Thursday, June 1, 2023

Thinking With a Forked Brain

This is a continuation of the previous post "Psychological interlude - Authority in Science", which is a continuation of "Quantum Magic - Incoherent Decoherence", which is a continuation of ... etc.

It seems to me that the thinking of those who write that “Today there seem to be no phenomena which contradict quantum theory – perhaps with the sole exception that there are definite (“classical”) phenomena at all!” is highly compartmentalized. Such a person “thinks with a forked brain, ”exactly as is the case with right-wing authoritarians. The Dictionary of Psychology tells us also that:

"So the picture of authoritarian followers after all these years of research is far from flattering – unless you are a potential dictator."

Indeed, the picture of many of the quantum theorists emerging from their “decoherence” papers is not very flattering. We will see it better after we delve into the subject somewhat deeper.

Further Incoherence

So, let us continue with the preface of the book about Decoherence. First we find a statement that quantum theory, “from a conservative point of view … may well be called inconsistent.” Next comes the admission that standard textbook arguments “are insufficient for several reasons”, and that “conventional treatments” (of the classical limit of quantum theory) “are flawed for a simple reason: they do not represent any realistic situation.”

So, we now know how really bad quantum theory is. It is in terrible shape, everything that is definite and real contradicts it. So, what to do?

The answer, from reading the contributions to this book and to other books and papers, lies in “decoherence”.

But what is this decoherence? Is it something that is objective? Or is it something that occurs only in the minds of some theoretical physicists? In order to answer this question we need to look into these minds.

What is this decoherence that is so fashionable nowadays? According to the French Wikipedia:

The quantum decoherence is a physical phenomenon capable of explaining the transition between them quantum physical rules and classic physical rules as we know them, on a macroscopic level. More particularly, this theory provides an answer, recognized as being the most complete to date, to the paradox of Schrödinger cat and at quantum measurement problem.

The theory of decoherence was introduced by Heinz Dieter Zeh in 1970

So, we learn that “it is a physical phenomenon”. Is it a definite phenomenon or not? If it is definite, then, according to Erich Joos, it would contradict quantum theory. That would be bad. So, I am deducing that it is not a very definite phenomenon. But, it is said that it is a “physical phenomenon”. So, let us check what Mr. Zeh has to say. According to Zeh’s article in the Decoherence book, this decoherence occurs when “the complete information about the passage of the particle is carried away (into the “environment”) in some physical form.

Information and Environment: What is hidden by Decoherence

So, we have two new terms, one is information, the other one is “environment” – put in quotation marks by Zeh. Why in quotation marks? I checked the number of occurrences of “environment” in the book, and the result is 372. But I could not find even one precise definition. What I have found, however, is that

In quantum cosmology (where no environment exists), decoherence is only meaningful with respect to local observers (subsystems).

What is real? Is Nobel Prize real?

That there may be a problem with “environment of the Universe”, I can imagine, but then he goes to say that decoherence is meaningful only with respect to a local observer. But what exactly is “local observer”? And does that mean that before there were any observers in the universe, this mysterious decoherence did not happen? Is decoherence really something physical or it happens only in the mind of a physicist?

 It is, in fact, a physicist who separates, in his mind, the Universe, in two parts; one part he calls “the system”, another part he calls “environment”. Then he starts calculating and comes up with some numbers. Another physicist will make the division in a different way, and will come up with a different set of numbers. So, it seems that all this decoherence business is another way of saying that quantum theory really is not able to get rid of subjectivity, and all this fashionable decoherence program is just a way to hide this fact under a pretentious name. Is that the case?

Well, I will show that it is even worse than that. But we need to talk about Schrödinger’s cat first.

To be continued

P.S.1. What is REAL? Here is an example:

Mark Knopfler & Emmylou Harris -
I Dug Up A Diamond
Real Live Roadrunning
Official Live Video

My wife likes this... so this is for her. Very REAL lyrics are here.

P.S.4. 02-06-23 19:10 It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

P.S.5. 03-06-23 8:38 Yesterday a Reader wrote to me asking for a help with one of the ``inventions'' of a Polish mystic-mathematician Hoene-Wronski. I knew the name, but nothing more. So I checked the internet resources. Wikipedia tells us, in particular, that:

In science, Hoene-Wroński set himself an extraordinary task: the complete reform of philosophy as well as that of mathematics, astronomy and technology. He elaborated not only a system of philosophy, but also applications to politics, history, economics, law, psychology, music and pedagogy. It was his aspiration to reform human knowledge in an "absolute, that is, ultimate" manner.

In 1803, Wroński joined the Marseille Observatory, and began developing an enormously complex theory of the structure and origin of the universe. During this period, he took up a correspondence with nearly all of the major scientists and mathematicians of his day, and was well respected at the observatory. In 1803 Wroński "experienced a mystical illumination, which he regarded as the discovery of the Absolute."[3]

Well, I have had my own illumination in Marseille as well. And similarly to Wronski i saw that at the foundations of the universe is an `open loop process', a `multi-threaded algorithm', not an "equation". EEQT was one of the off-springs of this illumination.
Additionally I was writing in my journal after the illumination the following

So work, work, work. Work gives results. Sooner or later. Work gives satisfaction. It gives happiness. I think, for example, of those moments when I did something. When I have accomplished something. Then it is good, then there is happiness. On the other hand, I think about the remark of M. Blau that I am somehow unhappy, dissatisfied. Why? Because I don't produce anything, I don't create anything. So every thing made gives happiness. And happiness is probably the sum of things produced. Almost certainly. Happiness comes from giving.  From giving the best of yourself. Birds probably know this - they sing. Flowers know - they smell and give colors. The sun knows - it gives light. And I should know and remember it myself. To give others the best. And one more thing: that flowers do not look if someone smells. Flowers do not look if someone is present, if someone is watching. Whether someone is around. Flowers only look at whether they smell good. They give. And it's accumulating somewhere. They give to the Creator. And it is somewhere. It's not going to die. It is already there. Irreversibly. Some part of non-being is transformed into being? Are we sure it is so? But shouldn't one make an effort to make one's work available to others? Yes and no. The fact is that sharing no longer adds to the sum of happiness. Which sum depends solely on the number of things completed and released. So creation is important. Hence the happiness of young Werther's creative anguish.

Of course, today we are taught that birds sing and flowers smell for mundane reasons - ``the goal of attracting attention.'' Simple evolution," they say. One can look at it that way too, but one loses infinitely more with such a limited understanding of reality.

Two weeks later, now in Florence, still influenced by the ``illumination" I was writing this:

Here we return to the domain. Inside, nothing can be created. All creation takes place on the boundary. It is the boundary that is most interesting. It is through the boundary that opening takes place, it is on the boundary that causality takes place, it is on the shore that time flows. There is no time in the middle. The middle is Euclidean, in the middle nothing does age, but also nothing is born.

P.S.6. Perhaps I should not worry so much about non-orientability. Here is an interesting paper:
Nontrivial topological states on a Möbius band, and here is the video of making the double cover of the Mobius band

The double cover is orientable. And there is a general theorem stating  that every unorientable manifold has a double cover that is orientable. So the double cover is the answer! I knew it!!! More here: Understanding the orientable double cover.


  1. What punishment should be given to the guy in the video you linked for his animations about Alice and Bob?

    1. @Anonymous

      It was in Trinh Xuan Thuan - "The Quantum and the Lotus" - Part II

      Punishment? It is like at the end of the following story from Gurdjieff:

      "The struggle against the 'false I,' against one's chief feature or chief fault, is the most important part of the work, and it must proceed in deeds, not in words. For this purpose the teacher gives each man definite tasks which require, in order to carry them out, the conquest of his chief feature. When a man carries out these tasks he struggles with himself, works on himself. If he avoids the tasks, tries not to carry them out, it means that either he does not want to or that he cannot work.

      "As a rule only very easy tasks are given at the beginning which the teacher does not even call tasks, and he does not say much about them but gives them in the form of hints. If he sees that he is understood and that the tasks are carried out he passes on to more and more difficult ones.

      "More difficult tasks, although they are only subjectively difficult, are called 'barriers.' The peculiarity of barriers consists in the fact that, having surmounted a serious barrier, a man can no longer return to ordinary sleep, to ordinary life. And if, having passed the first barrier, he feels afraid of those that follow and does not go on, he stops so to speak between two barriers and is unable to move either backwards or forwards. This is the worst thing that can happen to a man. Therefore the teacher is usually very careful in the choice of tasks and barriers, in other words, he takes the risk of giving definite tasks requiring the conquest of inner barriers only to those people who have already shown themselves sufficiently strong on small barriers.

      "It often happens that, having stopped before some barrier, usually the smallest and the most simple, people turn against the work, against the teacher, and against other members of the group, and accuse them of the very thing that is becoming revealed to them in themselves.

      "Sometimes they repent later and blame themselves, then they again blame others, then they repent once more, and so on.

      "But there is nothing that shows up a man better than his attitude towards the work and the teacher after he has left it. Sometimes such tests are arranged intentionally. A man is placed in such a position that he is obliged to leave and he is fully justified in having a grievance either against the teacher or against some other person. And then he is watched to see how he will behave. A decent man will behave decently even if he thinks that he has been treated unjustly or wrongly. But many people in such circumstances show a side of their nature which otherwise they would never show. And at times it is a necessary means for exposing a man's nature. So long as you are good to a man he is good to you. But what will he be like if you scratch him a little?

      "But this is not the chief thing; the chief thing is his own personal attitude, his own valuation of the ideas which he receives or has received, and his keeping or losing this valuation. A man may think for a long time and quite sincerely that he wants to work and even make great efforts, and then he may throw up everything and even definitely go against the work; justify himself, invent various fabrications, deliberately ascribe a wrong meaning to what he has heard, and so on."

      "What happens to them for this?" asked one of the audience.

      "Nothing—what could happen to them?" said G. "They are their own punishment. And what punishment could be worse?

  2. Bjab - Ark
    and I don't see a problem with entanglement. There are hidden parameters - period.

    1. Perhaps there are hidden parameters. But what are they and how exactly do they work? The devil is in the details, and as long as these details are hidden, such a hypothesis is not really helping.

    2. There is also another point worth noticing: what is this mysterious entanglement? Is there a reasonable logically consistent and complete definition? I didn't see any. Lot of talk, but no definition.

    3. Bjab -> Ark
      Entanglement is when a wave in the aether in some frame of reference has a plane of symmetry.

    4. Well wave and aether would need definitions too. My favorite wave definition would be a probability wave of paths between universe state lattices and my favorite aether definition for entanglement would be conformal gravity bosons on lattice links which take the linked particles to the same next lattices.

    5. Bjab -> John G
      I don't understand your comment at all. Maybe Ark understands. Also, "probability wave" this is not physics, and "probability amplitude" is a completely ridiculous name.

  3. "So, we now know how really bad quantum theory is. It is in terrible shape, everything that is definite and real contradicts it. So, what to do?" Ha! Thank you scientists, but your services are no longer needed. We've already identified "everything that is definite and real".

  4. Bjab -> Ark
    I am trying to understand Bell's inequality. But I can't.
    In Wikipedia there are sentences: "Suppose that each measurement reveals a property that the particle already possessed. For instance, if Alice chooses to measure A_0 and obtains the result +1, then the particle she received carried a value of +1 for a property a_0."

    But the particle did not carry a value +1. It carried a value that become +1 only AFTER the measurement.

    1. In such matters I would not rely on Wikipedia. No one is responsible what is written there. Rather I would suggest consulting the original paper by J. Bell. He is responsible for what he wrote, and I know for sure that he did what he could to understand and to present the subject as clearly as possible.

    2. Bjab -> Ark
      Thank you.
      So I start to verify:


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Spin Chronicles Part 48: GNS door reopened

 In this post, which is a continuation of Spin Chronicles Part 47 , we'll get prepared for exploring the Tomita's "flow of ...