car or not was also pre-determined, i.e. there was in fact no choice at all? Do I understand that right?
      If not, could you please elaborate where I was wrong in what I wrote above? Thanks.

    11. @Saša:
      "...where I was wrong..."

      You were not.

    12. Thank you.
      So you're basically claiming that there is no such thing as free will, i.e. that free will is an illusion. Interesting.

  6. @Ark, the high rating of the paper "The Explicit Form of the Unitary Representation of the Poincaré Group..." is very good news! Although, the readers of this Blog already know that you can deal with rather fantastic topics in a rigorous and competent manner. It is your passion and special professional feature, i should say.
    I'll start reading that paper again. My aim will be to come to those nice pictures at Figure 1 and try to grasp what are they about.

    1. Thanks. And whenever any question arises in your mind while reading - ask, and I will do my best to answer.

    2. In contrast to the "absolute predeterminism", have encountered a notion that not only the future, but also the past is "open", i.e. not determined. Of course, my newer, linearly and analitically oriented left-hand part of the brain automatically rejected that preposterous and at first glance irrational idea incompatible with the linear one-dimensional nature of time known to it.
      However, the more ancient parts have been wondering if that could yet really be so? In light of the things and ideas presented in your "Revisiting Wigner's mind-body problem" paper, would it be possible to accomodate such a notion, even if abandoning one-dimensional linearity of time would be needed, i.e. a switch to two- or more dimensional time structure would be required?

    3. Ark, thank you for your kind and persistent encouragement. For now, i am at the very beginning of the paper: "The electric and magnetic field strengths are combined into a closed two-form F over the Minkowski spacetime. <...> This simple and beautiful geometrical picture..." Simple and beautiful, quite right! Just one observation: the cycloid-like trajectory of E and B vectors of electromagnetic wave is simply the parallel translation of these vectors in Lobachevsky space. Most probably, this fact is common knowledge, but for me it is an excellent example of that simple beauty.

    4. "Just one observation: the cycloid-like trajectory of E and B vectors of electromagnetic wave is simply the parallel translation of these vectors in Lobachevsky space."

      Anna, I would appreciate some reference to look at.

    5. @Saša There is also an option (that I like), that we can manipulate the past, but not the future directly. By manipulating the past the future is determined by our manipulations.

    6. Well, it seems that would boil down to "the future is determined by our actions and choices in the present now", as we would be manipulating the past from the present, do I understand that correctly?
      But, would it be possible to affect the past from the present or from what would be the future, in a sense of really changing it? What about the events that happened in the past which would be perceived as facts on the ground at that time from the point of observation?

    7. "By manipulating the past the future is determined by our manipulations."

      Think I understand what you mean by that. However paradoxical it might seem for linear newer parts of the brain, the more ancient intuitive ones just nod in agreement. Thanks.

    8. @Ark "I would appreciate some reference to look at". about 17th minute from the beginning. "Parallel transport of vectors on the Lobachevsky plane". I extrapolated what i heard there to the 3d space, perhaps, too hastily

    9. Thank you. I will have a look. Right now I am solving algebra problems that I am unable to understand in a simple way. And I do like simplicity.

  7. Even though I am writing this comment on December 28 in relation to Ark's Post Scriptum dated December 29, it does not mean that I have some inexplicable abilities and it does not mean that the arrow of time has changed direction.

    But to the point. Ark wrote:
    "One such fact is that we have senses, that these senses are limited,...",
    and a little further on he wrote:
    "We can't really be sure of anything."

    So are we really sure that we have senses?

    1. These are two subtly different things:
      1) The fact is that we have senses
      2) We are sure of this (or any) fact
      It is not a problem for me to see the difference

    2. Well, I see a contradiction between:
      "We are sure of this (or any) fact"
      ""We can't really be sure of anything.""

    3. You are perfectly right. These two sentences look contradictory. But they appear within different contexts. And the context is very important. I do not mind, for instance, seeing imaginary i and index i in the same equation, although quite often I am trying to avoid it by renaming index i to j.

    4. I can't find a context in which the statement "We can't be sure of anything" is true. My famous example is the movement of the Sun that powers sundials. I am really certain of the conclusion that the Sun moves from east to west.

    5. " I am really certain of the conclusion that the Sun moves from east to west."

      That is because you are stating it within a context that you created for yourself. Other people are likely to consider this statement of yours in a different context, and will argue with you. That stresses again the importance of the context.

    6. The context is stated in that P.S., our knowledge and understanding is limited and not absolute.
      If we adopt that premise, then the logical conclusion is that our interpretation of the facts does not necessarily always correspond to actual truth, i.e. to the reality of all the why's and how's. And a perfect example of that is exactly the Sun and sundials, where your perception powers your belief of having absolute knowledge and correct understanding into being certain that your conclusions have to be the truth, even if they are as far away from the actual truth they can possibly be.

    7. "and will argue with you."

      They cannot rationally deny the fact that sundials work because of the movement of the Sun.

      Anyway, you still haven't indicated the context in which the sentence "We can't really be sure of anything" is true.

    8. @Bajb
      "They cannot rationally deny the fact that sundials work because of the movement of the Sun."
      Kopernik has different opinion :)

    9. "They cannot rationally deny the fact that sundials work because of the movement of the Sun."

      They can. They will say "because of rotation of the Earth", and and they will use the term "apparent movement" to make statements more precise.

      Anyway, you still haven't indicated the context in which the sentence "We can't really be sure of anything" is true."

      The context consisted of facts: we have limited capabilities and limited knowledge.

    10. Is "apparent movement" a kind of movement or is it not a kind of movement?

      It is funny not knowing of what is movement.

    11. "They cannot rationally deny the fact that sundials work because of the movement of the Sun."

      Not only it can be rationally 'denied', but it can be experimentally proved in these modern times. Board a sundial on the space station positioned for example in L1 point. Pointing the sundial toward the Sun, it will always show "the noon". Move it to the right, i.e. 'westwards', and it will show the time in the morning, apparently working backwards, or vice versa in other direction. Obvious logical conclusion is that sundial works not because the Sun is moving per se, but because the position of the sundial changed relative to the Sun.

    12. "because of rotation of the Earth"

      And that is silly because Earth does not move for sundiales.

    13. Wikipedia is trying to explain it:

      Aberration of light, an apparent shift in position of celestial objects due to the finite speed of light and the motion of Earth in its orbit around the Sun
      Diurnal motion, the apparent motion of objects in the sky due to the Earth's rotation on its axis
      Parallax, the apparent motion of objects due to the changing angle of observation of an observer on Earth revolving around the Sun

    14. @Anonymouuus:
      "Kopernik has different opinion :)"
      I think that Kopernik was smart enough not to have different opinion.

    15. There is a useful concept: "reference frame". Physicists and astronomers have found that, for understanding the Nature, using reference frame "attached" to distant stars is better than than attached to an observer on Earth. The concept of "reference frame" is useful for providing the context and avoiding confusion.

    16. "There is a useful concept: "reference frame". Physicists and astronomers have found that, for understanding the Nature, using reference frame "attached" to distant stars is better than than attached to an observer on Earth."

      Finally, there is a slow understanding.
      But "better" requires the choice of indicator and this is subjective.

    17. "better" means more efficient, more convenient, models are simpler. It is all subjective, I agree. There may be people for whom "more complicated" and "less convenient "is "better".

    18. "better" means more efficient, more convenient..."

      That's true. Therefore better for sundials is the movement of the Sun.

      Also better for GPS indications are the geographic coordinates of a point on earth and not coordinates in a system associated with distant stars.

    19. "Therefore better for sundials is the movement of the Sun."

      That is your subjective assessment. Somebody else might say that for sundials is "better" that they move relative to the stationary Sun, i.e. that Earth moves them.

      "It is all subjective, I agree."

      I think that the exposition of things on your blog has showed that not all is subjective, for example the truth is not subjective at all, but our perception of it can be more or less subjective, depending on the amount of knowledge and understanding we, that is our consciousness possess. FWIW.

    20. "Somebody else might say that for sundials is "better" that they move relative to the stationary Sun, i.e. that Earth moves them."

      Well, maybe there are some people who think so. But for sundials it is absolutely irrelevant that within an hour, in the system linked to the Sun, the Earth will move with them by 107 thousand kilometers.

    21. @Bjab
      Better help me to solve my eigenvector problem. The problem is:

      Let p be an element of the algebra A such that p=p^2=p*.
      Find all u in A satisfying the equation:

      R(p)u = u,

      that is

      up = u.

      One solution is evident u=p. But what is a general solution?

    22. But it is not irrelevant at all that the Earth will move them for cca 15 degrees in relation to their previous position relative to the Sun. Otherwise they would have objected and stopped working, as you pointed out some time ago.

    23. @Ark
      Wouldn't that be all u in A, as R(p)u = up = u = R(p)(R(p)u) = upp = u, as p seems to be identity?
      Or am I missing something?

    24. "pp=p is the assumption. Not pp =1"

      I see that the assuption is pp=p=p*
      so p is (1,0,0,0) or not?

    25. I understand that, but it does not change the fact that p is real and it's own 'square', i.e. p^2 - p = 0, meaning it's either identity or 0. Assuming it's not 0, then it's identity. Did I miss something?

    26. Of course p=1 and p=0 have this property, and then the solution is evident. These are two trivial cases. The interesting question is for a nontrivial p.

    27. @Saša You reasoning would be correct for numbers, but not for algebra elements. For instance in algebra it is possible fo u to be such that uu=0 but u is non-zero.

    28. Are there any p that are not trivial as to the assuption pp=p=p* ?

    29. Well, which other real p satisfies the initial assumption p^2 - p = 0?

    30. @Bjab. Yes

      p =(1+n)/2,
      where n is a unit vector in V.

    31. Was thinking in terms of matrices, but I see your point.

    32. @Saša You can think in terms of matrices. 2x2 complex.
      By the way: the set of such u's is a left ideal of A. Or of Mat(2,C) if you wish.

    33. So some solution for p=(1+n)/2 for up=u
      is u = 1+n

    34. Yes. This is the one I mentioned u=p. 1/2 is unimportant.

    35. Indeed, a more general solution is u=a(1+n) where a is real.

    36. So I need to be more precise. Proportional eigenvectors define the same subspace. They are being considered as essentially the same solutions. So we are looking for all solutions linearly independent from this one.

    37. In case of M(2,C), is the p* complex conjugate of p or its hermitian adjoint (conjugate transpose)?

    38. The space of all such u will be the space of spinors for an "observer n". Will explain tomorrow in a new post.

    39. OK.
      There is a set of equations for complex components of u:
      u11 = u11p11 + u12p21,
      u12 = u11p12 + u12p22,
      u21 = u21p11 + u22p21,
      u22 = u21p12 + u22p22,
      while for p=p^2=p* we get,
      p11 and p22 are real, p12=cc(p21) and
      p11= p11^2 + p12 cc(p12),
      p12 = p11p12+ p12p22,
      p22 = cc(p12) p12 + p22^2.
      Assuming known coeff. for p, there're 4 equations for 4 unknown coeff. for u, thus should be solvable. Will get back here when done.

    40. "Of course p=1 and p=0 have this property, and then the solution is evident. These are two trivial cases. The interesting question is for a nontrivial p."

      Conditions for p={{p11,p21},{p21,p22}}, that is pp=p=p*, give that p11 and p22 are real, and p12=cc(p21), and then yield quadratic equation for p11 and p22 with solutions:
      p11 = p22 = 1/2 (1 +/- Sqrt[1 - 4 |p12|^2]),
      where |p12|^2 = p12 p21 = p12 cc(p12),
      which give 4 cases for |p12|^2 = 0, two trivial p=0 and p=Id, and two nontrivial,
      p = {{1,0},{0,0}} and p = {{0,0},{0,1}}.

      The sets of u that satisfy R(p)u = up = u are:
      for trivial cases; if p=0 then only u=0 and if p=Id then all u in Mat(2,C);
      for non trivial cases; if p = {{1,0},{0,0}} then u = {{u1,0},{u2,0}} and for p = {{0,0},{0,1}} then u = {{0,u1},{0,u2}}, i.e. u are matrices where corresponding column is 0.

      Condition that p11 and p22 are real, in case for non-zero |p12|^2, means that |p12|^2 =< 1/4, or for p12 = a + ib gives that a^2 + b^2 =< (1/2)^2, i.e. that p12 lies inside the circle of radius 1/2. Also, condition pp=p demands that p11 and p22 be taken with opposite signs of the Sqrt of one another.

      However, in general case, matrices u with their components expressed by components of p, look in Mathematica Wolfram notation like:
      {{p22 / (p11 p22 - p12 p21), p12 / (p12 p21 - p11 p22)},
      {p21 / (p12 p21 - p11 p22), p11 / (p11 p22 - p12 p21)}};
      which means that the denominator for components of u is 0, because in case of opposite signs of Sqrt, (p11 p22) = (p12 p21) = |p12|^2, no matter which values we take for a and b, that is for p12.

      So, overall it seems that the left ideal(s) for Mat(2,C) are only two sets of matrices, those that have one of the columns 0.

    41. P.S. Wikipedia basically says the same thing, but only for Mat(n,R), not Mat(n,C):

      "Take a ring R and positive integer ⁠n⁠. For each 1≤i≤n⁠, the set of all n×n matrices with entries in R whose i-th row is zero is a right ideal in the ring Mn(R) of all n×n matrices with entries in R. It is not a left ideal.
      Similarly, for each ⁠1≤j≤n⁠, the set of all n×n matrices whose j-th column is zero is a left ideal but not a right ideal."

    42. Such an active discussion that i have missed yesterday... Ark, i am sure you have found all the required solutions, only wanted to recall about Lounesto's method to introduce left ideals ("Clifford algebras and spinors", Cambridge Univ. 2nd ed., pp.60-61 "4.8 Pauli spinors"). Probably you could use something from there and at the same time better explain us what Lounesto meant.

    43. Yesterday I was checking Lounesto book. Today you write pp 60-61. I am checking where is my book open? Yesterday I left it open on p. 61!
      Yesterday I decided that there is nothing there for my needs. But after your comment I will look at it more carefully, so that I can explain better what he is doing to compare with what we are doing.

    44. @Saša, you've got the right result (confirmed by Wikipedia) by yourself, it looks like magic for me. One question: you said that "p11 = p22" (and "=1/2 (1 +/- Sqrt[1 - 4 |p12|^2])")
      but in the result
      p = {{1,0},{0,0}} and p = {{0,0},{0,1}}
      p11 is not equal to p22...
      What is that i misunderstand here?

    45. @Anna
      It is a small mistake.
      There should be:
      p11 = 1/2 (1 +/- Sqrt[1 - 4 |p12|^2])
      p22 = 1/2 (1 -/+ Sqrt[1 - 4 |p12|^2])

    46. @Anna
      Bjab is right for p12 non-zero, for p12 zero we get real matrices M(2,R) and all 4 possible combinations for p11 and p22 fit the bill for pp=p and give 4 different cases of sets for u=up. In that case, conditions become p11=p22 or p11+p22=1.

  8. Exercise 3 looks scaring because of uncommon "✶"symbol, though it looks like just an operator dress for the common "*". Technically, it is easy to show that L(u) = ✶∘R(u*)∘✶. More worrying is the phrase "Thus it is not an element of End(A), because by End(A) we have denoted the algebra of complex linear operators on A". Then, the Hermitian conjugation✶ is not linear and we have to use this awkward combination ✶∘R(u*)∘✶ in order to obtain a LINEAR operator, which we need to be able to apply the elaborated linear operators machinery. Is there any truth to this guess?


Thank you for your comment..

Spin Chronicles Part 47: Emergence of time I

  It took me a while to gather my thoughts and finally sit down to write about the "emergence of time," as I had promised. But t...