Hamilton discovered the algebra of quaternions on October 16, 1843. He wrote about this:
"They started into life, or light, full grown, on the 16th of October, 1843, as I was walking with Lady Hamilton to Dublin, and came up to Brougham Bridge. "
They were strange creatures at this time. Euler was very close to their discovery already 100 years before. Gauss discovered them 20 years before. But these two great mathematicians did not realize that they, quaternions, will be important. Hamilton discovered them all by himself and realized their importance. Of course not without obstacles. Lord Kelvin, the famous Scottish physicist, commented on Hamilton's discovery with a warning: "Quaternions came from Hamilton after his really good work had been done; and though beautifully ingenious, have been an unmixed evil to those who have touched them in any way."
Algebra is an unmixed evil indeed. What to do with an algebra? Multiply its elements one by another? Divide one by another? In 1858 Cayley discovered matrices and realized the abstract algebra of quaternions as a particular subalgebra of Mat(2,C). Quaternions became ready to do some real work. Matrices act on vectors creating new vectors. Cayley has found a representation of Hamilton's algebra.
Representations of abstract algebras as "algebras of operators" is today big branch of mathematics, with applications to physics, in particular to quantum physics. To the set of all (equivalence classes of) irreducible representations of a C*-algebra A has been given a name: the spectrum of A. So algebras have their spectra. Studying spectra of atoms gave birth to quantum theory. But algebras, as it seems, have their own ways of producing some kind of "light".
Here we are studying just one monadic-type of algebra - the geometric algebra of space. We should not expect more than one light ray coming from it. Perhaps two. Our algebra is isomorphic to the algebra of biquaternions (complex quaternions), thus double the size of Cayley algebra. We have already found its irreducible representations by looking for non-trivial left ideals. The left regular representation of our A can be decomposed into a direct sum of two equivalent representations (see Part 31)
A = F⊕F⟂,
where F is the left ideal Ap, p=(1+n)/2, F⟂=A(1-p).
announced in my previous post we will take the same task, but using a
different perspective - will use the Gelfand-Neumark construction (today
known under the name GNS-construction). The GNS machine has been
developed for the much more interesting infinite-dimensional case. Here we will use it for the simplest possible case of a 4-dimensional complex algebra.
In finite dimension we can disregard all talk about continuity, because
all finite dimensional linear maps are automatically continuous. We can
disregard all talk about one subspace being dense in another, because
every finite-dimensional linear subspace is automatically closed. What
remains of the Gelfand-Neumark construction is a pure algebra. However
GNS construction is more "physics oriented", where by "physics" I mainly
mean the lessons we have learned from quantum mechanics. And so, we
will meet the important concept of "positivity". Here by positivity I shall always mean "non-negativity".
Positivity is related to the fact that probabilities are usually being
considered as positive, taking values in the interval [0,1]. For real
numbers being positive can be defined as being a square of some other
real number. For complex numbers being positive is the same as being of the
form a*a, where a is another complex number, and a* denotes the complex
conjugate of a. Quantum theory suggests us that this last definition
also seems to work well with noncommutative *-algebras. So we define an
element of our *-algebra A to be positive if it can be written as a*a, where now a* is the antilinear anti-automorphism in A.
Now if b is positive, it is automatically Hermitian : b*=b (Why?).
Hermitian elements in quantum theory are usually called "observables",
positive observables are those that have positive eigenvalues - their
spectrum is on the positive real axis. This is not evident from the
definition, but it can be proved without great difficulties.
It is rather intuitive, but it takes some real effort to prove it from
the above definition that the sum of two positive elements is positive.
But it is so.
course here we meet a big interpretational problem: what is the meaning
of the algebra product for two noncommuting algebra elements a,b? Or
even what is meaning of a+b when a and b do not commute? It is not a
surprise that Feynman declared that nobody understands quantum theory.
Of course many physicists and mathematicians work hard to find a way
around these problems (quantum logic, Jordan algebras, noncommutative
probability, "effects", etc.), but none of these many proposals has been
generally accepted as "the solution". The problem still exists, and
waits for a satisfactory answer. "Shut up and calculate "is not a fully satisfactory answer.
The next important ingredient of the construction is the concept of state. A state is a normalized positive linear functional on the algebra A. Linear functional means a linear map from the algebra A to complex numbers C. For every (finite-dimensional) vector space E we have its dual E' - the space of all linear functionals on E. If vi are the components of vector v, and fi is any sequence of complex numbers, then f(v) = fivi
defines an element f of E', and any element of E' is of this form
(Why?). Here the fact that A is not just a vector space, but an algebra,
plays no role. But we want f to be positive, which is defined as: f(v)
is positive for all positive v. That is
f(a*a) ≥ 0 for all a in A.
Here the algebra structure and its star operation play their role.
Finally state must be normalized. Here we use the fact that our algebra has a unit, which we denote simply by 1. Normalization means that we require f(1) = 1. On the left hand side 1 is the unit in the algebra, on the right-hand-side it is the number 1.
usually interpret f(a) in a probabilistic way as an "expectation value"
of a in the state f. So our requirement on f are: expectation value of a
positive observable should be positive, and expectation value of an
observable taking only value 1 is 1. Intuitive, but, perhaps,
misleadingly simple.
states provide numbers to algebra elements: complex numbers to general
elements, real numbers to self-adjoint (a=a*) elements, positive numbers
to positive elements. Numbers we understand better than abstract algebra
elements. We call these numbers "expectation values" and instantly feel
much better. What can we do with states? The same we do in the kitchen
with the ingredients: we mix them. If f1 and f2 are states, and t is a real number in the interval [0,1], we can forma new state tf1+(1-t)f2.
We can proceed with mixing adding to the mixture more and more states.
By mixing states we lose information - this is known from classical
probability, where we mix probability measures. Going in the reverse
direction we can try to "un-mix" states. If our state can be decomposed
into f1 and f2, we try to decompose f1 and f2
further, and continue until we finally arrive at states that are not
mixtures of other states. These are called "pure states". They contain
maximal information about the system, maximal within a given statistical
model. This is common to both classical and quantum physics. The main
difference between classical and quantum, in this respect, is the fact
that in classical statistical mechanics the decomposition of a mixed
into pure states is unique (we say that in classical physics the
statistical figure - the convex set of states - is a "simplex"), while
in quantum mechanics there is no such uniqueness. This is perhaps one of
the main puzzles of quantum theory. Where is this non-uniqueness coming
from? And what does it mean? We will meet this non-uniqueness on an
example later on.
And then we can use states (mixed or pure) to construct representations of the algebra as algebras of operators acting on Hilbert spaces. Why do we need this? Can't we simply work with "expectation values" and be happy forever? Here comes another quantum mystery. Louis de Broglie associated waves with particles. Waves are famous for the phenomenon of "interference". Waves can "superpose". This is not the same as statistical mixing. Then came Heisenberg with his matrix quantum mechanics saying bye-bye to the wave picture, but the superposition principle was preserved: we can make superpositions of vectors in the space on which our matrices act. We can treat the superposition within the Hilbert space formalism, but they do not fit the abstract algebra framework. So, by looking for a representation of the algebra, we move from "states" to state vectors. What these state vectors represent beyond reproducing expectation values given by states - that is again a mystery.
construction takes a state and uses it to construct a Hilbert space and
a representation of algebra as an algebra of operators in this space.
It realizes this particular state used for the construction as one
particular vector in a Hilbert space, and it creates a linear "envelope"
of this state by acting with operators representing the algebra
elements on this one distinguished vector. This is a general picture. It
will be better understood when we will do it on several examples using
our Clifford algebra as a toy.
P.S. 16-01-25 11:01 I think I understand what is Erich Kahler doing. He is doing it in a rather complicated way. He is using real quaternions as a Clifford algebra Cl(0,2). But there is a better way. We will get there. We were already playing with circles in 2D. We will have to play with spheres in 3D. The main idea will be essentially the same.
P.S. 16-01-25 17:47 This is in reply to Anna's questions in a comment 3:32 PM today:
1. "Does the concept of representation (of an abstract algebra) necessarily implies the space where to represent it? Do "algebras have their spectra" by their own, or we always need a particular representation space, a screen, where the spectrum of rays can be represented?"
The concept of representation involves space. So a representation of a *-algebra A is by definition a pair (H,R), where H is a Hilbert space and R is a *-homomorphism from A to the algebra B(H) of bounded operators on H. But then, when we define the spectrum, we are getting rid of a particular H by defining equivalence relation as follows:
Iwo representations (H1,R1) and (H2,R2) are said to be equivalent if there exists a Hilbert space isomorphism T from H1 to H2 such that T R1(a) =R2(a) T. Otherwise they are said to be inequivalent. The points of the spectrum are equivalence classes of irreducible representations.
2. "- "...the convex set of states - a simplex"
Does it have any relation to geometrical 'simplex' which is a n-dim generalization of a triangle?"
What to with an algebra? ->
matrices and realize ->
real number to self-adjoint ->
mathematics,. with ->
F is the left indea ->
The G|NS machine ->
Her will ->
case of an 4-dimensional algebra ->
linear map are ->
is the same being ->
This common to ->
Thank you!
ReplyDeleteEvery new post brings a great deal of insights. But the density of insights in these three pages breaks the records. 'States', 'representations', 'GNS-construction' -- all these concepts remained unclear for me for many years. Now the boiling point has been achieved. There are only minor questions left:
ReplyDelete- Does the concept of representation (of an abstract algebra) necessarily implies the space where to represent it? Do "algebras have their spectra" by their own, or we always need a particular representation space, a screen, where the spectrum of rays can be represented?
- "...the convex set of states - a simplex"
Does it have any relation to geometrical 'simplex' which is a n-dim generalization of a triangle?
Ark, how i love your precisely sharp and at the same time transparently clear metaphors! My dinner today will be not an ordinary ragout, it will be a mixed state of more elementary 'meat' and 'potato' states of matter.
Good questions. Replied in a P.S.
Delete"GMS-construction takes a state and uses it to construct a Hilbert sapce..."
DeleteSo, ONE state --> ONE Hilbert space? Did i understand right that one state gives rise to a whole Hilbert space? But then, what is the dimension of this state? Hilbert space is infinitely dimensional and you say it is built like a linear envelope of just one state...
I strongly hope to understand this better on examples you promissed to be further.
One more vague moment for me. In P.S. you said that we get rid of particular Hilbert space by grouping H's in accordance with the equivalence relation, ok. Doesn't it remind the projection proceedure when all H spaces in a class are 'projected' onto one chosen representative element H?
DeleteProjections have already appeared in our venture and when we talk about light and spectra they seem to be especially in place.
Well from each equivalence class you can choose a representative and map all other Hilbert space in the same class onto this one. I would avoid the term "projection", because projecting usually comes with a loss of some information. On our case the maps between Hilbert space in one class are 1-1. We have Hilbert space isomorphisms, like the Hilbert space of square integrable functions L^2 is isomorphic to the space of square summable sequences l^2. If we choose an orthonormal basis in each Hilbert space, equivalence of two representations is the same as saying that the matrices of these representations are connected by a similarity transformation
DeleteR2(a) = T R1(a) T^{-1}.
The loss of information is the crucial phrase, thank you!
DeleteBy projection i meant a bit different thing, as usual, i cannot express myself clearly... I meant something like a beam of rays outgoing from a center source of light, like demonstration of movies, when light passes through a transparant film and no matter how far the screen from the lenz is, we see the same shapes and colours (the same spectrum), while only sizes grow with distance to the screen, as in case of conformal transform.
All the information is preserved along the rays and can be represented on any screen (space H) we put in the beam's way. Each point of the film is expanded into a ray (equivalence class of points). But this is too loose comparison, i see.
Can someone explain to me what is going in this youtube video:
Especially from 2:30 to 6:00.
Lets concentrate on the electro-magnetic field in the plane perpendicular to the antenna rod (through the rod center).
Electric field vectors in this plane are perpendicular to this plane everywhere. Magnetic field vectors in this plane are tangent to this plane everywhere. How is it possible that near the rod electric field is out of phase with magnetic field but far from the rod electric field is in phase with magnetic?
Most probably there is a simple reason for this behavior. This reason is that magnetic and electric fields obey Maxwell equations.
Delete"This reason is that magnetic and electric fields obey Maxwell equations."
DeleteWell, may be yes or may be no. May be Maxwell equations can't explain that particular case.
Since difference in phase between electric wave and magnetic wave changes on the distance from antenna it means that the speed of electric wave not equals the magnetic wave in this experiment.
The "speed of wave" is a complex concept. We can think of group velocity, phase velocity, transmission speed. In EM we have near-field and far-field, with somewhat different behavior.
DeleteThe video you linked is just a simulation, not a real phenomenon. I am pretty sure they used Maxwell equations to produce the simulation.
Ark, you are trying to simplify the problem by not delving into it.
DeleteI must remind you that in a vacuum the group velocity is identical to the phase velocity of an electromagnetic wave.
Also, there is no division into near field and far field when there are no other receivers near the antenna.
"The video you linked is just a simulation, not a real phenomenon. I am pretty sure they used Maxwell equations to produce the simulation."
DeleteIn that video they just jump from out of phase fields to in phase fields not explaining why that is so.
"Also, there is no division into near field and far field when there are no other receivers near the antenna."
DeleteAntenna itself is also a receiver.
As for the video - it is just a tutorial simulation. Nothing in it should be taken seriously. On the other hand we have experiments like here:
Sometimes they are easy to explain, sometimes not so easy.
DeleteNear and far zones or fields are rather straightforward to treat, from quasistationary static-like solutions for potentials to exponential expansion much like multipole one. The issue arrises with so called intermediate or inductive zone or field where distance from the emitter/receiver is of the order of em wave wavelength. The concrete treatment in this region is omitted even from rather advanced textbooks like Jackson.
"As for the video - it is just a tutorial simulation. Nothing in it should be taken seriously."
DeleteI disagree. The video I linked is a thought experiment. Physics knows such serious approach.
"On the other hand we have experiments like here:
I have mixed feelings about presentations like the one in the video linked by Ark. A mixture of truth and interpretation errors and scam.
@Bjab Maybe the video you linked is different from your "thought experiment video". I followed you link and got to a training video of Royal Canadian Air Force. I am not sure whom is supposed to train. Maybe Air Force electric engineers.
Delete"Maybe the video you linked is different from your "thought experiment video".
DeleteNo, it is the same.
"I am not sure whom is supposed to train. Maybe Air Force electric engineers."
Oh, I see you're trying to be perceived sarcastic and arrogant.
DeleteHaven't seen the video, but thought experiment explanation might be like this: in near zone E and B are like in static case, in other words E comes from the very existence of the charge as -gradV with dominant monopole component, while B needs moving charge as a current to "produce" rotA with first non-zero component being dipole one. Logically, as charge existence precedes its movement, thus E precedes B in this region. As time passes on, both potentials are in principle treated as retarded, i.e. like coming from time t-r/c from the source in the form of em wave, or more precisely like a spherical wave that propagates the angular profile or amplitude for specific frequency omega and wave vector k with the speed of light c.
"Haven't seen the video."
DeleteJust spend 6 minutes of your time watching the beginning of this film.
The most crucial part is from the third minute. The filmmakers unfortunately do not explain why the fields near the antenna are shifted in phase (time) by 90 degrees and further from the antenna the fields are in phase.
"thought experiment explanation might be like this: in near zone E and B are like in static case"
It is not a static case. The charge is oscillating.
Regardless of oscillations in time, in near zone the solutions for vector potential are static-like, while the charge itself, i.e. monopole component for scalar potential is exactly like in static case, which immediately gives rise to E as E=-gradV for V=Int(rho/r dVolume), while B=rotA with A=Int(j/r dVolume) * exp (-i omega t). In far zone only A is needed, as B=rotA and E=i/k rotB, where first dominant component to the field and radiation is electric dipole one.
DeleteFor details check for example Jackson, 3rd edition, Ch 9.
In other words, in near zone as soon there's a charge there's also E, while B follows when charge starts moving or oscillating. That might explain the shift in phase for pi/2, as E would go like a cosine with "full" amplitude already at cos0, while B "needs" some time to develop, i.e. goes like a sine with "full" amplitude at sin(pi/2).
DeleteIn addition, static E falls like 1/r^2, while radiation field falls only like 1/r, meaning that in far zone monopole component is negligible compared to radiation dipole one, which makes E and B to get back into phase time synch.
DeleteThe full symmetry group for Maxwell's equations is the conformal group and this could certainly come into play in the near field static/induction region. Tony Smith called these bosons graviphotons via gravity and EM sharing the same conformal group for this. Tony had this group in the Hilbert space related algebra but he also had 64 generic spacetime operators that I tend to think house an Ark-like central classical algebra version of the conformal group (and other classical structures).
DeleteWho knows how all this plays together overall. There could be Zeno-anti-Zeno effects including consciousness based ones. Supposedly this is the physics basis for Philadelphia Experiment-like rumors. How would you control the tilting of light cones to avoid random disasters? Maybe with consciousness?
Ark, thank you very much for your admirable, very informative and illuminative answers! I am reading and thinking them over.
ReplyDeleteBut my questions on this subject seem to be endless... I will formulate soon the next one.
A little remark about ‘spectrum’. For physicists, spectrum of operator consists of the most interesting values – its eigenvalues. To my surprise, mathematicians on the contrary perceive spectrum as “bad” values, where the bounded operator (T -- lambda I): V->V is non-bijective on V, i.e., the mapping is irregular. All other numbers λ are in the resolvent (regular) set, which are “good” regular values. (There is a nice student tale about Beautiful Resolventa and Evil Wizard Spectrum https://vk.com/topic-1518971_3743203, it is written in nontranslatable phys-math Russian, but at least some of the readers can get fun).
ReplyDeleteI thought that in Kassandrov's theory, an important role is played by caustics, which are also “bad” - extreme, turn points. Probably, the theory of catastrophes and the Morse theory may come into play.
Thanks, Anna. Very interesting observation about this good and bad values.
DeleteАркадиуш, в этом эссе Вы так и не прояснили, что следует понимать под квантовым состоянием. С одной стороны оно имеет вероятностный характер, а с другой стороны обладает алгебраическими свойствами. Так что же это такое? Почему бы в качестве квантовых состояний не взять вероятностные распределения. На мой взгляд, есть хорошая возможность использовать математический аппарат вероятностных распределений на цилиндре (торе) для описания одномерных состояний, которые подчиняются алгебре комплексных чисел. Аналогично, вероятностные распределения на Клиффордовом торе, заданном в 4D, могли бы порождать квантовые состояния, обладающие алгеброй бикватернионов. Предвижу Ваш вопрос: как это возможно? Вот возможно, и тут не надо быть провидцем, чтобы предсказать, что так оно и будет.
ReplyDelete"Вот возможно, и тут не надо быть провидцем, чтобы предсказать, что так оно и будет."
DeleteNostradamus had many predictions. They came true or not, depending on their interpretations. I am trying make things simple and clear, not to make them look deep and smart. If you have a particular question - ask, and I will try to answer. Physicists do not all agree what is "quantum state" because they do not all agree what is quantum theory. I am presenting here what I know, and I am also making some comments about the possible future developments.
Dear Igor,
DeleteWould you please be considerate to other non-Russian speaking readers of this blog and make an effort to translate your comments to English?
Otherwise, if you wish and intend only to communicate with Ark, there is always a Contact form box at the bottom of this page to contact only Ark via messages sent to his mail.
Thank you in advance.
Dear Sasha,
DeleteI don't think you have any difficulties with the translation. I don't demand much respect for myself, but at least respect the dissent.
Truth be told, I do have an issue with translating particularly non-English texts especially when using mobile phone like now and recently to read this blog. And sometimes I have an issue also with English words; what does "dissent" mean in the context of respect?
DeleteArk has been kind enough to switch from Polish to English on this blog most probably for the sake of readers, so wouldn't it be respectful from the readers to do the same, i.e. to follow the author's lead for the sake of the author and other readers?
If you insist otherwise, what is the point you are trying to convey by doing so in the comment section of this blog and not using the Contact form for that?
I'm thinking in Russian and I can't assess the correctness of machine translation. Do you want to forbid me to express my thoughts?
DeleteGod forbid, Igor. Where did you get that impression from?
DeleteI only asked you something, it's completely on your free will to do what you will do, and to answer or not my subsequent questions about why you are doing what you will be doing.