Friday, February 10, 2023

If I had a hammer - the mystery of light

If I had a hammer
I'd hammer in the morning
I'd hammer in the evening
All over this land


So sung Pete Seeger,

and after him Johnny Cash with JuneCarter, Trini Lopez, Peter, Paul and Mary, and others.

But I got a hammer

And I've got a bellAnd I've got a song to singAll over this land

It is the song about the light and its mystery. And twistors and (later) also bi-twistors. And I am crazy about it all. 

In fact I do have a hammer - the projective variety of isotropic lines in H2,2

It occurred to me this morning that infinity is not a static concept. Like the horizon it moves when the observer, or rather the consciousness moves. It is a dynamical "thing". Yet it is objective, because consciousness is also objective. But that is for later.

For now let's start with this (one hour long) quite an interesting discussion: Einstein and the Quantum: Entanglement and Emergence

Einstein-Rosen bridge is the keyword. The bridge between the universe and its dual anti-universe. The double cover and the dynamical infinity layer between the two. Made of trapped light. 

Once upon a time I even wrote a paper featuring this bridge. But as my many other projects it has not been finished, waiting for "better times". I realized yesterday that I do not even know where the degeneracy of the metric on the bridge comes from? Does it come from breaking the light-cone (conformal) structure, or from the scale factor? Will have to look at it again. 

By the way: around 40 minutes into the discussion it is said that it follows from quantum theory that the amount of information in the universe is "conserved". I have no idea where this idea came from? Apparently these physicists think that they know what they are talking about. I don't.

H2,2 deserves a poem. It deserves a symphony. I am going to use my algebraic hammer and my complex projective bell to do just that. No more postponing for "later". Increasing the number of dimensions up to countable infinity and even further than that.

From the abstract of my paper: "Hanson-Regge gravitational instanton and Einstein-Rose bridge.We argue that a region of space-time with vanishing vierbein but smooth principal connection can be, in principle, detected by scattering experiments."

The paper features just one bridge. But if there is one, there may be infinitely many of them. And there are. Unstable gravity waves that can be read and utilized by consciousness units. If anything is objective (and there are more than one of such "things"), consciousness certainly is.

And what is this that I am so crazy about? This H2,2 ? It is a four-dimensional (2+2=4) complex vector space endowed with a Hermitian scalar product of signature (2,2). Why four? For instance because of Jung's love of "quaternio", See for instance the thesis "COUNTING TO FOUR: ASSESSING THE QUATERNITY OF C.G. JUNG IN THE LIGHT OF LACAN AND SOPHIOLOGY":

"Though we will see many similarities between the two psychoanalysts, ultimately I will argue that the quadrilaterals of Lacan operate in the opposite direction from Jung’s quaternities. They work to break open heuristic structures that, when closed in on themselves, result in dualisms and even monisms (in the case of Jungian quaternities, into a kind of monism of consciousness). "

Or better: Jung subconsciously knew about twistors? Collective unconscious?

Elements of this space are sometimes called "twistors" (when we double the dimension we get bi- twistors, containing twistors and anti-twistors, like in the Dirac equation). Twistors are spinors for the conformal group (rather than for the Lorentz group as it is for spinors).

From  the "Einstein and the Quantum: Entanglement and Emergence" video:

00:43:40,880 --> 00:43:46,240
again that the information in a system

00:43:43,358 --> 00:43:48,639
any system is stored far away


00:45:30,480 --> 00:45:36,240
wherever the boundaries of space are

00:45:33,358 --> 00:45:39,358
now the space have a boundary who knows?

At the dynamical conformal infinity! On the "bridge".

Back to H2,2

We denote by (u,v) the Hermitian scalar product, assumed to be linear in, antilinear in v. A basis e1, e2, e3, e4 in is said to be orthonormal if (ei,ej) = Gij, where G is the diagonal matrix (-1,-1,+1,+1).

We denote by Q the set of all non-zero isotropic vectors:

Q = {u ∈ H2,2: (u,u) = 0, u ≠ 0}

Q is a real manifold of (real) dimension 7. Why seven? 4 complex = 8 real. The condition (u,u) = 0 is one real condition, since (u,u) is real. 8-1 = 7.

Let C be the field of complex numbers, and let C* be the multiplicative group of complex numbers different from zero. Le R+ be the multiplicative group of positive real numbers, let U(1) be the circle group - the group of complex numbers of modulus 1. Then we have C* = R+ x U(1).

We define quotient manifolds:

Q' = Q/R+

Q'' = Q/C*

Q'' is 5-dimensional (because orbits of C* in Q are two-dimensional). Q' is 6-dimensional (because orbits of Rin Q are one-dimensional). Q'' will be the manifold of all (compact) light rays. What is Q' ? At the moment I have no idea.  Extra U(1) gauge freedom? Photon's polarization? It would be weird. Mathematically all is clear: Q' is a U(1) principal fiber bundle over Q''. But what would be the use of it in physics? If any ....

I am not 100% sure if all of the above is correct. Perhaps I am wrong. Then I will retract and fix it. In old good times internet user Bjab was kindly catching and fixing almost all my mistakes. But that is a history now - now I am responsible for all, and have to catch and fix it all by myself.  Normality in life. Interests come and go.

Notice that for a while I am adapting stuff from my paper "Some comments on projective quadrics subordinate to pseudo--Hermitian spaces".

Why is the space of all light rays 5-dimensional? Cut spacetime by the hyperplane t=0. Every light ray intersects this hyperplane in exactly one point. This gives us three coordinates. But then we have to specify which direction on the heavenly sphere the light goes to. This adds additional two (angular) coordinates. Together 3+2=5.

Kaironic fields are, in fact, fields on Q'', unlike other fields used in physics. I didn't know that when I was creating the theory of Kairons (it began there: Anticausal Currents for Massless Particles, A. Jadczyk, Preprint Wroclaw-491, Dec 1979. 11p, never published as a paper). Kaironic fields on Q' would describe charged kairons. Massless charged "particles"? These are not yet experimentally discovered (at least officially, in mainstream science). Little is also known theoretically about such strange fairy-tales creatures.

From "our" perspective light is something that interacts with our retina, the quanta. From a different perspective, that of a block universe compactified, higher density perspective, light ray, the whole ray, with its all "history" is just a point in a 5-dimensional "space". The whole history is a point. Another history - another point. Choosing between different histories is just selecting different points. Our life is just a point in the manifold of all possible lives. Applied mathematics - that's what it is. Consciousness is light trapped by gravity. Approximately.

We denote by P the canonical projection P":Q→Q''. The projection P" can be implemented in two steps: first taking the quotient with respect to R to obtain Q', then quotienting Q' by U(1) to obtain Q''. We denote the corresponding projections by P' and π respectively. Thus we have

P" = π∘P'

Q'' = Q'/U(1)

Q' and Q'' are compact.

In order to discuss the topology we will need a "split'. Choosing a split in , Q' itself will split. It will split into the product S3xS3. Choosing another "split" - it will split into S3xS3 differently. But what is this split? In fact we will need to operators: ":split" and "flip".

Notation:  For the ease of notation in the following we will use the letter V to denote H2,2If A is a linear operator on V, we denote by A* its adjoint with respect to the indefinite scalar product (u,v) in V.

Definition: A split is a direct sum de3composition V- ⊕ V+, where V- are two two-dimensional subspaces of V, with the scalar product (u,v) positively defined on Vand negatively defined on V-.   

If e1, e2, e3, e4 is an orthonormal basis in V, then it defines a split, where V- is the subspace spanned by  e1, e2,  and V+ is spanned by e3, e4. Let S(V) be the set of all splits. Every split determines a unique operator S defined by Su=-u on Vand Su=u on V+. Then S=S* and S2=1. Moreover the scalar product (u,v)S  defined as

(u,v)S = (u,Sv) = (Su,v) .

is positive definite on V. Thus the set S(V) of all splits can be equivalently defined as the set of all such operators. 

Definition: Give a split S, we define a flip as a linear operator F on V such that F=F*, F2=1, and anticommuting with S: SF+FS=0. Evidently such an F exchanges positive and negative eigensubspaces of S. If e1, e2, e3, e4 is an orthonormal basis and if S is the canonical split defined by this bases, then, written in a bloc matrix form, with 2x2 block matrices we have 

S =

-1 0

0 1

and the canonical flip can be defined by the block matrix

F =

0 1

1 0.

Notation: From now on I will us TeX notation "^" and "_" for superscripts and subscripts respectively.

The topology of Q' =P'(Q) and Q'' = P"(Q)

It will be convenient to introduce an orthonormal basis e_i (i=1,2,3,4). Le u be in Q. Then the condition u is Q implies

|u_1|^2 + |u_2|^2-|u_3|^2-|u_4|^2 = 0


|u_1|^2 + |u_2|^2 = |u_3|^2-|u_4|^2 >0

The last inequality follows from the fact that we have excluded the zero vector from Q. Thus let

r^2 = |u_1|^2 + |u_2|^2 = |u_3|^2-|u_4|^2 , r>0

We can then replace u by u/r, and we have P'(u)=P'(u/r) - the same point of Q'. After that replacement we have 

|u_1|^2 + |u_2|^2 = |u_3|^2-|u_4|^2 = 1.

This is a unique parametrization of the points of Q' (with respect to the chosen orthonormal basis). It is now clear that Q' is topologically (but also as a smooth manifold) homeomorphic (and even diffeomorphic) to the product of two 3-spheres:

Q' ≈ S^3 x S^3

Then Q'' = (S^3 x S^3)/U(1)_{diag}

A kind of a Hopf fibration. The group U(1) (multiplication of u by complex numbers of modulus 1) acts on both S^3 simultaneously, so we wrote it as U(1)_{diag}. We notice that this product representation depends, in fact, on the split, and not on the orthonormal basis itself. Choosing a flip allows us to identify the two copies of S^3. But it is easier to see it using an orthonormal basis adapted to the split/flip pair.  

Back to the transcript from the World Science Festival video:

01:02:21,280 --> 01:02:25,119 people have been trying to put gravity

01:02:22,798 --> 01:02:27,440 and quantum mechanics together for a

01:02:25,119 --> 01:02:30,720 long time ...

01:02:40,559 --> 01:02:45,519 i very strongly believe what's going on

01:02:43,199 --> 01:02:48,639 is that quantum mechanics and gravity

01:02:45,519 --> 01:02:50,719 are simply so deeply connected so

01:02:53,280 --> 01:02:57,760 that trying to separate them into the

01:02:55,440 --> 01:02:59,280 classical theory of gravity and quantum

01:02:59,280 --> 01:03:03,839 will inevitably lead and then put them

01:03:01,679 --> 01:03:05,440 back together again separate them into

01:03:03,838 --> 01:03:06,880 these two things and then put them back

01:03:11,920 --> 01:03:16,240 except that quantum mechanics and

01:03:13,679 --> 01:03:18,159 gravity are almost the same thing

While quantization of gravity may be an absurd, physicists, who have nothing better to do do than to follow the mainstream, are organizing conferences and are all enthusiastic about it.

And what am I doing doing here, on this blog? These twistors... Is that quantum mechanics? Or is that gravity? Or is that just simple and pretty mathematics?

The video linked above starts with showing and putting together two Einstein's 1935 papers. On EPR "paradox" and on Einstein-Rosen bridge. In fact it should show and discuss also Einstein's (with Bergmann) 1938 paper "On a Generalization of Kaluza's Theory of Electricity". For a more recent discussion of the subject see "A Note On Einstein, Bergmann, and the Fifth Dimension", Edward Witten(Princeton, Inst. Advanced Study), Jan 30, 2014 7 pages Contribution to: Einstein Symposium 2005.

Perhaps an example first, and an image that should be kept in mind when happily playing with these abstract algebro-geometric structures.

Let e_i (i=1,2,3,4) be an orthonormal basis. Then u=e_1+e_3 is an isotropic vector. v=e_2+e_4 is another isotropic vector. Moreover u and v are orthogonal to each other - they span a two dimensional totally subspace. All vectors in this subspace are isotropic and mutually orthogonal. The vector u belongs to this subspace. Now consider the set of all totally isotropic subspaces to which u belongs. It is the set of all spacetime points on the light ray associated with u. Spacetime points are represented in our picture as totally isotropic subspaces of V. Light rays are represented by one-dimensional isotropic subspaces. Given light ray u, we can consider the "pencil" of all totally isotropic subspaces containing u. 

These are "events" on the null geodesic (aka light ray). Given a spacetime point - totally geodesic subspace of V, we can consider the set of all isotropic lines of this subspace. ("Point" is the plane itself, not its origin - thus not the zero vector of the plane)

These are light rays crossing a given space time point - the apex of the light cone. This is a kind of "sacred"  duality between points and lines of elementary Euclidean geometry. Point is an intersection of lines. Line is a collection of points.   

P.S.1. 13-02-23 13:20 Perhaps I will investigate closer the problem of massless charged particles (write a paper on this subject?). If nothing in nature prevents them from existing - they should exist. But if so, what do they do? 

Two papers on the subject that I am aware of:

Kurt Lechner, Electrodynamics of massless charged particles, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 56, 022901 (2015)

Ivan Morales, Bruno Neves, Zui Oporto, Olivier Piguet, Behaviour of Charged Spinning Massless Particles,

see also further development here.

BTW the book by Kumar is really fascinating!

P.S.2. Since C2C2C2C2, we may be as well plying with an entangled pair of qubits. The universe in a pair of qubits? As above so below? Or as below so above? Are those the glimpses of  the physics of the future? Is that what quantum future is about?

Which takes me to


  1. "By the way: around 40 minutes in the discussion it is said that it follows from quantum theory that the amount of information in the universe is "conserved". I have no idea where this idea came from? Apparently these physicists think that they know what they are talking about. I don't.".

    I have no idea either. Maybe they are tying it to the no-hiding theorem somehow?:

    Although I don't know if anyone could top the physicists working on chromodynamics. They "know" completely unbelievable things and can't tell you how.

    I'll watch the film soon, but all this physics is causing me distress. There is nothing here that I can be sure of, and quantum field theory seems to be based on breaking the rules of mathematics... I'm really unhappy about it. I feel cheated by the promises made by physics as a scientific discipline.

  2. "(...) (in the case of Jungian quaternities, into a kind of monism of consciousness). "

    Monism of consciousness and the metaphysics of time.... The issues that cause the most suffering in my life. These are the most important questions in my world. The problem with consciousness is that it will be very difficult to create a mathematical theory. How to describe the meta-structure mathematically? Above the level of consciousness we will not rise.... And at this point mystical cognition is also needed.

  3. "... As a student, I love
    this subject from childhood and decided to stay with it forever. ..."

    And what to do when it hurts?

  4. "Or better: Jung subconsciously knew about twistors? Collective unconscious?"

    This is quite possible. It seems to me that geometric structures best describe love. They go down the deepest, they try to touch the essence of all things.

    This kind of feeling in the human mind can imply associations of a geometrical nature (our mind is also subject to the laws of mathematics). Our feelings, emotions, impressions are in fact in these structures, in this opaque depth, not in the temporal world. Hence, people who delve deeply into the human psyche (psychologists), philosophy of mind, mystical considerations can, in effect, see the solution to a mathematical problem at this level. Then the structure will not be randomised to the problem. It is something like 'inspiration'.

  5. "If anything is objective (and there are more than one of such "things"), consciousness certainly is.".

    This is definitely a better definition of objective reality than the links from the previous note.

  6. H2,2 deserves a poem. It deserves a symphony.

    I would prefer octology, for example: C\otimes H\otimes O.

  7. In the comment above, the first line is a quote. It should be:

    "H2,2 deserves a poem. It deserves a symphony.".

  8. And what truly exists? Concreteness, matter? Or perhaps an idea, an abstraction?

    Mind you, this question is tricky.

  9. I originally got into mathematical physics because of Jung, his personality model. My father brought home a personality book they were using at work (IBM) and then my sister got a more Jungian one and it was doing all sorts of things to 4 of the Jungian two factor types and I as a teenager kind of noticed he could have done it to all 12 of the non-introvert/extravert ones. I was really playing with bivectors and in my late 30s a web search found a website for that (Tony Smith's) but it was for physics though Tony does relate the 8 Jungian factors to Cl(8).

    Introvert-Extravert are time-like, missing 4th quaternity-like, different. Introvert is internal, internal time-like for physics is the conformal vector. Translations would be space-like, kind of internal longitudinal space-like. Positive/Negative charge would kind of be internal transverse space-like. The longitudinal/transverse division for personality is like a decisive judging vs. flexible perceiving thing. Just go straight ahead vs possibly changing direction-like.

    I liked that the Baez quantum field theory book even though mainly for someone who knows much more than me gets into Clifford/canonical commutation/anticommutation relations.

    So that degenerate metric is for an Einstein-Rosen bridge, interesting. Also maybe interesting for the Freeman Dyson idea of the beginning entropy of the universe being a Planck mass black hole.

    What truly exists? Well if the unbroken highest energy symmetry is a single mind then ideas/thoughts/consciousness would have to be what truly exists since you couldn't get outside of a single mind as all that is to see if it is anything else.

    1. @John G

      You have written it beautifully! I feel very much the same way. However, the problems arise in the temporal/material sphere. Here there is a hypothetical distinction that we call time....

    2. Yeah times in the basis vector, metric, and geodesic Lie algebra-valued one-form sense are different and fun.

  10. "Q is a real manifold of dimension 7.".

    Why 7?!

  11. "Q' is 5-dimensional. Q'' is 6-dimensional. "

    "Q is a real manifold of dimension 7."

    Can you see the sense in that?

  12. "Q is a real manifold of dimension 7."

    I do not understand. Where did 7 dimensions suddenly come from here?

  13. "Let C be the field of complex numbers, and let C* be the multiplicative group of complex numbers different from zero. Le R+ be the multiplicative group of positive real numbers, let U(1) be the circle group - the group of complex numbers of modulus 1. Then we have C* = R+ x U(1).".

    This is ok and very nice. But I'm not sure if you didn't swap Q' with Q". I don't understand what you wanted to do here. Similarly, I don't understand where you got the 7 dimensions from.

  14. "I see something is wrong with the above. Will fix it tomorrow.".

    Yes, it is wrong. I asked you questions.

  15. "Q is a real manifold of dimension 7." -> 4...

  16. "Q is a real manifold of dimension 7. Why seven? 4 complex = 8 real. The condition (u,u) = 0 i real, since (u,u) is real. 8-1 = 7.".

    It is clear. Thank you.

    But now: "dimQ=7, dimQ’=5, dimQ”=6".

    I don't understand why.

  17. "But what is this split? In fact we will need to operators: ":split" and "flip".".

    You mean something like this?:

  18. Actually, you can describe this S^3 in 3 ways:

    S^3 = {(r_0, r_1, r_2, r_3) \in R^4: x_0^2+x_1^2+x_2^2+x_3^2 = 1}


    S^3 = {(z_1, z_2) \in C: |z_1|^2+|z_2|^2 = 1}


    S^3 = {q \in H: ||q|| = 1}.

    For quaternions we have a very beautifull case that identifies the 3-sphere with the versors in the quaternion division ring.

    Here H denotes a ring of quaternions.

  19. "SF+FS=0".

    Moreover SF-FS = -2*i*sigma_2, where sigma_2 is a Pauli matrix.

  20. Wow I don't think our twistor is in Kansas anymore. When the Cs talked of extra dimensions not being Kaluza-Klein they apparently really weren't kidding. It's like the Standard Model forces are just extra garbage one always gets when splitting, wonder what the garbage looks like on the other side of the split? I've always liked the top down view for some reason and this is as top down as things get.

  21. "all enthusiastic about it.".

    Yes, I initially wanted to go there and see what they were doing, but in the end I gave up because I would have had to be there for the whole duration of the conference and I only wanted to go there for 1 or 2 days to give a talk and discuss.

  22. "If nothing in nature prevents them from existing - they should exist.".

    Unless, of course, there is also some relationship between mass and charge that we do not fully know. I am reading about it now here:

  23. "Is that what quantum future is about?".

    I would say that we are facing a rather fractal future. Eternally moving towards the One as if following a fractal. This is what science should aspire to, to be theology at the same time. The physics of the future must transcend the boundaries of the material world.

  24. I recommend Engelking's topology for Valentine's Day. The author has a few errors in the book, but nevertheless I do not regret spending Valentine's Day with Engelking.

    Why deal with the temporal world when you can deal with topology? What a wonderful day! I did a lot of proofs! It's never been better!

    And quite seriously I am that crazy. That's where the problem lies. I don't live in that reality anymore. I prefer a mathematical reality. This one is infinitely beautiful... Oh yes!,68422574,p.html

  25. Why do we need special cases when we can get general mathematical formulas?

    Because we have to live somehow? Wake up and do the laundry? And others are sorry that we observe structures instead of talking? Hardly... You can't do what others expect us to do all the time.

    Plotinus, similarly, bases his philosophical system on the capacities of the human mind. Although this ends differently... For it is not fully compatible with psychology and biology.... But presumably that is the point. To go beyond all that is here. And to look at the world from a different perspective....

    Well, I come back to this Engelking.

  26. I don't know who will understand this. Maybe no one ever will. But I can see the point... More sense than there is in everything that people create. Their world of emotion is somewhere out there in some void and it's biased. Consciousness is objective...


Thank you for your comment..

Spin Chronicles Part 46 - Closing the GNS construction door

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