Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Spin Chronicles Part 26: Imagine Clifford Algebra

 The song is in C major. Even if I like C minor better, I like the song.

"Imagine all the people

Livin' life in peace


Can you imagine it? I can, even though it is not in my memory banks. Imagination is a powerful mechanism. I am reading "The Story of the Tower of Babel: Human Aspirations and Dreams".


"Human imagination is a unique and powerful ability that allows us to conceive of things that do not exist, create new concepts, explore possibilities, and even transcend the current physical limitations in spirit. This ability is indeed rare in the natural world, and, at least based on our current knowledge, humans are unique in their use of complex symbolic thinking and creative imagination."

Imagination and creativity are close friends. I am imagining what I will write today. Then I start writing. The result will probably be not quite as I have imagined it.

"You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will be as one"

You may say I'm a dreamer....

Yes, you may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. Last night I dreamed about Hilbert Algebra. The dream had its roots in my past memory. My PhD thesis was partly about equilibrium states in quantum thermodynamics, the algebraic approach, with KMS (Kubo-Martin_Schwinger)  states. Tomita and Takesaki, the two Japanese mathematicians, developed the theory of Hilbert algebras and modular automorphisms. Much later, in 1994,  Alain Connes and Carlo Rovelli  applied it  to the "flow of time":

"We consider the cluster of problems raised by the relation between the notion of time, gravitational theory, quantum theory and thermodynamics; in particular, we address the problem of relating the “timelessness” of the hypothetical fundamental general covariant quantum field theory with the “evidence” of the flow of time. "

But now is now, and we are dealing with the Ur atom of space - the geometric Clifford algebra of 3D space Cl(V). We have an algebra. Buit where is "Hilbert"? Searching for "Hilbert Algebra" leads us to Wolfram MathWorld. There we find conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 that need to be satisfied.

In our case only condition 3 counts. All other are automatically satisfied. So, we should have an algebra with involution (we have one), which is a Hilbert space (and Cl(V) is a Hilbert space, as we will see soon),  with a scalar product <a,b> satisfying

<ba,c> = <b,ca*>.                    (1)

We need to define Hilbert space scalar product on Cl(V). We have already done it in Part 11,

where we have defined:

"... But then we have also the second natural "bilinear" form:

Bτ(u,v) =tn(τ(u)v),

In fact, this form is, when considered as a form on a complex vectors space,  Hermitian: it is complex linear in v, but complex anti-linear in u."

In Part 12 we further wrote:

Bτ(u,u) = |p0|2 + |p|2.

This is our Hilbert space scalar product - the scalar part of τ(u)v: we set

<u,v> = the scalar part of the product τ(u)v. If u = (p0,p), v = (q0,q), then

<u,v> = p0*q0 + p*· q.

Then we need an involution in our algebra, we need a *-algebra. We take τ for our involution. We just set u* = τ(u). There may arise some confusion now. Because in my blog I often used the star to denote the complex conjugation. And now I am using the same symbol to denote the conjugation in the algebra! Well, the meaning will be defined by the context, and when confusion can arise, it will have to be explicitly addressed.

Let us recall the action of τ:

If u = (p0,p), then τ(u) = (p0*,p*), thus u* =  (p0*,p*). In other words:

(p0,p)* = (p0*,p*).

Not too bad! I suppose we can live with that.

Now comes the crutial point:

Exercise 1. Prove (1).

Hint: there are at least two ways of proving it. Hard way, using definitions, and not-so-hard, if you are creative.

P.S. 18-12-24 7:48 Under Part 24 Anna asked a number of questions. Here are these questions repeated:

So late, but i have got that result x'=x+a and y'=y+b.

Still not happy, since it appeared as a rabbit from hat, i don't see the meaning of this result.

and have an entire list of questions:

1. Why for the transformations (1)-(4), which seem quite similar, the results differ so drastically?

2. Why Sasha spoke about boosts and rotations though we use their mixture when taking exp(e1+i e2), etc.

3. Conformal transform is inversion + translation + inversion. Hence, translation can be a special case of conformal transform if we eliminate the operation of inversion, i.e., take q=1.

These are vectors on a unit circle, and it seems to be the stable point of conformal transform. But what does it mean physically? Somewhat a mass shell if we work in the momentum space?

4. Finally, Ark, about your remark on a vanishing denominator. In our particular case, denominator is (1 + x a + y b)^2, and it vanishes when the scalar product of vectors (x,y) and (a,b) is minus 1, i.e. the stable point is (-a,-b), and somehow we must account for normalization, right?

I will be addressing these questions one by one, though I am not sure that I have good answers to all of them. It will take me several sessions to reply. Certainly they are all valid questions and it is very good that they have been asked. Let me start with the "rabbit from hat".

Indeed this is how it looks like, because I did not reveal the trick. And the trick is described in the conformal group literature. It is known among the specialists that the conformal group for a space of signature (r,s) is the group SO(r+1,s+1), We add one space-like dimension and one time-like dimension. The Euclidean plane (x,y) has r=2, s=0. Thus its conformal group is SO(2+1,1)=SO(3,1) - the Lorentz group. Normally one would need to take the Clifford algebra Cl(3,1) for that. But the group itself is realized, by standard procedures through the even subalgebra of Cl(3,1). And the even subalgebra of CL(3,1) is isomorphic to the whole algebra Cl(3,0), our Cl(V). This general knowledge was in my mind all the time, so I was interested how it is all implemented explicitly. That was my reason for the calculations and exercises.

Now let me address the point "2. Why Sasha spoke about boosts and rotations though we use their mixture when taking exp(e1+i e2), etc." Certainly e1 generates boosts, and i e2 generates rotations. But they do not commute, so exp(e1+i e2) is not the same is exp(i e2)exp(e1). But what it is then? To answer this question it is convenient to think of Cl(V) as the algebra of 2x2 complex matrices. We already know that these two algebras are isomorphic, and it is more convenient now to make use of this isomorphism. Playing with matrices is, in this case,  easier than using abstract Clifford algebra tools. In matrix representation e1,e2,e3 are represented by the three Pauli matrices. So exp(t(e1+i e2)), is a matrix. It is a matrix of determinant 1, thus invertible. If we have access to a computer algebra program, we can find this matrix explicitly. Every inversible matrix A has a unique polar decomposition

A = UT

where U is unitary and T is positive. I was doing such manipulations in my Quantum Fractals book. Unitary matrices represent rotations, positive matrices represent boosts. Computer algebra programs can easily find this decomposition explicitly. One can calculate explicitly the boost direction and rapidity from T, and the rotation axis and angle of U. U and T happen to be very particularly related, so that there is only one fixed point for the whole transformation. I am not saying that all is evident here. But that is how it is, in essence.

I will continue in the next P.S.

P.S. 18-12-24 11:38 Replying to "3. Conformal transform is inversion + translation + inversion. Hence, translation can be a special case of conformal transform if we eliminate the operation of inversion, i.e., take q=1."

First recall the embedding formula from Part 20:

"ζ0 = (1+x·x)/2, ζ1 = x1ζ2 = x2ζ= (1-x·x)/2.

Now ζ0 + ζ= 1. If we have any point ζ' on the cone with ζ'0 + ζ'> 0, we can always rescale it by a unique positive λ to get ζ0 + ζ= 1, and then read the coordinates from ζ (the rescaled ζ') the two coordinates on the plane. "

Now, conformal inversion is a discrete operation. It is not in our group G. In our language it corresponds to the change of sign of   ζ. The determinant of such a transformation is -1, while our group elements are all of determinant +1. Nevertheless it is a well defined operation, it is, in fact, and algebra automorphism, since it preserves the fundamental relations: anti-commutativity and squares. Let us see what it does with our embedding. We embed x to get ζ as above. Now we change the sign of   ζ. We get

ζ'0 = (1+x·x)/2, ζ'1 = x1ζ'2 = x2ζ'= -(1-x·x)/2.

But now ζ'0 + ζ'= q, instead of 1. So we have to rescale,  to divide by ζ'0 + ζ'= q. The result is

x' =x/q, y'-y/q.

The conformal inversion. Now we know howe we can get translations from special conformal transformations and special conformal transformations from translation within our framework

P.S. 18-12-24 15:03 I am still thinking and can't find a satisfactory reply to 4.

P.S. 18-12-24 17:10 The denominator becomes zero for x = -a/(a.a). The only stable point for

x' =(x + qa)/(1+ q (a2+b2) + 2(xa+yb)),
y' =(y + qb)/(1+ q (a2+b2) + 2(xa+yb)).

is the origin x=y=0.

P.S. 18-12-24 17:30 1. Why for the transformations (1)-(4), which seem quite similar, the results differ so drastically?

They do not differ drastically at all if we are on the sphere. It is only when we select one point on the sphere to project the sphere on the plane, only then they start look differently - with respect to this particular selected point


  1. @Ark, thank you very much for your intelligible answers and for your nice foreword where you say that my questions are valid, it is important for me.
    1. So, the embedding of 2d plane into 4d space using stereographic projection was required to represent in details how the group SO(3,1) stems for the (x,y) plane. Ok! The cases (1) and (3) (as well as (2) and (4)) differ by the sign of the imaginary part only. Both transformations differ only by the interchange the order of brackets: (e1+ie2)x(e1-ie2) versus (e1-ie2)x(e1+ie2). In the first case we get a general conformal transform, while in the second - its degenerate variant in the form of a translation. The noncommutativity at its best. This flip of sign means the reversal of time. The situation is quite different for time going forward and in reverse direction, as it should be. I always felt that noncommutativity is related to the arrow of time. May be, not always but after reading the works of C. Rovelli about 'thermal time'.

    1. Yes, i see. Thank you very much. I am trying to grasp your answer. It would be easier together with the point 4, they are closely connected. In particular, if we know how to get translations from SCT and vice versa, we can check that the stable points in both cases correspond to each other. Does is make sense?

    2. Right now nothing make sense to me. I am at the point of doubting all my previous calculations. Getting contradictions!

    3. x' =x/q, y'-y/q --> x' = x/q, y' = y/q or x' = x/q, y' = - y/q ?

    4. Finally resolved the contradictions (see the last P.S.): there are no contradictions.

    5. This was unlikely to happen. At least three of us were rechecking most of the calculations

    6. 'there are no contradictions'. Уф, you made me nervous a bit, but not for long. I am getting into the Lobachevsky geometry spirit reading the paper of Леонид Антипенко https://vk.com/wall-3816303_14869

    7. From the Antipenko's paper : "The essence of General (Lobachevsky) geometry is motion expressed by geometrical means". What other mathematics with buit-in motion Serg Vekshenov is searching for, i wonder...

  2. 2. Information about decomposition A = UT is quite enough for me now, thanks a lot! The desire to read the QF book is ever stronger.

  3. "KMS states. Tomita and Takesaki, Alain Connes and Carlo Rovelli ..."

    Oh, it is about my favourite 'thermal time' concept! A couple of years ago was so passionate about it that even gave a talk at Vladimirov's seminar on the subject.
    Unfortunately, with all my efforts, could understand only a little part of the construction and the general idea, but liked it very much.
    It resonates with my feeling that time is not the Absolute Reigner, but only perform His duties in our (3+1)-dim case Universe.
    Time changes can possibly be seen as a particular case of changes in general. Rovelly and Connes introduced such a universal FLOW (Tomita flow) - the 'thermal time' flow, which exists for any system with nonzero energy.
    A very good desciption can be found here https://arxiv.org/abs/0903.3832 (Rovelli, 2008)
    I did not understand at that time what precisely the KMS states are, though i tried. And now they appear in your text, fantastic!
    So, the Universe gives me the second chance to conceive these great ideas, which i don't want to miss.

    1. My plan (or dream) is to do this Connes-Rovelly trick on the example of our Cl(V), so it will feel less abstract.

    2. Just what is needed. God knows how I got into your Big Adventure race, but it's going exactly along the route I outlined for myself.

    3. "They do not differ drastically at all if we are on the sphere. It is only when we select one point on the sphere to project the sphere on the plane, only then they start look differently - with respect to this particular selected point"
      Got it! Indeed, the formulas start to simplify only at the last step, when we count x',y' from four zetas. So, if we choose as a stable point, say, a point at the equator rather than the South pole, then the formulas in cases (1), (2) will be simpler than (3), (4)? Can we show this explicitly?

    4. "point at the equator rather than the South pole"

      Point at the North Pole should do it. Point at the equator would probably lead to one big mess.

    5. An observation concerning Lobachevsky space, its built-in dynamics: we use ordinary sin(x) and cos(x) to describe space transformations, and hyberbolic sinh(x) and cosh(x) to describe boosts, which involve time. 'sin' and 'cos' are periodic, while sinh and cosh are not; this may reflect the fact that one can occur at the same place many times, but at a particular time point - only once.
      This intrinsic interplay between hyperbolic and ordinary trigonometric functions evidently corresponds to the intertwining of space and time. Now i see how wise of you @Ark@ was to combine e_i and e_i_k in a single transform (Part 24)!

    6. It is not me who is wise. It is Nature. Light is at the foundation of being. These particular combinations of e_i are on the light cone. That is all magic there.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. 'Light is at the foundation of being'.
      Definitely. But if light is such a fundamental thing, why can't we take it as our 'alpha and omega', as the reference frame? The standard answer is because it cannot be at rest. Paradoxial situation. Light could be placed at the beginning of time, since "time stands on light", but what does it mean? That all radiation in the Universe is of the same age, precisely zero? Nonsence. And a headache.

    9. I have in mind Stapp's paper linked at the end of


    10. Many thanks for the paper H.P. Stapp LIGHT AS FOUNDATION OF BEING. It was very useful. Will read it again.
      One more attempt to deal with the bottleneck (or stumbling block) of physics - making a seamless connection between the classic and quantum worlds. Stapp proposes a particular mechanism of "replacing the human observers of the Copenhagen interpretation by an objective mechanism (based on light) that could give precision to the Bohm-Heisenberg idea of objective events as the foundation of classical reality." So, if i properly got the idea, the omnipresent light determines which one of the numerous possibilities is realized, while all others are 'washed out'. Reminds of the process of sedimentation and erosion of islands in the ocean.
      • There are some intersections with Vadim Varlamov's approach, though VV includes also NONseparable states in the Hilbert space into consideration.
      • Now i see what was the source of Lee Smolin's theory of views. It is elaborated in a very similar spirit. He introduced an extraordinary notion of distance in the space of views, then built the interaction potential on its basis, which appeared to be the Bohm potential, and finally arrived at the Schroedinger equation.
      • Now I can foresee what the aim of the Spinor Series is: to use Cl(V) elements to pave the way throught the bottleneck and see how far can we pass then.

    11. "He introduced an extraordinary notion of distance in the space of views, then built the interaction potential on its basis, which appeared to be the Bohm potential, and finally arrived at the Schroedinger equation."

      Where did he write it? I probably would like to read it.

    12. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1805.12468v1 pp.23-25

    13. Probably you will explain this whole machinery later in the Blog, in case you liked these ideas...

    14. It will take me a while to understand. When it is not a good math, like in Naimark's book that I am displaying at the end of my new post, then I am very slow in understanding.

  4. Ex. (1) has done straightforwardly, using definitions. Not very cumbersome. When doing, recalled how to deal with a mixed product. And what is the 'not-so-hard' way?

    1. " And what is the 'not-so-hard' way?"
      Using the matrix representation.

    2. However, I nned to quote form Emil Artin "Geometric Algebra" book, p. 13 Dover edition:

      "Mathematical education is still suffering from the enthusiasms which the discovery of the isomorphism (between the ring of endomorphisms and the ring of matrices (.J)) has aroused. The result has been that geometry has been eliminated and replaced by computations. Instead of the intuitive maps of a space preserving addition and multiplication by scalars (these maps have an immediate geometric meaning) matrices have been introduced. From the innumerable absurdities --from a pedagogical point of view--let me point out one example and contrast it with the direct description. (...) "

      He quotes the eigenvalue problem. I would add that quantum physics suffers even more than mathematics!

    3. After that Artin adds:
      "It is my experience that proofs involving matrices can be shortened by 50% if one throws the matrices out. Sometimes it can not be done; a determinant may have to be computed."

      In our case of Exercise 1, using matrices shortens the proof by more than 50%. In this case not the determinant, but the trace (and its properties) is involved.

    4. Yes, I guessed that you meant the properties of trace since we are dealing with scalar product. Probably, we should use the fact that similar matrices have the same trace. But (ba, c) does not look similar to (b, a*c)...

    5. The trace appears here:


    6. Yes, i remember the representation of a Cl_3 element as a 2x2 matrix. These matrices do not look much easier to multiply than the elements in the explicit form. Ok, may try tomorrow.


Thank you for your comment..

Spin Chronicles Part 46 - Closing the GNS construction door

  "When one door closes another door opens" - how very true. But first this one door needs to be tightly closed. Today we will cl...