Friday, July 7, 2023

Quantum Future?

 I would like to invite you to stop and try to imagine what life on Earth might be like if Science had actually fulfilled its mandate of explaining our reality, solving the problems of humanity, and teaching us how to best interact with our world and each other. If science was – today - actually a free exploration of Nature and drawing accurate conclusions, creating theories, testing those theories with no hidden agendas, what might it have accomplished up to now? Can you do it? Can you think of any area of life that could not be improved by having a truly scientific understanding and clearly described response that was supported and implemented by the social/power structure to the benefit of all of humanity, not just the enrichment of a few?

Oh, you think it has been done? Think again. Read the history of science and human social development. When you see how repeatedly the few individuals who had the right idea were marginalized and/or destroyed, if you have any firing neurons after being born into a humanity which has been genetically manipulated to less intelligence, you will immediately realize that the same conditions - only worse - prevail today: what the mainstream follows is almost always what is politically expedient to those in power, with only enough truth involved to patch over the obvious tears in the now disintegrating fabric of the mask of science.

If a true, free, intelligent science, supported and encouraged by all of society, had actually been the norm since its inception, not the exception, we would live in a world where our very existence was not a shame to the planet that gave us birth. We would have free, clean energy. We would not have a vast majority of human beings living in poverty or starving. We would have no over-population problems. Health issues that dominate Western society and are bringing it to its knees would not be a problem because there would be plenty of nourishing food for all. There would be no wars because scientific anthropology and social psychology would have figured out what is the best of all possible forms of social structure that allows for the widest expression of human types to flourish in harmony. Children would not be being medicated at ever younger ages because cognitive science would have established what is the best way to rear and educate them and couples would be able to attend classes on infant care and parenting that were actually effective. The best forms of education would be known so that the widest variety of options would be available to the varied human types and levels of intelligence and skill so that each individual would progress into a life of satisfaction doing what they really enjoy and which they are best at doing, and society would benefit by not wasting its most precious resource: human beings. Consciousness - and non-material spirit - would be understood and the proper reverence for Nature and the Cosmos would be a natural part of the lives of all and the well-known religious feelings in human beings would be directed toward compassion and empathy, not used by manipulative leaders to incite anger and aggression and death. In short, humankind would know how to live in harmony not only with each other, but with the world in which they are born.

All of this COULD be the conditions of a world where true Science is a valued part of society. It could have been our world.

But that isn't what we have today. What we have today is the Chaos produced by pathological individuals that induces Consent from the Authoritarian Followers. As I noted above, Science took a wrong turn when it was co-opted by Power and diverted to the purposes of Imperialism and materialistic greed.

The really sad thing is that the authoritarian followers who 'believe in authority' could as easily follow an authority that actually does have their best interests at heart were such an authority to exist. I don't think it does anymore: the psychopaths have seen to that, co-opting and corrupting even science, to the core. As it is, the authoritarian sheep follow and support the very worst of humanity; pathological individuals who gain power by deception and manipulation. And in the end, as psychologist, Andrew Lobaczewski wrote:

Germs are not aware that they will be burned alive or buried deep in the ground along with the human body whose death they are causing.

A. Lobaczewski, “Political Ponerology: A Science of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes.”

The moment that Darwin published his Origin of Species in the nineteenth century, an event that marked the culmination of a gradual shift in society from being dominated by religion to what was called 'rational thinking' and science, the Authoritarians knew they had their Theory of Everything: Random processes of matter, no consciousness needed.

So, it has been the steady application of materialistic evolutionary thinking that is behind the explanation of the order of the universe that prevails today which underpins the chaos and disorder we see in a world devoid of information and organization. There are, undoubtedly, psychopaths in the woodpile here acting as the éminence grise behind science - the thing that controls most of our social constructs and institutions - because we certainly can't say that all scientists, or even most of them, are psychopathic. The profession itself excludes most psychopaths by virtue of the requirement for superior intellect. However, it can certainly include a great many members that are authoritarian in personality type.

Looking back at the history - more particularly, the archaeology - we notice how much like the Roman Empire our present civilization actually is. The Romans were certainly rational and scientific in many respects. They had factories that produced tableware that has been found at the farthest reaches of the empire even in peasant homes. They had factories that manufactured roof tiles that covered the heads of even the poorest workers and their livestock. A cache of letters was found in Northern Britain where soldiers wrote home to have socks sent to them which were, apparently, mass produced. The Roman army was superior because it had standardized equipment, produced in mass quantities at factories located in hubs of the empire. Grain, olives, oil, foodstuffs of all kinds, luxury goods, were mass produced and distributed throughout the Roman world. Literacy was obviously very widespread, even to the working classes. There were roads, sanitation systems, haut cuisine; in short, everything that we take for granted as essential to civilization. The only difference seems to be that we have harnessed sources of power that the Romans did not have which enables our civilization to aspire to globalization. But in almost every other way, we are exactly like them. It is only science that has made us bigger and badder, so to say. And, as the saying goes, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. That fall may be the extinction of the human race.

The end of the Roman Empire witnessed horrors and dislocation of a kind I sincerely hope never to have to live through; and it destroyed a complex civilization, throwing the inhabitants of the West back to a standard of living typical of prehistoric times. Romans before the fall were as certain as we are today that their world would continue forever, substantially unchanged. They were wrong. We would be wise not to repeat their complacency. (Ward-Perkins, 2005)

 What was done to Science might spell the Doom of the Human Race.

Instead of doom, let us conceive of a Quantum Future for humanity where peace and prosperity are made available to all mankind through the practice of True Science: the Hope of Humanity.

Parabolic quantum fractal. This is my first animation of one of my quantum fractals. 100 mln of points produced using "Chaos game" for 24 Mobius transformations Number crunching with Gfortran.

P.S.1 I dedicate this beautiful song  to my wife. She likes it:

Crystal Gayle - When I dream - Lyrics

P.S.2. 12:40New version of my notes on the conformal group. The last part (now Sec. 8.2) is continuously being changed - until I am satisfied. I am writing an rewriting it. Again and again...

P.S.3. 07-07-23 13:56

Help the poor while the poor are with thee; but study also & strive that there may be no poor for thy assistance.

Sri Aurobindo

P.S.4. 15:12 Success! 

Finished the paragraph on null geodesics in general relativity. Derived Proposition 9. Another take on this subject can be found here
Now back to the the projective null cone in 6D - our 4D compact Universe.  We are now ready to study the light paths there - including their path through the conformal infinity cap.  Coming next:

P.S.5. 08-07-23 8:15 I do not understand. Need to sort all this in my head

P.S.6. 9:31 

Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice always, but for the sake of God and humanity, not for the sake of sacrifice.

Sri Aurobindo


  1. Interesting paper:

    Mind-body interaction and modern physics
    Charis Anastopoulos ∗
    Department of Physics, University of Patras, 26500 Greece
    March 30, 2021
    The idea that mind and body are distinct entities that interact is often claimed to be incompatible with physics. The aim of this paper is to disprove this claim. To this end, we construct a broad mathematical framework that describes theories with mind-body interaction (MBI) as an extension of current physical theories. We employ histories theory, i.e., a formulation of physical theories in which a physical system is described in terms of (i) a set of propositions about possible evolutions of the system and (ii) a probability assignment to such propositions. The notion of dynamics is incorporated into the probability rule. As this formulation emphasises logical and
    probabilistic concepts, it is ontologically neutral. It can be used to describe mental ‘degrees of freedom’ in addition to physical ones. This results into a mathematical framework for psycho-physical interaction (ΨΦI formalism). Interestingly, a class of ΨΦI theories turns out to be compatible with energy conservation.

    The paper even quotes a paper coauthored by someone whose name resembles my name!

    [57] Blanchard, Ph. and Jadcyk, A. (1993), Strongly Coupled Quantum and Classical Systems and Zeno’s Effect, Phys. Lett. A 175: 157.

  2. Expanded Proposition 8, adding the "negative universe".

  3. 35 years of my life:

  4. Added Proposition 10. Working on its proof.

  5. I realized that the beginning of the proof of Proposition 8 starts with a logical error which somehow I did not notice while writing it. Will fix tomorrow.


Thank you for your comment..

Spin Chronicles Part 42: GNS Promenade

 Promenade: /ˌprɑm·əˈneɪd, -ˈnɑd/ to walk slowly along a street or path, usually where you can be seen by many people, for relaxation and p...