Sunday, December 8, 2024

The Spin Chronicles (Part 23): Rotational dig

 Continuing from Part 22 we will now use the formulas to get to some real work.

"We dig dig dig dig dig dig dig
In our mine the whole day through
To dig dig dig dig dig dig dig
Is what we like to do

It ain't no trick to get rich quick
If you dig dig dig with a shovel or a pick
In a mine! In a mine! In a mine! In a mine!
Where a million diamonds shine!

We dig dig dig dig dig dig dig
From early morn till night
We dig dig dig dig dig dig dig up
Everything in sight"

We have the group G. By the way we, already noticed in  Part 13 that it is isomorphic to the group SL(2,C) of complex 2x2 matrices of determinant 1, the double cover of the connected component of the identity of the Lorentz group of special relativity. We will study now the action of G on the null cone of Minkowski space, on the sphere of its generating lines, and on the plane x,y obtained by stereographic projection. 

We dig dig dig dig dig dig dig up
Everything in sight

More precisely: we will study of the action of its one-parameter subgroups of the form g(t) = exp(tX), where t is a real parameter. The condition gν(g) = 1, defining G, implies X + ν(X) = 0 for generators X. Writing X as (X0,X), and knowing that ν(X) = (X0,-X), we deduce that the scalar part X0 must be zero, while the complex vector part X is arbitrary. The real dimension of the space of complex vectors X is 6. Thus we will study 6 one-parameter subgroups, for X = e1, e2, e3, ie1, ie2, ie3.   The action we are studying is ς' = g ς τ(g). Here we recall the form of τ in the complex representation u=(u0,u): τ(u) =  (u0,u)*, where * stands for complex conjugation. Thus τ(ek)=ek, and τ(iek)=-iek, for k=1,2,3.

Let us start with the last one, namely with X = ie3. Then τ(exp(ite3)) = exp(-ite3). We will calculate the action of exp(ite3) on basic vectors e0=1, e1, e2, e3. Evidently

e'0 = exp(ite3)e0exp(-ite3) = e0,


e'3 = exp(ite3)e3exp(-ite3) = e3.

Now, e1 anticommutes with e3. Therefore

e1exp(-ite3) = exp(ite3) e1, and so

exp(ite3)e1exp(-ite3) = exp(2ite3)e1.

For the same reason

e'2 = exp(ite3)e2exp(-ite3) = exp(2ite3)e2.

But (e3)2 =1, so the exponential can be easily calculated

exp(2ite3) = cos(2t)+i sin(2t) e3,

and so

e'2 = (cos(2t)+i sin(2t) e3)e2 = cos(2t)e2 +i sin(2t) e3e2.

Now it is good to remember that i = e1e2e3,  therefore ie3e2 = e1. The final result is:

e'2 = cos(2t)e2 +sin(2t) e1.

The same way we obtain

e'1 = cos(2t)e1 - sin(2t) e2.

This is how the basis vectors transform. Components transform by the transposed matrix. So if  ζ is a vector on the null cone, the transformed vector has coordinates:

ζ'0 = ζ0,
ζ'1 = cos(2t)ζ1 + sin(2t)ζ2,
ζ'2 = cos(2t)ζ2 - sin(2t)ζ1,
ζ'3 =

We return now to the formulas from part 18:

ζ0 = (1+x·x)/2,

ζ1 = x1,

ζ2 = x2,

ζ3 = (1-x·x)/2.

Here x stands for the plane coordinates x1,x2.  Evidently ζ'0+ζ'3 = ζ03 = 1, therefore we get

x'1 = cos(2t)x1 + sin(2t)x2,
x'2 = cos(2t)x2 - sin(2t)x1.

We have a simple rotation of the points of the plane by the angle 2t. The stars on the sky are simply rotating around the Earth axis. Quite normal. Or, perhaps, it is the Earth that is rotating? Who knows ...? The math for the rotation is the same in both cases.

Exercise 1. Use the same reasoning to deduce what happens for g(t) = exp(t e3). Thus no "i" in the exponential. First things will be easy, but there will be a little bit more needed at the very end.

  P.S. 10-12-24 Reply to Bjab's comment:

My input for Wolfram Alpha:

FullSimplify[{{cos(θ)*sin(φ), -r*sin(θ)*sin(φ), r*cos(θ)*cos(φ)},{sin(θ)*sin(φ), r*sin(φ)*cos(θ),r*sin(θ)*cos(φ)},{cos(φ),0,-r*sin(φ)}}^(-1)]

The answer:

It looks correct, but evidently Wolfram Alpha did not simplify sin^2+sin^2, which we have to do by hand. I used Mathematica. The answer is


  1. So if ζ is a vectors ->
    So if ζ is a vector

    Evidently ζ'0+ζ'3 = ζ0+ζ3 = 1, so ->
    Evidently ζ'0+ζ'3 = ζ0+ζ3 = 1, and

    Firs things ->
    First things

    1. Thanks. Fixed. But I did not replaced "so" by "and". I replaced it by "therefore we get"

    2. Why "therefore"?
      ζ1 = x1,
      ζ2 = x2,
      ζ1' = x1',
      ζ2' = x2'

      So equations:
      ζ'1 = cos(2t)ζ1 + sin(2t)ζ2,
      ζ'2 = cos(2t)ζ2 - sin(2t)ζ1
      are not enough?

    3. And an "and" at the very "end". :)

    4. I've got
      for the basis vectors transform. Doesn't look like truth? If not, I'll delete it right away.

    5. @Bjab Not is not enough. Our embedding was at ζ0+ζ3 = 1. So, if ζ0+ζ3 is not 1, we have to rescale, get new ζ by dividing old ζ by ζ0+ζ3, and only then read x from ζ.

    6. @Anna I mean it "looks good", but I will know for sure when I see the final result, which should be very simple.

    7. Anna:
      e0'=cosh(2t)+sinh(2t)e3 ->

    8. @Bjab Yes, agreed. I hold in mind e0=1, but it is not right generally

    9. x1' = x1 exp(-2t)
      x2' = x2 exp(-2t)

    10. @Bjab That looks really simple. So probably correct.

    11. By the way: do not try to do the calulations with X=e1 for instance. You will get a total mess!

    12. What would that mean?
      That rolling laying down on the ground we would get a headache?

    13. P.S. Was joking, of course.
      For a headache from just rolling on the ground, projection on the sphere above while doing that seems to be needed. :)

    14. That means that I spent a whole day trying to understand the meaning of the messy result. Natrure has its own ways of deciding what is simple and what is complicated. She is sometimes really tricky.

    15. You can surely say that again.
      Another question, about the results Bjab got:
      x1' = x1 exp(-2t)
      x2' = x2 exp(-2t)
      If parameter t>0, does it mean that in case g(t) = exp(t e3), the stars on the dome would appear to all move towards the 'origin' point somewhere in infinity?

    16. Perhaps t corresponds to rapidity.

    17. Aha, so in principle it's like in SF movies or Star Trek series when warp drive is engaged and all that's left of the stars around are streaks or lines that apparently converge in the center of the screen somewhere in infinity.
      So, 6 one-parameter subgroups, for X = e1, e2, e3, ie1, ie2, ie3, would in fact be 3 boosts in directions e1, e2 and e3, and 3 rotations around axis e1, e2 and e3; where e3 is in direction of 'time passing' and e1 and e2 perpendicular to 'time passing' direction. Would that be correct assessment?

    18. Well, I do not know about the "warp drive", but that would be an effect in an accelerating spaceship.

      Warp drive would be superluminal propulsion, similar to hypersonic one in relation to the sound.

      And yeah, what I wrote would not be boost, but acceleration effect.

      So, how to understand/interpret the transformations:
      x1' = x1 exp(-2t)
      x2' = x2 exp(-2t),
      for t being rapidity, meaning that by postulate we limit t<=1, we still get that x1' and x2' decrease (up to 0.135*x1 or 0.135*x2)?
      It appears that the new positions in the plane (x1', x2') would seemingly approach toward the origin point, and origin point would be where, South pole in this stereographic projection?
      And which direction would e3 stand for in this case, in the direction of light, i.e. passing of time (like retarded potentials in electrodynamics, for example)?

      Evidently, I'm having a little difficulty 'picturing' what exactly would those transformation rules represent. Help, please?

    20. "for t being rapidity, meaning that by postulate we limit t<=1"

      No, no. Quoting from Wikipedia:

      "Using the inverse hyperbolic function artanh, the rapidity w corresponding to velocity v is w = artanh(v/c) where c is the speed of light."

    21. Ahaaa, that's the tanh^(-1) function I wondered about on a certain avatar image! :-D

      Well, it then means that when the boost approaches the speed of light, the star position really goes to (0,0). Where is that in the projection we're using? And which direction is e3?

    22. OK, in Part 20 it was discussed that the South Pole represents the infinity point on our plane, i.e. x1=x2=0, and here we identified i*e3 as a rotation about e3, so it seems e3 stands for the Earth's axis of rotation.
      So, if we speed up close to c in the North Pole pointing direction, all the stars perceived around us would appear to dissapear, i.e. end up behind our backs if we keep looking where we're going, that is towards the future?
      Am I interpreting that right?

    23. Looks good to me. But I am not very good at providing simple physical interpretation to math formulas! I prefer math, though there I am prone to making mistakes that need to be corrected. Usually my intuitions are right, but realization may have errors.

    24. Thank you.
      Then it seems it's not a big surprise that boosts in e1 and e2 directions would give messy results to interpret physically; it seems totally non-intuitive to move in direction perpendicular to the time passage as material movement (and velocity) itself by physical definition involves time passage. :)
      From our limited point of view, it seems that closest we can get to wrapping our minds about that concept would be something like traveling or moving somewhere "instantly" in our very minds, at least for starters. Maybe with some practice the rest of our bodies might follow that initial lead. ;)

    25. P.S. If t represents rapidity, and in our system (2t) also plays the role of angle, i.e. speed of Earth's rotation, then it seems there's an established relationship between circular and so called directional motion, that is between rotation and boost, at least for a given system and a chosen stereographic projection.
      In that sense, time that goes into the definition of motion for a given system and projection appears to be system and projection dependent, i.e. not a completely independent variable in a sense that rotation and boost are described as two completely independent and decoupled phenomena.
      Or perhaps a bit more precisely, once we have chosen the rotation, we have also chosen the boost for the system and chosen stereographic projection to describe its motion in relation to an outside observer. And vice versa, at least it seems so.
      Am I seeing that right?

      If so, it might help interpret the result you got for boosts in e1 and e2 directions. FWIW.

    26. Indeed. This is what what will happen in the next post, tomorrow.

    27. Interesting.
      Looking forward to it.
      And by the way, thanks a lot for these blog 'lecture-posts', they really do open new chambers of understanding in the mind about the nature of our Universe and the ways we perceive it and see ourselves within it. Thank you very much.

  2. Off topic:
    {{cos(θ)*sin(φ), -r*sin(θ)*sin(φ), r*cos(θ)*cos(φ)},{sin(θ)*sin(φ), r*sin(φ)*cos(θ),r*sin(θ)*cos(φ)},{cos(φ),0,-r*sin(φ)}}^-1

    Strange/wrong answer (a31).

    Who can we trust ?!

    1. For me your message is too cryptic. But concerning your question "Who can we trust?" My answer is "We should trust our God given conscience" .

    2. Indeed, I treated the matter too briefly.

      Let me explain.
      I tried to use
      to calculate inverse of a certain matrix related to spherical coordinates. And wolfram calculated 8 elements of this matrix correctly but the ninth element (a13) was completely screwed up.
      I wonder if you could check for me if this is the case for your or other software you can access.

    3. Replied in P.S. at the bottom of the post.

    4. Well, I didn't use the phrase: FullSimplify[ ] and as (a13) wolfram showed:

    5. Wolfram was showing me also cos((√5+1)/2)) etc. But I treated this as numerical examples, and did not pay attention to them. But it was showing me also the correct result without √5.

    6. Wolfram Alpha is using AI, and this part may be not always reliable.

    7. I have also replaced ^-1 by ^(-1) to avoid confusion.

    8. Well, if Wolfram had exchanged phi by (5+1)/2 in every element of the matrix, that would have been somewhat reasonable, but he only exchanged it in a13.
      But thanks to rethinking it, I realized that there must be a soft correlation between the letter phi and the value (5+1)/2.

    9. Indeed, I missed that. Letters phi or Phi sometimes stand for the Fibonacci number.

    10. Something ate (√) (sqrt).

  3. I have got a problem.
    Why are all Pauli matrices Hermitian?

    1. They do not have to be Hermitian. But calculations are simpler if they are chosen to be Hermitian. Because then tau(sigma_i)=sigma_i. If this is not the answer you need - please tell more about your problem,


Thank you for your comment..

Spin Chronicles Part 46 - Closing the GNS construction door

  "When one door closes another door opens" - how very true. But first this one door needs to be tightly closed. Today we will cl...