Sunday, July 2, 2023

Twelve dimensions of Burkhard Heim

Continuing from The Physics of Non-material World:

Rauscher and Amoroso either do not know, or deliberately do not tell their readers that the path to 12 dimensions has already been explored long ago, and, if I can rely on my intuition – it has been explored deeply and by a real genius – though not yet recognized (or deliberately suppressed.) by mainstream science. The genius I have in mind is Burkhard Heim.

French Wikipedia says:

Burkhard Heim (né le 9 février 1925 à Potsdam, décédé le 14 janvier 2001 à Northeim) était un allemand ayant réalisé des travaux assez médiatisés en physique.

Ses travaux en physique fondamentale l'ont conduit à développer une théorie présentée comme théorie du Tout, la Théorie de Heim, censée concilier relativité générale et physique quantique.

French Wikipedia doesn’t tell us much, but by now, we are not surprised. We have to go to the English Wikipedia to learn more, and German Wikipedia gives us much more complete and more objective information about his life and his work. The problem is that Heim’s four thick volumes of research, all in German, published by a Vatican related publisher, Resch Verlag (Innsbruck), have never been translated. In these works, Heim uses a technical language that he invented himself; therefore his work is extremely hard to understand for a physicist or a mathematician. Moreover, most of this work never went through any kind of peer-reviewing process, therefore his reasoning is incomplete and many of the formulas in his books may contain essential errors. 

But, nevertheless, Heim presented a scheme for joining the two worlds; the material one and the nonmaterial one. Of course the military are mostly interested in the material part, and the material world needs, according to Heim, just six dimensions. The nonmaterial world occupies another six dimensions – altogether we have twelve, the twelve that Amoroso and Rauscher are after, but are either not there yet, or are leaving red herrings lying around to stop anyone else from going there. And certainly, when anyone approaches the door, the hounds are sent after them. 

Two of Heim’s non-material dimensions are related to organization and information. The non-material world includes what he mysteriously calls “Psyche” and “Pneuma”. Heim also has a concept of the “Big Bang” – creation of the material Universe out of information. Before the Big Bang the material world was in a chaotic state – Apeiron

“Principle of everything is Àpeiron, the Undefined,
where all the things find their beginning and their destruction, according to the rules of Time. â€

At time 0 this chaotic state started to be organized. I am speculating that Heim’s Apeiron may be related to a thermodynamic equilibrium state (KMS state), perhaps with infinite temperature. The term “infinite temperature” may sound scary, but mathematicians know that such an equilibrium state behaves in a nice way; nothing to be afraid of; even the quantum property of “non-commutativity” disappears at infinite temperature. So, according to Heim, existence (thus “matter”, and also “real time”) comes from Pre-information. Heim also has the fundamental granularity in his theory; therefore he proposes answers to two of the three of John Wheeler’s questions.

Plate on the grave of Burkhard Heim at the Northeim cemetery

To be continued....

P.S.1. Concerning the Pneuma (the soul) my wife recommended to me this song 

... Over and in, last call for sin
While everyone's lost, the battle is won
With all these things that I've done

I got soul, but I'm not a soldier

The Killers - All These Things that I've Done {HD}
Live at The Royal Albert Hall


When our minds are involved in matter, they think matter the only reality; when we draw back into immaterial consciousness, then we see matter a mask and feel existence in consciousness alone as having the touch of reality. Which then of these two is the truth? Nay, God knoweth; but he who has had both experiences, can easily tell which condition is the more fertile in knowledge, the mightier & more blissful.

Sri Aurobindo


Laura Knight-Jadczyk Interview - The truth about reality, evil and uncertainty

P.S.4 "... 
OK, so we have our conscious self, and we have Reality, which may be alive.

In other words, we may be interacting with a dynamic, living field of information.... "
In "Beyond Physicalism: And Now?", L.P. KOCH, JUL 2

P.S.5 13:36 New version of my notes on the conformal group.  Added Sec. 7.6. Working now on light propagation in the doubly compactified Minkowski space-time. It will take a while.

P.S.6. 17:33 Before going into the light I decided to write new Section 8 - about the geometrization of the previous constructions. Instead of using $\BR^{4,2}$ we will now work in a general 6-dimensional vector space equipped with a quadratic form Q with signature (4,2). In other words we will get rid of the standard basis, which is not left invariant by the action of the isometry group O(Q) of the quadratic form. So all our constructions will be from the beginning to the end totally ``geometric". Only this will give me a total satisfaction.

P.S.7. Michael Shellenberger, of Twitter Files fame, is tweeting out about Lobaczewski and Ponerology. Thread starts here:
 Starts talking about Lobaczewski in tweet #16 in the thread.


P.S.9. 21:12 Added Lytics Interpretation of  "All things I've done".

P.S.11. 19:11 Updated the file. Added 8.1. Will finish this subsection tomorrow, as it needs some calculations. Right now I have only a rough idea/intuition how to do it.


  1. "P.S.6. 17:33 Before going into the light I decided to write new Section 8 - about the geometrization of the previous constructions. Instead of using $\BR^{4,2}$ we will now work in a general 6-dimensional vector space equipped with a quadratic form Q with signature (4,2). In other words we will get rid of the standard basis, which is not left invariant by the action of the isometry group O(Q) of the quadratic form. So all our constructions will be from the beginning to the end totally ``geometric".".

    What is this procedure aimed at?

  2. Kpczy ́nski ->
    Kopczy ́nski

    convenient to use them ->
    convenient to use it

    Za duĆŒo zer w (111)

    Nawias w (112)

  3. Updated the file adding more abstract (but strictly based on reality) stuff. I will proceed this way.

  4. "Updated the file adding more abstract (but strictly based on reality) stuff. I will proceed this way.".

    Why do you seem to draw some kind of thick and sharp line between reality and abstraction?

    After all, abstraction is the supreme reality of our mind. We look to it for answers when searches at lower levels fail. Abstraction is like a superposition, the concrete like a given realisation of a state. The concrete is like a single eigenvalue, while abstraction captures a whole set of them.

  5. Why the compactified Minkowski space is MOST important? Electromagnetism is REAL. Thus Maxwell equations are important. Maxwell equations imply the conformal group. Conformal group implies the compactified (and doubly compactified) Minkowski space. Thus there is a direct logical link - a solid foundation.

  6. Later on, when our foundation solidifies even more, while having a solid place to put our feet, paying attention to reality left and right, we will be ready to take short flights into the fifth dimension, left and right. But that will happen only later, though in not so distant future.

  7. "Electromagnetism is REAL.".

    Yes, we observe such phenomena and are able to describe them in various ways, but this does not yet mean that we know their full nature. Paranormal phenomena are also REAL, but the relatively concrete methods of description present in physics cannot deal with them.

    If anything, there are some residual descriptions, but in general the mainstream does not recognise paranormal phenomena. It goes for a paradigm shift, as the current scientific paradigm is abysmal. Because of the consideration of similar problems, I like Kuhn's philosophy.

  8. Do you think pure mathematics is just an imaginary world that has nothing to do with 'reality'?

  9. Platonism or Aristotelianism? That is the question.

  10. Interesting philosopher:

    George Boger
    Canisius College, Philosophy, Faculty Member
    Ancient Philosophy

    Retired professor of philosophy with special focuses on Ancient Philosophy -- Aristotle's logic, Plato's and Aristotle's moral and political philosophies

    Recently he has been reading Laura's article on ponerology.

  11. "George Boger
    Canisius College, Philosophy, Faculty Member
    Ancient Philosophy".

    In relation to what he does, it is also interesting to note:

  12. We denote by O(Q) the group of linear isometries of Q, ->
    of/on M^ ?

  13. Definition 2. For p = [[X]] ∈ CN we ->
    co to jest ?

    1. Taken into account. Updated. Thank you.

    2. Definition 2. For p = [[X]] ∈ N ->
      Raczej naleĆŒy do M^

    3. (115) ->
      Nawias klamrowy

    4. (115) Y moĆŒe naleĆŒeć do V czy tylko do N ?

    5. If it is supposed by on M^, it should be in N. Will add the requirement for clarity.

    6. Exercise 10.
      "Can we do this?"

      Yes. Why not?

    7. Let's wait. Perhaps someone else will address this a little bit tricky question. A good test for logical reasoning.

    8. Good. Or a^2+b^2+c^2+e^2=d^2+e^2
      and we can choose a representative of the equivalence class of Y satisfying


      Reminds us of something?

    9. @Bjab
      Concerning your comment of July 3, 2023 at 12:33 PM:

      Hint: Notice that [[X]]=[[2X]].

    10. @Ark:
      Yes it is - so what?

    11. So [[X]]+[[Y]] should be equal to [[2X]]+[[Y]]

    12. OK. I was mistaken.

    13. It is good to keep it in mind that in order to define any operation on equivalence classes using their representatives, the resulting equivalence class must be independent of the choice of the representatives. And that was the purpose of this exercise - to understand the lurking dangers.

  14. Identify the points p nd ->
    Identify the points p and

    Suppose wa ->
    Suppose we

    Give any p ->
    Given any p

    (120) ->
    dziwna nomenklatura (niby moĆŒna się domyƛleć, ale czy nie czytelniej byƂoby rozpisać na dwa wiersze?)

    (123) ->

    In fact no such Z exists in N .. ->
    dwie kropki

    is a vectors space. ->
    is a vector space. ?

    I ordr to ->

    1. Thanks. Fixed. Removed the last mishapped definition. Will find one that works.

  15. Thank you. Will fix tomorrow. Additionally the last idea in the file (with "I hope") is most probably totally wrong. So it will have to be done differently. How? Will try to figure it out tomorrow.


Thank you for your comment..

Spin Chronicles Part 46 - Closing the GNS construction door

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