Thursday, January 25, 2024

Don't give up what you started

 Reading A. Yu. Savin"From the depths of the subconscious. Poems, thoughts, stories".

And there these thoughts: 

"- Don't give up what you started. It will still come back, but it will be much harder to fulfill it."

"You mustn't give in to doubts. If you have taken the first step, then go further. Otherwise, you'll be stuck in place all your life."

"Don't take anyone with you on a difficult journey. Cope with difficulties on your own. But share the joy with everyone very generously to avoid envy and ridicule." 

And so, I have finished the work on my paper. Submitted for publication. Probably Reviewers will demand changes... Here it is: arXiv:2401.14217

The explicit form of the unitary representation of the Poincaré group for vector-valued wave functions (massive and massless), with applications to photon's localization and position operators

And now it is time to make the next step. Go further

30-01-24 19:25

Spring is coming soon.... (credits. N.B.)

31-01-24 7:56
The Moon at 7:17 CET  this very morning
Of course the sky is blue
and the Moon is there
even when nobody looks.
Or is it so?

01.02-24 15:46


The book reveals one of the most important unresolved issues of natural science — the question of the posthumous existence of man. An easily reproducible experimental method for solving this problem developed by the author is described and its algorithm is described. Information is provided on the phenomena of mediumship, on the use of which the methodology is based, as well as on the underlying phenomena of psychism. The classification of these phenomena is proposed. The information from previous and own studies of posthumous life is summarized, the conclusions that follow from the results obtained are given, and their significance is assessed.

In accordance with the information about the structure of space obtained during the study of the psychic plane of the universe, some basic provisions of modern science are being rethought, and the paradoxes unexplained by it (photometric, gravimetric, nonsense of quantum mechanics ...) and natural phenomena (causes of inertia and gravity, equality of inertial and gravitational masses, and a number of others) are being explained. The topics of future scientific, possibly dissertation research are outlined.

04-02-24 8:15

Nothing is more important!

05-02-24 11:35 Planes, trains and wormholes 

From "Contours of the universe": Ether consists of electric charges. And there are no photons! But no, there are!

And what is "charge?" Geometrodynamics is the answer? Perhaps. But one should not forget hidden dimensions! The boundary is boiling, non-smooth, sponge-like, fractal-like.

Chronogeometry-Geometrodynamics: please come back!

05-02-24 18:21  Working now on preparing a condensed version of "Explicit form..." mentioned in the note above. This time for a physics journal, therefore simplifying and/or avoiding  the math as much as possible.

There (p. 130):

"Enemies are often of more value than friends, inasmuch as they discover our faults and magnify them, hide or ignore our virtues, and by so doing show us clearly the need of improvement. Friends, on the contrary, magnify our virtues and ignore our faults."

Though we need both friends and enemies.

12-02-24 11:35 Finished reading 

Heartbreaking ghost stories. The message there:

Started reading  

There, in the section on Sinology:

... the mind of Heaven is deducible from what is the Will of mankind ! 

... For there are three well-known modes of repelling the attack of new thoughts : firstly, by ignoring them, secondly by denying them, and lastly by asserting that they are not new, but were known long before.

And the end:

... Truth will not change her nature to accommodate "the trade"; Serious philosophy has now really outgrown Universities, where Science stands under State-guardianship. It may however some day perhaps come to be counted among the occult sciences; while the spurious kind, that ancilla theologice in Universities, that inferior counterfeit of Scholasticism, for which the highest criterion of philosophical truth lies in the country catechism, will make our Lecture-halls doubly re-echo. "You, that way : we, this way".

Nowadays it applies to Wikipedia as well. 

13:53 Have finished! Back to photons. And to the contours of the physics of densities by Zaporozhets.

13-02-24 10:32

Natural Intelligence!

!3-02-24 18:20 While ago i received referee  reports of my paper on photons. Two are positive, requiring some revisions and explanations, one is negative, stating flatly that the subject of the paper is not new and not interesting. I have seven days to provide a revised version. It requires a lot of work.

15-02-24 10:07

15-02-24 10:21 

15-02-24 10:38 Steve Patterson - food for thoughts:

No, Chairs Do Not Exist

Coming Around to Platonism


16-02-24 18:10 Working on revisions of the photon paper. One reviewer asked me to provide the proof of Proposition 2. Working on it, and it it so complicated, and I first have to understand my proof in all details!  But when I read the Acknowledgements part in  Peter Lamont's "The First Psychic"

"...When it was all done, I sent the manuscript to my editor, Tim Whiting, who told me to do it all again, but this time to make it interesting. It then went to Steve Guise, who told me to do it one more time,  but this time without the errors."

- when I read that. I feel all bettert not being alone in my misery!

19-02-24 19:24 Have found previously unnoticed errors in my paper. Decided to rewrite it completely getting rid of the cotangent bundle and staying all the time with the tangent bundle. That means major rewriting. Have no idea how long it will take. Perhaps a month. Psi have to wait. All is lessons!

21-02-24 18:02 Finished reading "D.D. Home. His Life. His Mission" by Madame Dunglas Home 

"Again, truly I tell you, that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they will ask..."
Matthew 18:19
26.02.24 10:32 You can't explain Psi without taking into account the Hyperdimensional Matrix System

5.3.24 9:54

"In truth, whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well; and nothing can be done well without attention."

5.3.24 18:08 

Friday, January 19, 2024

Information is the key - Consciousness is the door


A traveling companion

"... I swallowed his compliment with some pleasure and began to blow on the hot tea, annoyed that I could not drink from the saucer, since it was completely flat. The waves of water in the cup running away from my breath made me think that many things in the world are like these waves: metabolic processes are going on, energy is being transferred… And suddenly it dawned on me that information can also be transmitted. Information that preceded everything created by the hand of the Creator and which is the defining condition for the development of the whole world. We often require little effort from ourselves in exchange for a great result. And maybe this requirement, despite its apparent absurdity at first glance, has its own meaning? And if, knowing the formula for the development of the process, you breathe information into it with the appropriate program, then you can get a self-developing system. Maybe that's what the Creator did, intending to build such a gigantic structure as our universe?

I was taken aback by such thoughts. What did I care about the universe, energy, information before? And now suddenly it's gone. And then I began to think seriously."

P.S.1 21-01-24 16:23

Hossenfelder digs herself into a deeper hole

 P.S.2. 21-01-24 16:50

Reading A. Yu. Savin, V.I Antonenko "Foundations of Noocosmology"

"This assumption echoes A.Kohram's thought about the "conscious properties of matter" (See: Cohram A. Relationship between Quantum Physics and Biology//Foundations of Physics.- 1971.- N 3). Apparently, they were also meant by the outstanding American physicist R. Feynman, considering the principle of least action in the quantum mechanical domain.

"In the case of light we also discussed the question: How does the particle find the right path? From the differential point of view, it is easy to understand. Every moment it gets an acceleration and knows only what to do at that instant. But all your instincts on cause and effect go haywire when you say that the particle decides to take the path that is going to give the minimum action. Does it 'smell'  the neighboring paths to find out whether or not they have more action? In the case of light, when we put blocks in the way so that the photons could not test all the paths, we found that they couldn't figure out which way to go, and we had the phenomenon of diffraction. "Is the same thing true in mechanics? Is it true that the particle doesn't just 'take the right path' but that it looks at all the other possible trajectories? And if  by having things in the way, we don't let it look, that we will get an analog of diffraction? The miracle of it all is, of course, that it does just that. That's what the laws of quantum mechanics say. So our principle of least action is  incompletely stated. It isn't that a particle takes the path of least action but that it smells all the paths in the neighborhood and chooses the one that has the least action by a method analogous to the one by which light chose the shortest time. (Feynman, Leighton, Sands,. "Lectures on Physics, Mainly Electromagnetism and Matter", Addison-Wesley 1964, p. 19-9)

Summarizing the statements of scientists, it can be concluded that behind the physically measurable structures of nature, the human spirit sees what is characteristic of itself. By “painting” the world to a logically complete system, he displays his own meaning in a scientific picture that coincides with the essence of the world. Consequently, the model of the surrounding reality displays not only what is opposite to consciousness, but also what is in the outside world, the logical continuation of which consciousness is. In other words, the dynamics of the development of ideas about the world, ultimately as a result, it inevitably leads to the inclusion of the psyche, consciousness in the theoretical construction of the universe."

P.S.3  23-01-24 17:52

Spin Chronicles Part 39: Inside a state

 This note is a continuation of Part 38 . While we have the geometric Clifford algebra Cl(V) in mind, we start with a more general case of...