Sunday, January 12, 2025

Spin Chronicles Part 36: Gelfand-Neumark-Segal

 Why algebra? Well, there is a natural construction that associates algebras with spaces. So, we should ask "why space?", and "why why?". There is a certain magic in algebras, and this magic attracts me. That is how I started to be interested in physics. Through the beauty and usefulness of mathematics involved in our handling of natural phenomena. Numbers and symbols - they seem to have something to do with how we can comprehend the mysteries of the world around us.

In this series we are playing with particular algebras - geometric algebras related to the geometry of space and, perhaps, "time" as well. We play with them like girls play with their dolls, and boys with their toy soldiers (bad boys, I know, I was a bad boy too).

We are playing with particular algebras - geometric algebras

Probably the first algebra we ever meet is the algebra of sets - a model of logic. It has "sum" (union of sets) and product (intersection of sets) - that model logical operations "or" and "and". This is nicely embedded into the algebra of real-valued functions through the use of characteristic functions. Algebras of real or complex-valued functions are commutative. But then came the discovery of quaternions, matrix algebras, and then quantum mechanics in its Heisenberg's version, with non-commuting complementary variables. John von Neumann developed it into a whole big theory of "Algebras of operators". The new era begun.

Here we are playing with a toy: the geometric Clifford algebra of space. It is 8-dimensional real by nature, but it is naturally equipped with a complex structure. Then it starts to resemble the algebra of spin 1/2 with its Pauli matrices. Pure coincidence? Or there is something deeper here? To ralate geometric algebra to quantum-mechanical spinors we have followed the standard route of algebraists - we analyzed left ideals, and we were able to re-discover Pauli matrices. But followers of von-Naumann have found another way of constructing representations of *-algebras, closer related to their use in quantum field theory. As a result we have today "algebraic quantum field theory" that enables us to handle certain difficulties that have been found with divergent expressions. Today we understand that there is more than one way to provide a Hilbert space than by constructing what is called "the Fock space". The quantum "vacuum" may  be, perhaps, not so empty (In Fock space the ground state, the vacuum,  is with zero particles).

So far we have just one spin, so there is no real need to use these advanced tools. But, perhaps, we can learn something new by using these tools to our toy? I want to play with what is called GNS-construction. Wikipedia has an article devoted to this subject: "Gelfand–Naimark–Segal construction". In the History section of this article we find:

"Gelfand and Naimark's paper on the Gelfand–Naimark theorem was published in 1943.[3] Segal recognized the construction that was implicit in this work and presented it in sharpened form.[4]."

But I want to start with something deeper, something that will give us a real taste of the problem. So below is the full quote from the opening part of Ref. [4] of the Wikipedia article.

Notes on the Gelfand-Neumark Theorem


Dedicated to Irving Kaplansky and Irving Segal with gratitude and respect.

ABSTRACT. The Gelfand-Neumark Theorem, the GNS construction and some of their consequences over the past fifty years are studied.

1. Introduction

In 1943, a paper [G-N], written by I. M. Gelfand and M. Neumark, "On the imbedding of normed rings into the ring of operators in Hilbert space," appeared (in English) in Mat. Sbornik (see previous paper). From the vantage point of a fifty year history, it is safe to say that that paper changed the face of modern analysis. Together with the monumental "Rings of operators" series [M-vN I, II, III, IV], authored by F. J. Murray and J. von Neumann, it introduced "non-commutative analysis," the vast area of mathematics that provides the mathematical model for quantum physics.

The founders of the theory underlying quantum mechanics (Schrodinger and Heisenberg, primarily) were groping their way toward this mathematics ("wave" and "matrix" mechanics). With his magnificent volume [D], P. A. M. Dirac all but invents the operator algebra and uses Hilbert space techniques to produce powerful conclusions in physics. Of course, simultaneously with his introduction of "rings of operators," von Neumann's book [vN2] appeared, providing a model for "quantum measurement" and some of the fundamentals of quantum statistical mechanics.
Extremely knowledgeable and vitally interested in quantum physics, I. E. Segal, who had been developing commutative and non-commutative harmonic analysis in the Hilbert space context, recognized the construction buried in the Gelfand-Neumark paper- a construction that is basic and crucial for the subject of operator algebras. Just after publication of his "Postulates for quantum mechanics" [Sl], Segal published his groundbreaking "Irreducible operator algebras" [S2] in which that construction is sharpened and made explicit and then used in one of the earliest general studies of (infinite-dimensional) unitary representations of (non-commutative) locally compact groups.

A statement of the Gelfand-Neumark theorem follows.

THEOREM (GELFAND- NEUMARK 1943). If A is an algebra over the complex numbers C with unit I, with a norm A → ||A|| relative to which it is a Banach space for which

||AB|| ≤ ||A|| ||B||,

and ||I||  = 1 (A is a Banach algebra),

and with a mapping (involution) A → A* such that

i) (aA + B)* = a* A* + B* (a* is the complex conjugate of a),
ii) (AB)* = B*A*,
iii) (A*)* =A,
iv) ||A* A||= ||A*|| ||A||,
v) A*A + I has an inverse (in A) for each A in A,
vi) ||A*|| = ||A||,

then there is an isomorphism φ of A with a norm-closed subalgebra B of the algebra B(H) of all bounded operators on a Hilbert space H such that φ(A*) = φ(A)*, where φ(A)* is the adjoint (in B(H)) of φ(A). Moreover, ||φ(A)|| = ||A|| for all A in A.

Gelfand and Neumark conjecture, in their paper, that conditions ( v) and (vi) are superfluous, that is, derivable from the others. They were proved right ten years later on (v) and seventeen years later on (vi).

The Gelfand-Neumark construction allows us to construct representations (both reducible and irreducible) starting from the concept of "state", as it is understood in quantum mechanics. We will do it in the next post. Our geometric algebra A has all the required properties.

P.S. 12-01-25 In a comment to Part 34 Alain Cagnati wrote:

"In this paper : You have this Theorem 3..."

Unfortunately this paper has strange  erroneous statements. I was puzzled by an evidently false statement after Eq. (2.5), where the three authors state that the elements with unit norm form a group. (This is in the context of "composition algebras) I would be careful with relying on other statements in this paper. They may be correct, but they also can be blatantly false. Yes, I know, errors happen, but this one is really puzzling.

P.S. 14-01-25 8:22 I have learned that the authors will  correct this error in the final published version. Octonions are really dangerous. Learning marshal arts like Judo and Aikido may be  helpful before playing with them.

P.S. 14-01-25 8:35 I have stumbled upon the paper "The One-Way Light Speed Is Measurable: Nonequivalence of the Lorentz Transformations and the Transformations Preserving Simultaneity and Spacetime Continuity" by Stephan Gift and Giafranco  Spavieri. I am not yet sure what to think about it. Lorentz transformations are so pretty and the alternative looks ugly. But maybe it isn't ugly if looked from a proper perspective?

P.S. 14-01-25 10:42 Here is what I am trying to decode, starting from 5. What is the exact relation of his involutions to our involutions in Cl(V)? Here I do not have German language problems, but I do have mathematical problems.

P.S. 14-01-25 11:33 Ghosts of Quaternions in action. From Twitter/X today:


  1. Today we understand that there is more than way to provide a Hilbert space than what is called "Fock space". ->

    "vacuum" ma be ->
    "vacuum" may be

    waht ->

    i) (aA + B*) = a* A + B* ->

    1. Thanks. Fixed. With last one I had to fix the evident typos in the original.

    2. "Today we understand that there is more than way to provide a Hilbert space than what is called "Fock space"."

      Some words seem to be missing in this sentence, as it is not clear what exactly you wanted to say.

  2. Out of context.
    Inspiring video of "why particles can exist":
    There might be something to it.

    1. Nicely done. But it does not help me to understand spin and complex wave functions.

    2. Thank you very much for this cool video ! ;=)) To see a particle like "confined photons" is a very good idea. If you read the Varlamov's article (from Anna) you can read at the end "we may say that the electron field be a tensor product of two photon
      fields ... the photon fields with left-handed and right-handed polarization, respectively". It could be possible that an electron (or positron) is made of two photons spinning into a very small 3D ball (a sort of singularity). The refractive index can be related to energy level (inside or outside the sphere-ball), and so the two photons are confined inside... I have had this idea for a long time that the refractive index could be related to the local energy rate. In this case, we understand why a star deflects the light that passes next to it... It's good to have a "model" before make to much calculations ;=)))

  3. Every time i read about the GNS theorem it seems to be quite new for me. Hope this time will be more successful. I believe in Ark's ability to explain us what is a 'norm-closed subalgebra' and 'imbedding of normed rings into the ring of operators'.
    By the way, i hated playing dolls in my childhood. Preferred cards and dice.

    1. What kind of cards? Building card houses? Or bridge?

    2. Yes, starting from building card houses. At that time Lego was only in its infancy and hard to get in SU, but i had one splendid set contrabanded from Europe.

  4. In connection with the Hestenes paper, i remembered Varlamov's article where he consideres electromagnetic and electron fields in terms of Clifford algebras C2 and C4.
    Representing the electron field described by C4 as a tensor product of two photon fields C4 = C2 ⊗ C2 (photon fields with left-handed and right-handed polarization), he obtained a system of electron field equations, which in particular cases coincides with Dirac’s and Maxwell’s equations.
    I thought that it may have relation to our enigma of spinor meaning, but probably it is all well known by now.

  5. It is necessary to make some summary.
    What are the real dimensions of:
    1. Cl(V)
    2. versor n
    3. p = (1/2, n/2)
    4. ideal I_p
    5. spinor

    1. Only the meaning of 1 and 4 is clear to me. Cl(V) and ideal I_p are vector spaces, so question makes sense. Real dimensions are 4 and 2 resp. versor is not a vector space. It can be embedded in one vector space or another, it can be a point on a manifold. Similarly for p: it is an element of algebra, a Hermitian idempotent in this algebra. It needs to be made clear dimension of which vector space or manifold we are asking. As for "spinor", this concept has bee not so far even defined.

    2. "Real dimensions are 4 and 2 resp. versor is not a vector space."
      You mean 8 and 4.

  6. 2. dimension 2 (point on a unit sphere)
    3. the same
    4. we already know
    5. question not clear
    6. question not clear
    7. even more so

    1. Re. 5.
      Since the ideal depends on p, then the space of ideals is probably also two-dimensional.

    2. Yes, if you consider the ideal as a point, not as a set.

    3. Re. 6. and 7.
      Spinor depends on two complex numbers and is normalised.
      So, may be, the space of spinors is three-dimensional.

    4. If you define spinor this way, then "yes". You get the Hopf bundle with fiber S^1 over the sphere S^2.

    5. But thank you for asking these questions. I need to clarify these things to myself. They are not yet completely clear.


  7. "I was puzzled by an evidently false statement after Eq. (2.5), where the three authors state that the elements with unit norm form a group."

    And do they not form a group?

    1. No. In a group, by definition, multiplication is associative.

    2. And are they not associative?

    3. They tried to pass as associative. Today probably they would have passed, but the exam was many years ago, and they failed to pass the associativity exam.

    4. I'm not sure to well understand. But, in the Complex numbers, don't the nth roots of unity form a cyclic group?

    5. "They tried to pass as associative. Today probably they would have passed, but the exam was many years ago, and they failed to pass the associativity exam."

      There seems to be some thought behind this but unfortunately I can't locate it. Please explain.

    6. There are several thoughts. But one main theme is that we are experiencing the fall of our civilization. Standards in science, in life, moral standards - all are in a free fall. On a local level we can still keep the standards, but globally - Sodom and Gomorrah. In this particular case I have in mind the disastrous level education in many countries and the "publish or perish" attitude among scientists. I had also in mind that nowadays we are facing the totally sick LGBT movement, boys can pretend to be girls and girls boys. So non-associative today may have the "right" to declare to be associative, and it will get official access to associative bathrooms. A sad joke, of course.
      Did I explain as you have expected? Better? Worse?

    7. @Alain Cagnati Yes, it is a discrete subgroup of the multiplicative group of complex numbers of modulus one - a discrete subgroup of the the U(1) group.

    8. "Did I explain as you have expected?"

      Now I know what you meant.

      I didn't study Aikido. So I only know that someone checked that octonions as a whole set are not associative, but whether their subset (elements with norm 1) is not associative would have to be checked additionally, wouldn't it?

    9. "a discrete subgroup of the the U(1) group."
      What do you mean -discrete?

    10. Bit of a gloom mood today Ark?
      Don't let the decadence of modern times get to you, remember, as it was in the days of Noah... And as your name says, you are building the ark, and hopefully the rest of us here are of some little help too. Hugs.

    11. @Bjab "What do you mean -discrete?". Discrete as opposite of continuous. In this case "finite" would be more precise.

    12. @Bjab
      "but whether their subset (elements with norm 1) is not associative would have to be checked additionally, wouldn't it?"

      In general, yes, but in this case it is evident. Every non-zero octonion can be scaled by a positive number to become norm 1. Multiplication by positive numbers is associative and numbers commute with all octonions. Therefore if norm 1 octonions would be associative, all octonions would be associative.

    13. @Saša Gloomy? Sure. I need to read a paper in German that features bi-quaternions (and other important things). But I do not know German. So it is a pain. And today I have an appointment with a dentist. That should explain.

    14. "in this case it is evident"
      Yes. Thank you.

    15. "And today I have an appointment with a dentist. That should explain."

      The problems cited by Ark at 9:44 AM are not occasional.

    16. "And as your name says, you are building the ark,...'
      I thought about it from the very beginning of our present Wandering. Ark could not have more meaningful name than it is.
      Unfortunately, in the case with the Kahler's paper i can render only moral support. Tried to find English version of that paper, but it seems to be a unique publication in the "Rendiconti della Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL". Many speculations about (like "Quantized Kähler Geometry and Quantum Gravity"), but nothing really close to the theme so far. Continue searching...

  8. " I am not yet sure what to think about it. Lorentz transformations are so pretty and the alternative looks ugly."

    The authors want to apply the formulas of special relativity to non-inertial problems and seem surprised that they don't work.

    1. And what works with non-inertial problems?

    2. Probably general relativity.
      Or future nonlinear theory of aether.

    3. @Ark "That's what I thought. "

      But there are other - still scientific - opinions

    4. @Anonymous "But there are other - still scientific - opinions"
      Is Sabine discussing the Special Relativity Theory in this video?

    5. @Ark "Is Sabine discussing the Special Relativity Theory in this video?"

      Not directly - because she discusses more abstract
      problems of mathematics. This includes most
      mathematical physical theories - SRT as well :)))

    6. @Anonymous
      Abstract problems of mathematics - that is a separate certainly interesting problem. But I do not see how it can help us with understanding quantum theory, fine tuning of physical constants, spin, teleportation, time travel, and alien abductions. Can you see it?

    7. "I do not see how it can help us "
      We have to help ourselves. How is someone else supposed to help us understand the picture we paint ourselves on the wall
      of Plato's cave ( the mind). You can lead someone to a watering hole - but they have to drink on their own :))))

    8. "We have to help ourselves. "
      This would be egoistic. Helping ourselves by helping others - that would be better. Sabine is helping others via her videos. Very good. Here I am helping others with understanding geometric algebra, and others are helping me. Thanks for the link. Gisin is mentioned in the link. I met him, talked to him, quaoted some of his papers in my own publications. It was interesting for me to see his name again. I also had some exchanges with Sabine. I really like her.

    9. "This would be egoistic"
      It's not like that. Understanding is subjective and cannot be communicated to others. You can only point in the direction of thought - like zen koans :))))
      Sabina - as for me - doesn't seem to feel intuitionism very much - but her video allowed me to avoid the description (in English) of the problem and a possible discussion about the lack of scientific :))))

    10. @Anonymous
      " Understanding is subjective and cannot be communicated to others. "
      So, we probably strongly disagree on the definition of "understanding". I see it the same way Einstein is said to see it:
      "“If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it"

    11. "we probably strongly disagree on ...."
      Probably - but i am not good in probability :)))

      And when Einstein explained his theory of relativity it was said that only 50 people in the world understood it - and they weren't 6-year-olds :)))

    12. Well, since I am talking to an "Anonymous", I must allow myself to assume that I am talking to a 6-year old. Thus here and there I have to exaggerate in order to be understood. And, evidently, it works.

    13. Do we need intuitionistic mathematics?

      Quoting from:

      "Way back in 2014, this research demonstrated that the mathematical principles used to control groups of autonomous robots (including drones) can be applied to social networks to control human behavior. If properly calibrated, the mathematical models can then be used to sway the opinion of social networks toward a desired set of behaviors.

      In the present, this is an example of the type of systems analysis and mathematical modeling that is now being deployed in most larger social media environments. As a social media consumer and user, you are quite literally being managed and manipulated using the same methods that are used for controlling networks of drones."

    14. Thank you very much to "Anonymous" for the link to Sabine Hossenfelder's video. I like Sabine because she shakes the coconut tree ;=))) Thank's to "Anonymous" for your many smiles ;=) For me, Intuitionist mathematic is the good way to understand the World. We have to "construct" our mathematics as "God" construct our World. (God is a child who calculates with a few stones) So, for "Clifford Algebra", we need to start with a "finite field", not the Real numbers. Norbert Wildberger said that repeatedly ! Real numbers (and so Complex numbers) are not correctly constructed. For example, the square-root(2) is impossible to "calculate" (there is infinite number of digits). And Wildberger recommends keeping the numbers squared, not use square-root without precautions. He recommends to construct Complex or Real numbers by an "algebraic" way. It's the same for calculate a "derivative" of a function, he use a new algebraic (infinitesimal) epsilon, who square to zero. epsilon = {{0, 0},{1, 0}} or {{0, 1},{0, 0}} and is useful for left or right derivative... Here
      He define a new algebra of DIHEDRONS, matrix 2x2 on a field (finite or not) who are, after some research, isomorphic to split-quaternions !

      Nicolas Gisin is a very good thinker and a famous experimenter. We can trust him... Sorry, my English is not good enough to explain correctly what I mean, but with ARK and some help, we will find soon a good solution ! ;=) I'm sure of that ;=))))

    15. @Alain Cagnati "Thank you ...."

      If anyone needs to be thanked it is Sabina - for this
      shaking the tree :)))
      Ark keeps asking why (something there)- he gets an answer - that we construct it ourselves that way - and he ignores this answer - he doesn't seem to see it.

      If one were to write - that he sees nails everywhere - not because he nails are somehow distinguished - but because , it is a property of the hammer.
      The world constructed by the hammer (logical mind) is made of different nails (mathematical theories).

      I write remarks like this not counting on Ark's approval - but more on the inspiration of other readers - like you :))))

  9. David Hestenes paper
    is remarkable, has a direct relation to the subject of this Blog. After first reading I have many questions and the main one: couldn't anybody provide the 'first lecture', to which David often refers in the text, please?
    What i liked most of all in the paper is that "The Dirac theory provides a beautiful mathematical theory of spinning frames on the spacetime manifold". Not very easy to visualize, but purely geometrical. Reminds a bit of the Hopf bundle with fiber S^1 over the sphere S^2.

    1. Here is this first lecture:

    2. Downloaded successfully. Thank you very much!

  10. "Here I do not have German language problems, but I do have mathematical problems."

    Me too.
    Starting with seemingly erroneous statement that norm squared as defined as the sum of squares of complex coefficients is non-negative valued, and leading to extra strange way to get the metric where time coordinate stands next to imaginary unit quaternion j and spatial x is the scalar part. Really strange. By the way, who is the author?

    1. Thanks. The author is a really good mathematician Erich Kahler.
      It is hard, but I think I will be able to decode it. There is some progress. After I decode, I will report what I have decoded.

    2. Well, in that case, he seemed to take for granted some things without writing it, e.g. if qbar q is the actual norm squared, then his qbar is our (q0*,-q*), which would be tau((q0,-q)), while he just wrote (q0,-q) which would be our nu(q) if remember right. Anyway, either he forgot to put bars or * next to ck coeff., or je just assumed it to be known that in qbar also the ck are complex conjugates.

    3. He is rather original. That is why I using the term "decoding". It is like decrypting a coded message. I like it, it is a challenge.

    4. Correction; it was not the involution nu(q0,q), but pi(q0,q) that changed the sign of the vector part.

    5. Cool then, looking forward to seeing you breaking the cipher/code. ;)

  11. "P.S. 14-01-25 11:33 Ghosts of Quaternions in action"

    After having a quick look at the paper, it seems that this "Temporal Field" T they are talking about in the context of new scalar wave equation is already there in classical electromagnetic theory, but it falls under the gauge freedom, i.e. by choosing for example Coulomb gauge, divA=0, from eq. 12 we get T=0, and if choosing another popular gauge, Lorentz one, we basically set T=0 from the start (eq. 6 that defined T is the Lorentz gauge when equal 0).
    So, not so sure they are on the right track with that one though.

    In addition, they get the wave equation for this scalar field S using B=0, which then implies that vector potential is A = gradS, and then insert that back into the wave equation for A, which suggests that they are in fact making a potential of potential, while starting with the premise that physical observable, magnetic field B, is non-existent. Rather iffy business, as far as I'm concerned.

    And, there's also availability factor, if there was something of a value in here, CIA almost certainly would not have made this go public for everyone to see and use. FWIW.

  12. Cannot keep quiet after reading Hestenes-1. He collected all my most deeply hidden questions and proposed smart answers.
    - Why complex variables and their functions are so distinguished from numbers of other grades? They should be just a particular case of general well-organized construction. The key is the Cauchy-Riemann equations. That's it!
    - Mysterious "i" in the residue theorem. It was my pain when at MSU nobody of other students considered it a mystery. And i felt stupid. Here you are - "i" comes from the directed area element. Who could think of it at that time?
    - Always was enchanted by expression (2.2) for the Green theorem (as it appears in topology, which i had to study on my own), it seemed to be the most fundamental and magic formula, central for human knowledge, much more wonderful than E=mc^2.
    - Again through self-studying, understood the significant role of harmonic functions (Hestenes says they are Cartesian coordinates of an analytic function).
    I can continue the list further on, but the idea is clear, i have found my pack at last. Better late than never.

    1. I read it long ago. Will read again. Kassandrov is doing Cauchy-Riemann for Clifford algebra. I need to understand it to see what comes out,

    2. Yes! I thought about Kassandrov, he definitely worked in the direction closely correlated with what Hestenes described in his "First Lecture"

    3. Which relevant paper to our quest by Kassandrov (in English if possible), would you suggest?

      Took a look at Varlamov's paper Physical Fields and Clifford algebras, and it seems he mixed things a bit, for example what he called C2 he also labeled as algebra of hyperbolic biquaternions which is basically our Cl(V) just represented via our left ideal, while his C4 is essentially the same just as a 4d subspace of our space spanned by 16 4×4 matrices LmuRnu. And by putting em field F=E+iB he would encounter issues with energy content of such a field as described by Poynting's vector because P~E×B takes real values of these physical observables in its description and calculation.
      Hestenes' papers are still left to be studied....

    4. First I will read Kassandrov's book "Кассандров В.В. - Алгебраическая структура пространства-времени и алгебродинамика (1992)". It exists only in Russian, I think.

    5. Hi ;=) I read and translate in french this paper from Kassandrov :
      It's excellent !!!
      For me, with my first lecture, I understood 80 % of all the concepts ! The JOB is DONE !
      All I had in my head is in this paper ;=)))
      In the REF : Hestenes, Myron Evans, “Quazigroups and Nonassociative Algebras in Physics”, G. Casanova, etc
      Thank you for all the links, all your ideas, and all your passion ;=))
      ARK : I will be happy to see you soon and speak about this fabulous paper...

    6. Thanks for the references. Will check them out.

    7. @Alain
      Ok. I will try to see how much I will be able to understand this particular paper of Kassandrov. I had great difficulties understanding his other papers.
      You mentioned Myron Evans. Here I need to warn you. See the critical paper I wrote with G.W. Bruhn and F.W. Hehl concerning Myron Evans "theories":


Thank you for your comment..

Spin Chronicles Part 46 - Closing the GNS construction door

  "When one door closes another door opens" - how very true. But first this one door needs to be tightly closed. Today we will cl...