Wednesday, November 20, 2024

The Spin Chronicles (Part 15): The Action starts

Understanding the meaning of the Universe—and, by extension, our purpose in this dizzying 3D playground—is impossible without first grasping the concept of spinors. Yes, spinors. Everything spins. Planets pirouette around stars, galaxies swirl like cosmic pinwheels, and deep inside you, photons and electrons are spinning their little hearts out. Without spin, there would quite literally be "no nothing." But what exactly is this mysterious "spin"? And what, pray tell, is a "spinor"?

To get the most precise answers, we must summon the sharpest tool in humanity’s intellectual shed: mathematics. Forget poetry or philosophy for now (though they’re lovely companions); math is the only game in town when it comes to rigor. The groundwork for this particular game was laid by none other than the French mathematical collective known as Nicolas Bourbaki. This was not an  ordinary group of thinkers—they were the masterminds who struck the match, poured the fuel, and launched the metaphorical rocket of modern mathematical formalism.

The Bourbakists

I, too, am a humble traveler on this rocket of discovery, squinting over the shoulders of these giants to glimpse what lies ahead. 

And let me share with you one of the gems they left behind, a definition from Bourbaki’s magnum opus, ÉLÉMENTS DE MATHÉMATIQUE, ALGÈBRE CHAPITRE IX:

DÉFINITION 2: On appelle groupe de Clifford de Q (resp. groupe de Clifford spécial de Q), le groupe multiplicatif des éléments inversibles de C(Q) (resp. C+(Q)) tels que sEs⁻¹ = E.
Dans ce no nous noterons G et G⁺ le groupe de Clifford et le groupe de Clifford spécial de Q.

If you’re already scratching your head, don’t worry—it’s not your fault. Mathematics is as much a language of symbols as it is a puzzle of patience. But let’s break it down: Their E is our V, their Q is the Euclidean quadratic form of V, and their C(Q) corresponds to our Cl(V). Meanwhile, their C⁺(Q) is a subalgebra of Cl(V), comprising those nice even elements that remain unchanged by π.

Here’s the twist: where Bourbaki insists on the condition  sEs⁻¹ = E. we’re a bit more liberal. We drop that requirement, making our Clifford group G bigger and, dare I say, more fun. Why stop at “sensible” constraints when you can explore the wild possibilities of mathematical freedom?

And here’s where it gets spicy: this expansion of the Clifford group isn’t just a technical curiosity—it unlocks surprises. It’s a reminder that while mathematicians love their neat, self-contained universes, Nature herself isn’t so tidy. She operates with her own version of simplicity, one that often leaves mathematicians muttering into their coffee mugs.

In short, if you think Bourbaki nailed it, wait until you see what happens when we take the leash off. Welcome to the uncharted territory where Clifford algebras meet Nature’s playful chaos.

Note: The idea of enlarging the Clifford group is not new (is there anything really-truly new under the Sun?). C.f. for instance William Baylis, "Lecture 4: Applications of Clifford Algebras in Physics, 4.3 Paravectors and relativity", in "Lectures on Clifford (geometric) algebras and applications" [edited by] Rafal Ablamowicz and Garret Sobczyk], Springer 2004, and references therein.

This post is a continuation from The Spin Chronicles Part 14, where we have introduced our "Clifford group G" defined as the set of elements u = (p0,p)  in Cl(V) for which (p0)2-p2 = 1. Another form of the definition of G is

G = {g ∈ Cl(V): g ν(g) = 1}.

Exercise 1: use the definition of the multiplication in Cl(V) written in a bi-quaternion form to verify that these two definitions are indeed equivalent

In this post we will take a closer look at the action of G on Cl(V) defined by

g: u ⟼ guτ(g).

To this end we will analyze the action of one-parameter subgroups g(t) = exp(t X). In order for g(t) to be in G, we must have X + ν(X) = 0.

Exercise 2. Verify the last statement.

First we take the case of X even. Thus we have two conditions on X:

a) ν(X) = -X,

b) π(X) = X.

A general solution of these two conditions is X = in, where n is a real vector.

Exercise 3. Verify the last statement. Without loss of generality we can choose n to be a unit vector. Remember that n is a vector in Cl(V), therefore we have nn=1. Using this property calculation of exp(itn) is easy. We get:

exp(itn) = cos(t)1 + i sin(t) n.

Exercise 4. Use the power series expansion of exp(itn) to derive the above formula.

We can easily verify that we have

τ(g(t)) = g(-t).

Indeed, τ(exp(itn)) = exp(τ(itn)) = exp(-iτ(tn)) = g(-t), where we used the fact that τ(i) = -i, and that t and n are real, t - scalar, and n - vector.

Taking now u=(x0,x), where (x0,x) are complex, and setting it is a matter of simple algebra using the multiplication formula for bi-quaternions (c.f. Exercise 1, Part 11) to get for u(t) = g(t) u g(-t), and for n=(0,0,1),  the formula

x0(t) = x0,

x1(t) = cos(2t)x1 + sin(2t) x2,

x2(t) = -sin(2t)x1 +cos(2t) x2

x3(t) = x3.

It follows that this action of g(t) on Cl(V) is nothing else but a simple rotation by the angle 2t of the vector part. It rotates the same way both real and imaginary components of the vector. The scalar component x0 does not change under these rotations.

In the next post we will consider the case of odd X.

P.S. For a very nice exposition of the standard mathematical approach to spinor groups see "Clifford Algebras, Clifford Groups, and a Generalization of the Quaternions" by Jean H. Gallier available on Really nicely written paper, but in the whole of 27 pages you will not meet the concept of "spinor". This proves that the concept of a spinor is more difficult to write about than the concept of a "spinor group". Or, perhaps, that there are too many of definitions of spinors, and it is not clear which one will win in the future. And yes, I did not forget, we are getting there, slowly crawling ....


  1. literally be "no nothing." ->
    literally be "nothing."

    was no ordinary ->
    was not ordinary

    their Cl(Q) ->
    their C(Q)

    condition sEs−1=EsEs−1=E ->
    condition sEs−1=E

    1. Thanks. I left "no nothing" as it is. It is a very bad slang. See
      And as such it is in quotation marks. It is supposed to sound "funny", not taken too seriously.

    2. English "no nothing" is equivalent to popular Polish language "nie ma tam tam niczego". Bad logic, but meaning clear.

    3. Phrase:
      "In this post we will take a closer"
      is used twice - something is messed up.

    4. Indeed. My thinking was messed up. Removed the second instance. Thanks!

    5. subgroups g(s) = exp(s X) ->
      subgroups g(t) = exp(t X)

    6. Ah, first I thought I will use g(s) to avoid association of the parameter t with the time variable, but then instantly I have forgotten. Thank you!

    7. "We can easily verify that, since τ(g) = ν(π(g)), we have

      τ(g(t)) = g(-t)."

      Please verify.

    8. Now I get it.
      π(g) = π(cos(t)1 + i sin(t) n)= cos(t)1 + i sin(t) n
      ν(π(g)) = ν (cos(t)1 + i sin(t) n) = cos(t)1 - i sin(t) n = cos(-t)1 + i sin(-t) n

    9. OK. I have replaced the not so clear statement by a direct derivation. Thanks.

  2. and setting it is a matter ->
    (Ark, I should tear you to pieces for that)

    1. "Should I provide the calculations?"
      No, thanks. I did them. And because you didn't write that you assume n = (0,0,1) I did them for any n.

      and setting it is a matter ->
      and setting n=(0,0,1) it is a matter

    2. I was sure I specified n, but indeed I did not. Fixed. Thank you!

    3. After the fight I got:
      x(t) = cos(2t) x + sin(2t) (x × n) + 2sin^2 (n·x)n

    4. So
      x1(t) = cos(2t)x2 + sin(2t) x3 ->
      x1(t) = cos(2t)x1 + sin(2t) x2

      x2(t) = -sin(2t)x2 +cos(2t) x3 ->
      x2(t) = -sin(2t)x1 +cos(2t) x2

    5. Indeed I messed up. Now it should be better. Closer to the truth. Thanks.

    6. After double checking:
      x(t) = cos(2t) x + sin(2t) (x × n) + 2sin^2 (t) (n·x)n

    7. That is one possible form. I prefer the form with Cos(2t) and sin(2t) plus a constant term (n·x)n.
      Good job!

    8. "I prefer the form with Cos(2t) and sin(2t) plus a constant term (n·x)n."

      So what is this form?

    9. Just replace 2sin^2 (t) by 1-cos(2t) in your formula.

    10. Do you mean
      x(t) = cos(2t) x + sin(2t) (x × n) - cos(2t) (n·x)n + (n·x)n ?

    11. Or better (n·x)n + cos(2t) (x-(n·x)n) + sin(2t) (x × n)

    12. But
      x(t) = cos(2t) x + sin(2t) (x × n) + (1- cos(2t)) (n·x)n
      it smells a lot like

    13. Except that we have 2t. Which means that for the element of the Clifford group to become again the identity, our vector must rotate 720 degrees. Notice that g(0)=g(2 pi), while g(pi) = -1.

    14. "Which means that for the element of the Clifford group to become again the identity, our vector must rotate 720 degrees."
      I don't get it.
      What is "the element" and what is "our vector"?

    15. For now element is g in G, and vector is u in Cl(V) on which g acts as gug^{-1}. But there is no physical interpretation yet. And "vectors" are 4D complex instead of 2D complex as in quantum mechanics of Pauli spinors.

    16. "for the element of the Clifford group to become again the identity, our vector must rotate 720 degrees."

      I see it a bit differently - in one go, we attack vector u twice. Once from one (left) side and once from the other (right) side. These two simultaneous attacks cause a twofold angular shift. So it's no wonder that when g corresponds to an angle of 180 degrees, vector u will rotate a full 360 degrees.

    17. That is how it seems to work. If A is an observable, we transform it twice: UAU*, Attack from the left takes it out of the "real world", and we attack from the right to take it back to the "real world".

    18. When I compare
      x(t) = cos(2t) x + sin(2t) (x × n) + (1- cos(2t)) (n x)n
      with "Rodrigues' rotation formula" I see that the difference is also at the sine sign.
      That is, the rotation is in the opposite direction. θ = -2t.

      Our action guτ(g) was accidentally poorly chosen (ist nicht sehr guτ).

      More compatible (handedness?) would be the action τ(g)ug (τug ging = pulling)

    19. There is always the question whether transformations should be interpreted in active or passive way. Active - we rotate the object. Passive - we rotate the reference frame. Rotating the object by g has the same effect as rotating the reference frame by g^{-1}. In theory. In practice they do not have to be the same since rotating the observer may cause his head spinning!

    20. We wrote guτ(g) as g·u. Your formula τ(g)ug should then, for consistency, be written as u·g.

    21. "Attack from the left takes it out of the "real world", and we attack from the right to take it back to the "real world"."

      These attacks are simultaneous (as it is in mathematics - mathematics is not temporal) so exit from the "real world" and return to it do not occur (or occur in no time)

    22. "We wrote guτ(g) as g·u."

      Because we defined it like this?

      Alternatively we could define
      g·u as τ(g)ug.

    23. In fact yesterday I was participating in a lecture:

      Очередное заседание научного семинара «Основания фундаментальной физики» под руководством проф. Ю.С. Владимирова состоится в четверг 21.11.2024 в 18:45 на физическом факультет МГУ, ауд. №4-58.


      Программа семинара:

      Тема доклада: От принципа двойственности к уравнению Дирака

      Автор: Векшенов Сергей Александрович, доктор физико-математических наук, профессор (Российская академия образования)

      The speaker, mathematician, is proposing new kind of mathematics, which takes into account "processes" (rotations) instead of "static" mathematics based on Cantor's set theory.

    24. "Alternatively we could define
      g·u as τ(g)ug."

      That would be bad. Writing it as g·u has a reason. Since we have (gh)·u = g·(h·u). With your action the order would have to be reversed. So yor action is better to write as u·g. Then the order do not have to be reversed.

    25. See e.g.

      for left(right) group action.

    26. "So yor action is better to write as u·g."

  3. 'mathematics is not temporal'
    It is precisely what Сергей Векшенов is fighting against! Ark, thank you for mentioning him here. For all who lives in the "real world", Sergey looks like a fighter with windmills. But there is a spark of truth in this crazy idea.

    1. Perhaps I should add that Sergey is proposing a rotating analogy to Conway's "surreal numbers":

      But this is another big adventure.

    2. Remarkably, you know about surreal numbers! Should we expect the Big adventure in the next blog series?

    3. No way. I have to learn about "absolutes" first! Today I have ordered the book "Projective and Cayley-Klein Geometries" by
      Onishchik and Sulanke. I need to learn this stuff! Surreal numbers are not my first priority.

    4. Very glad to hear that. Absolutes are mysteriously related to spinors. I suppose the Kotelnikov's 1927 paper could shed light on the subject. Though Kotelnikov had written it before Dirac introduced spinors, he showed how absolute works in physics, e.g., how it links Minkowsky and Lobachevsky spaces.

    5. I went through Kotelnikov's paper, but I did not see any relation to spinors. Perhaps that is because I do not understand the language of projective geometry. After some search I found a book that perhaps I will be able to use for learning this language: ЮНГ, ПРОЕКТИВНАЯ ГЕОМЕТРИЯ, 1949.

    6. About relation of the Kotelnikov's paper to spinors, according to Varlamov, Kotelnikov's screw calculus is almost the same as quaternions. Complex quaternions (biquaternions) define screws in the Lobachevsky space. I am citing Varlamov: "Когда-то "Винтовое исчисление" Котельникова было моей настольной книгой. Винты тесно связаны с кватернионами, по сути одно и то же. Комплексные кватернионы (бикватернионы) задают винты в пространстве Лобачевского. Котельников также рассматривал двойные и дуальные кватернионы. Через бикватернионы выражаются напряжённости электромагнитного поля (представление Зильберштейна), а там выход на квантовую электродинамику Майораны-Оппенгеймера, диракоподобное уравнение для фотона и т. д. и. т. п. Однако все эти вещи сейчас крепко забыты".

    7. Thanks. Another book to read then: Винтовое счисление и некоторые приложения его к геометрии и механике

    8. Oh, i found it. The text in old Russian with "ять" and "i". Not an easy reading. But i told you that Kotelnikov has something to do with spinors! :)

    9. Not so difficult to read. Even entertaining.

  4. OK. I will try to remember to provide more details in the future. The problem is that after I get the result myself, I am so excited by the fact that, at the end, it looks so pretty, that I want to show this beauty to the world right away, and move to the next task. So I publish the post as soon as I can. Results? Lot of little errors and missing details.
    Of course I am able, with some effort and will, wait a little, work on the post, until it smails to the Reader. I will try to re-program myself. Thanks.

  5. Ark, no, please, don't reprogram youself! Your posts are like fresh hot cakes, and that is their charm! Sorry for this plane comparison... Of course, they are masterful cakes where you add the joy of insight as the main spice. This costs much!


Thank you for your comment..

Spin Chronicles Part 46 - Closing the GNS construction door

  "When one door closes another door opens" - how very true. But first this one door needs to be tightly closed. Today we will cl...