Friday, November 22, 2024

The Spin Chronicles (Part 16): The Action surprises

 This is a continuation of Part 15, where we have discussed the action of the Clifford group G of Cl(V) on Cl(V), defined by

g: x⟼ g x τ(g).

So far we have considered one-parameter subgroups of G of the form g(t) = exp(tX), with X = -ν(X) and X even. These were X of the form X = in, where n is a real vector in V. Today we will consider the case of X odd. Thus we take X=n, where n is a unit vector in V. Since ν(n) = -n, and π(n) = -n, it follows that τ(n)=n, and therefore τ(exp(tn))=exp(tn). For x = x0+x, x- complex scalar, and x - complex vector, we need to calculate

x' = (x'0,x') = exp(tn) x exp(tn).

Again it is a question of a straightforward algebra, even somewhat easier than in the previous case, so I will give just the result. For this it is convenient to introduce the following notation. For any x in V we define x as the component of x parallel to n, and x as the complementary component perpendicular to n:

x = (x·n)n,
x = x - (x·n)n.

With this notation, for x'=exp(tn) x exp(tn), we obtain:

x'0 = cosh(2t)x0 + sinh(2t) (x·n),

x' = cosh(2t)x + sinh(2t)x0n,

x' = x.

These are the well-known formulas for the Lorentz boost from Special Relativity. But here they arise almost effortlessly, as if conjured by some hidden symmetry. Coincidence? Or perhaps this is another case of Nature’s fondness for recycling its best ideas—its cosmic version of "As above, so below" and "As below, so above."

As above, so below

Nature seems to have a habit of finding a useful tool or building block and reusing it ad nauseam, like that one song you can’t get out of your head. Consider the "eye"—an evolutionary smash hit that popped up independently across the animal kingdom. Or the cell, biology's equivalent of the Lego brick. Could Clifford algebra, Cl(V)Cl(V), be another one of Nature's favorite gadgets? It shows up everywhere: in the microcosm (spin of electrons and protons) and the macrocosm (Minkowski spacetime in Special Relativity and the tangent spaces of General Relativity). It's the ultimate multitasker—kind of like duct tape, but for the fabric of reality.

If that’s the case, maybe it’s not so far-fetched to expect quantum phenomena at a macrocosmic scale. The catch? We might just be staring them in the face without realizing it, like someone trying to find their glasses while wearing them. To uncover such phenomena, we need more than just better technology or theories—we need a fresh perspective, a new way of asking questions. After all, the universe has a funny way of hiding its best tricks in plain sight, daring us to figure out the rules of its game. There may be new phenomena on the cosmic scale as well. Think of a "condensate (infinite continuous tensor product) of Clifford algebras" etc. "More" is sometimes essentially different....

P.S. 22-11-24 18:50 Notice that the real and imaginary part of x transform independently.

Disagree? Good! Nature thrives on competition, and so should ideas. Just don’t expect her to hand you the answers. She prefers to keep her secrets—and her sense of humor—intact.


  1. "These are the well-known formulas for the Lorentz boost "

    Again - (Inverse) Lorentz boost. (Coincidence?)

    1. So left double action moves the object, right double action moves the observer. Left single action moves the object out of "our realm" into the "quantum realm". The same with right single action that moves the observer into the quantum realm. Perhaps consciousness has something to do with this complex view.

    2. In my post "The Physics of Non-Material World?" I ahve mentioned the ideas of Elizabeth Rauscher and Richard Amoroso - they were advocating the use of "complex Minkowski space". But this complex Minkowski space, as we now see, is nothing else than our Cl(V). V.V. Kassandrov was exploiting this fact in his books and papers, extending Newman's ideas. Ezra Newman published even a paper with the title "Heaven and its Properties" - Newman ET. 1976. Heaven and its properties. Gen. Rel. Grav. 7, 107-111. ( 10.1007/BF00762018) , quoted by R. Penrose here:

  2. "So left double action moves the object, right double action moves the observer."

    Or the other way round?

    1. I think Wikipedia formula is for moving the observer.

    2. In:
      I read:
      "In the theory of three-dimensional rotation, Rodrigues' rotation formula, named after Olinde Rodrigues, is an efficient algorithm for rotating a vector in space"
      and I read:
      "If v is a vector in ℝ3 and k is a unit vector describing an axis of rotation about which v rotates by an angle θ according to the right hand rule, the Rodrigues formula for the rotated vector vrot is ..."

    3. OK. It is easy to check. So I will check when I have time. Now I am working on the next action in the list.

  3. I am renewing the case:
    These are the well-known formulas for the Lorentz boost ->
    These are the well-known formulas for the (Inverse) Lorentz boost

    search for:
    Inverse Lorentz boost
    (second finding).
    There are pluses to the left of sinh.)

    1. Nevertheless: I want to postpone the verdict until we go through all four actions. I suspect something. In short: I suspect that while vectors transform with plus, covectors transform with minus. And right now we do not know whether we are dealing with vectots or covectors. I may be wrong, but this is my suspicion.

    2. My notation: basis indices up, vector indices down, is suggestive of covectors. Under rotations covectors transform by a matrix transposed to the matrix transforming vectors. But for orthogonal matrices transpose is the same as inverse.

  4. "Could Clifford algebra, Cl(V), be another one of Nature's favorite gadgets? It shows up everywhere:..." Most staring case is the 8-periodicity of chemical elements, which perhaps, may be related to Bott 8-periodicity and 8-dimensionality of Cl(V). But how to show this rigorously is still a big challenge.

    1. That should not be too difficult. Periodic table derives from Fermi statistics, and this is automatically build in with Clifford algebras - anticommutation rules.

    2. Oh, really! An interesting turn and a deep insight! Yes, that's right - we can have only two electron states with opposite spins on each energy level. We can speculate that in 3D space, 2^3 = 8, and the deal is done. But something more specific is required. Periodic table obeys Madelung's rule, and it is not evident (to me) how to relate it to 8-periodicity of Cl3.
      This math game is great, but what does it have to do with physics (with spin)?

    3. An interesting and deep insight! Yes, that's right - we can have only two electron states with opposite spins on each energy level. We can speculate that in 3d space, 2^3 = 8, and the deal is done, we explained the 8-periodicity. But something more specific is required. Periodic table obeys Madelung's rule, and it is not evident how to relate it to 8-periodicity of Cl3.
      If such a relation can be found, it would be a good answer to the question of Bjab "what does it have to do with physics, (with spin)?"

    4. "More is different". We should not expect from one Clifford
      algebra to answer to all possible questions we can have. A realistic model would probably require an uncountable infinity of Clifford algebra and, perhaps, even surreal;itic and hyperealistic numbers. Possibly even a surrealistic and hyperrealistic logic. Step by step, however, is a good, safe, and efficient rule.

    5. I wanted to say "If such a relation (between chemical elements and 8-periodicity of Cl3) can be found, it would be a good answer to the question of Bjab "what does it have to do with physics?"

    6. Well, Bjab's question is highly imprecise. "Physics" is a fuzzy concept. One can always say that anything that has to do with "space" an/or "time" has to do with physics. And each our "experience" has something to do with physics. With physics of today or with physics of tomorrow that we do not know yet.

    7. 8-periodicity of chemical elements is not a fuzzy concept at all. Relating it to the Bott 8-periodicity is quite a clearly formulated problem. The Bott periodicity is connected with three automorphisms of Cl3, if i am not mistaken.
      A proper explanation of the chemical elements from fundamental principles is missing up to date and its significance cannot be overestimated.

    8. "A proper explanation of the chemical elements from fundamental principles is missing up to date"
      Really? I didn't know that. Do you know any relatively recent publication on this subject?

    9. Yes, there is a set of publications of Vadim Varlamov listed here

    10. Thanks. Can you get this paper for me?
      "... О пионерской статье Румера и Фета (Румер Ю.Б., Фет А.И. Группа Spin(4) и таблица Менделеева // ТМФ. 1971. Т. 9.C. 203–209) "

    11. Tough may be it is not so necessary as it is probably contained in "Группа симметрии химических элементов" ,А. И. Фет, which I have.

    12. I have sent "Румер Ю.Б., Фет А.И. Группа Spin(4) и таблица Менделеева" you by mail

  5. "These are the well-known formulas for the Lorentz boost from Special Relativity. But here they arise almost effortlessly, as if conjured by some hidden symmetry. Coincidence?"
    But what is so puzzling here? Lorentz transformations are defined as such that preserve Gramian, which means that the basis elements do not change their mutual orientation, i.e., transfer all together as a single whole. Clifford algebra is geometric algebra, it describes reflections and rotations, not only in euclidean but also in pseudoeuclidean spaces, so all its automorphisms preserve the rigid basis (angles and lengths). Hence, Lorentz transformations can be adequately described by Cl(V).
    What is wrong here? Please, correct me...

    1. The surprising element is that all this time we are playing with the Clifford algebra of a 3D space, not with the Clifford algebra of 4D space-time. Spacetime emerged miraculously from space - that is an unexpected extra bonus.

    2. This is the most exciting circumstance indeed! We notice the "holographic principle": the boudary defines all that happens in the volume that it circumvents. Recall of Maldacena with his AdS-CFT correspondence.
      Clifford algebras perfectly suit for this with their hierarchical structure where each next level as if grows from the previous one. Also, the apparatus of exact sequences and (co)homologies should work here.
      I am thinking about the boundary-bulk relations for a long time and the longer i think the more interesting it becomes. I am sure that this rule should be general for arbitrary n and n-1 dimensions, with 4d and 3d as a special case. And this chain can be continued in both side. But this is another risky adventure.

    3. "We notice the "holographic principle": the boudary defines all that happens in the volume that it circumvents."
      Prompted by unceasing inquiries of Bjab I am going now to take a detour and introduce the "boundary". It will take us a little bit away from the mystery of spinors, but, on the other hand, it may be necessary as it will allow us to visit the realm of "absolutes", which may be helpful for understanding "screws" and spinors.

    4. It seems that screws and spinors join somehow the spaces of adjacent dimensions, bulk and boundary, n and n+1, don't they? But i am anticipating the events...


Thank you for your comment..

Spin Chronicles Part 46 - Closing the GNS construction door

  "When one door closes another door opens" - how very true. But first this one door needs to be tightly closed. Today we will cl...