Wednesday, November 13, 2024

The Spin Chronicles (Part 12) - Geometry, Kant, and the Limits of Physics

 Welcome back to the odyssey of geometric algebra, where the math gets deep and the philosophy… well, it occasionally dives off the deep end. This post picks up from "The Spin Chronicles (Part 11)" and continues our foray into the natural bilinear forms that emerge within the Clifford algebra of our 3D space. Don't worry if you’re still wondering what that is; just keep in mind that it's an essential way to understand how space itself “behaves.” And no, we won’t be referencing the cosmic dance between the stars and planets—but this will get philosophical enough to warrant a helmet.

Immanuel Kant, who preferred his mornings with a side of metaphysics, once said:

"Space is not something objective and real, nor a substance, nor an accident, nor a relation; instead, it is subjective and ideal, originating from the mind’s nature in accord with a stable law as a scheme, as it were, for coordinating everything sensed externally."

Which is to say, Kant thought of space not as some grand arena laid out by a divine hand, but as a sort of mental wallpaper, perfectly crafted to make sense of the world without needing to be “real” in the way rocks or trees are real. Then he doubles down:

"Space is not an empirical concept derived from outer experiences. In order for sensations to refer to something outside me, and for them to be represented as outside and alongside one another in different places, the concept of space must already exist within us."

Basically, Kant argues that space isn’t something we pick up by wandering around the world and mapping it in our heads; rather, it’s a kind of mental scaffolding that’s there from the get-go, allowing us to experience everything else in relation to it.

Now, whether or not you buy into Kant’s perspective here is a different story. Space, after all, feels pretty solid when you bump into a coffee table in the dark. We intuitively “know” space, and our DNA may even hold clues to why this intuitive knowledge works so well. Our spatial instincts aren’t simply musings; they come from somewhere deeply ingrained, refined by eons of needing to dodge pointy sticks and hungry animals.

But just as we start to think space is on our side, the physicists arrive, white coats flapping, to tell us: “Well, space (and time) aren’t absolute. They’re relative, dependent on the observer’s inertial frame of reference.” Einstein’s Special Relativity was a real buzzkill for those who thought they’d finally “figured out” space. Yet, as bold as these physics claims are, they’re always at the mercy of the next scientific revolution. Mathematics, by contrast, is a steady old friend—unchanging, consistent, and reliably grounded in the Euclidean spaces we’re exploring here.

Well, space (and time) aren’t absolute...

So, let's put the physics opinions aside for now and dive back into mathematics, where truths stay put and constants stay constant. Today, our quest involves understanding the natural bilinear forms within the geometric Clifford algebra of our classic 3D Euclidean space. Yes, we’re talking about the world where the Pythagorean theorem reigns supreme and the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter is that oh-so-familiar π ≈ 3.1415926...

So, let’s roll up our sleeves and get back to numbers, forms, and figures that don’t play hide-and-seek depending on who’s looking at them.

We have already discussed the bilinear forms B0 and Bτ. Next in order is Bν(u,v) = tn(u)v),


ν(u) = (p0,-p).

We are using a real basis EA (A=0,1,...,7) in Cl(V):

E0 = 1, E1 = e1, E2 = e2, E3 = e3, E4 = ie1, E5 = ie2, E6 = ie3E7 = i.

In this basis the matrix of the real and imaginary parts of Bν are given by:



Both are of neutral signature (++++----).

Finally Bπ, with π given by 

π(u) = (p0,-p)*, where "*" stands for the complex conjugation:

Re( Bπ)

Im( Bπ)

The real part is symmetric, with eigenvalues (+1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,+1). The imaginary part is anti-symmetric.

Since Cl(V) carries a natural complex structure, it is even more instructive to consider our bilinear forms as complex valued. For this it is convenient to use the matrix representation with Pauli matrices. Then the complex basis consists of matrices (I, σ1, σ2, σ3), as discussed in The Spin Chronicles (Part 9): Matrix representation of Cl(V) and The Spin Chronicles (Part 10) - Dressing up the three involutions. In this basis we calculate the quadratic forms B0(u,u), Bτ(u,u)Bν(u,u) and Bπ(u,u), for u = (p0,p). Here p0 is a complex scalar, p is a complex vector. We can easily obtain:

B0(u,u) = (p0)2 + p2,

Bτ(u,u) = |p0|2 + |p|2,

Bν(u,u) = (p0)2 - p2,

Bπ(u,u) = |p0|2 - |p|2.

It is somewhat surprising that  for Bν and Bπ(u,u) we are getting a form resembling the 4D Minkowski metric of special relativity, but that's what mathematics leads to, for its own strange reasons. We will return to this issue in the future posts. Stay tuned...


  1. E0 = I ->
    E0 = I1

    E7 = iI ->
    E7 = i

    Re(Bν) ->

  2. "Both are of neutral signature (++++----)"

    What am I to mean by it?
    I see that Re(Bν) matrix has 4 ones and 4 minus ones - OK.

    But Im(Bν) matrix has 2 ones and 6 minus ones

    1. Im(Bν) is not a diagonal matrix. Its eigenvalues can not be directly seen from its form, they need to be calculated.

    2. ant-symmetric ->

      complex basis consists ->
      complex basis consists of

  3. "It is somewhat surprising that for Bν and Bπ(u,u) we are getting a form resembling the 4D Minkowski metric of special relativity"

    This is not surprising if one notices that Cl(V) has been artificially defined so that such resembling occurs.

    1. But Cl(V) has been defined by the same method than any Clifford algebra for a quadratic form is being defined. There is nothing "artificial" in its construction. The construction is natural and functorial. There is a functor Cliff: from (V,B) to Asoociative algebra with unit. We have applied this functor to 3D V with Euclidean quadratic form.

    2. What IS artificial at the moment is our wish to identify the signature of the bilinear form with the signature of space-time of special relativity theory. Perhaps it is just a coincidence? Or perhaps not? Who knows?

    3. Isn't the signature of metric in STR matter of convention?

    4. Насколько я понимаю, фактически алгебра бикватернионов объединяет в себе два 3D V с положительной и отрицательной квадратичной формой, а если добавить к ним элементы I, iI, квадрат которых равен +1 и -1 соответственно, то получим произведение двух пространств Минковского с разной сигнатурой (-,+ + +) и (+,- - -). Но если алгебра пространства-времени это продукт формы движения материи, то нам не обойтись без векторно-полевого представления.

    5. @Saša Yes, to some extent it is a convention. I could have defined our bilinear forms with the minus sign, then we would get the signature -+++.

    6. @Igor Bayak
      "Но если алгебра пространства-времени это продукт формы движения материи...". I would rather say that the concepts of "matter" and "motion" and also "algebra" are creations of an intelligence, of human mind. Different intelligence could have created different concepts. But I have nothing against "векторно-полевого представления." Such a perspective can be also quite useful.

    7. Продуктом разума являются все алгебры, а конкретная алгебра возникает ещё и как продукт формы движения материи.

    8. Additionally the very concept of "matter" is also a product of the mind.

  4. Тогда можно добавить, что сам разум это продукт материи.

    1. Matter can do all kind of things, but it can't create "concepts". In particular it can not create the concept of "matter".
      Igor, do you understand that "matter" is itself only a concept? A "category". There are many kinds of philosophical systems possible. In one of them, usually called "materialism", matter is considered as a primitive concept. Some other philosophers take "process" as a fundamental concept. You seem to subscribe to one philosophy. Of course it is your free will, your choice. Fine. But realize that other philosophies exist and have their advantages. In India, for instance, a different philosophy is prevailing, and it is successful with its fruits. Ramanujan for instance, had his phenomenal ideas about numbers coming from a Goddess. And he was certainly not a materialist. Materialism does not necessarily helps. Sometimes it may help, some other tim it can be an obstacle to progress.

    2. To quote from the paper

      "In conclusion, the most useful advice for correctly understanding the concrete application of historical materialism and its implications was formulated by Karl
      Korsch when he wrote:

      Engels once quoted the English proverb: The proof of the pudding is in the eating. It is not a long theoretical discussion that can decide whether a scientific method is right or wrong;
      the ultimate test is always only by “practically” putting the method itself to the test."

    3. Я под материей понимаю не просто концепцию, а реализацию (актуализацию) этой концепции в природе, поэтому такой материализм это не примитивная концепция, а всё разнообразие природы, в том числе и его высшая форма - разум. В остальном я с вами согласен - описывать это разнообразие можно по разному.


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Spin Chronicles Part 46 - Closing the GNS construction door

  "When one door closes another door opens" - how very true. But first this one door needs to be tightly closed. Today we will cl...