Friday, October 27, 2023

Photon's eversion

 Our daughter Amy suggested to me a book to read, "Eversion" by Alstair Reynolds

From the master of the space opera comes a dark, mind-bending adventure spread across time and space, where Doctor Silas Coade is tasked with keeping his crew safe as they adventure across the galaxy in search of a mysterious artifact.

‘In mathematical framing, the definition is rather more rigorous,’ Dupin said. ‘But you have the crude sense of it. As a matter of fact, the problem is of interest to me. Consider the question of sphere eversion in a three-dimensional space—’ (...)

 ‘You can’t see it, but it’s possible. It’s a sphere, you see?’ He pinched the paper between two extremities, making it balloon out like a soggy attempt at a paper lantern. ‘It’s a sphere. I think it was always a sphere, and then something went wrong. That’s the topology.’

I looked to the land speeding by us on either side of Demeter. ‘Topography?’

‘No. Topology. Surfaces and volumes. Transformations. Homotopic transformations. Can you see it, doctor?’"

Inversion, Inversion, Eversion Inside out. Conformal transformation. Maxwell equations are conformally invariant. Previous post was about Krishna and photons. I had to redo almost everything, calculate everything from scratch. Here is the result

P.S.1. 28-10-23 17:57 Replaced with a new version. Added Remark 1.4 and the beginning of Sec. 2.

P.S.2. 29-10-23 8:32 This is what my friends and my girls got me for my birthday two days ago: Nobel Prize, socks  and a handy hammer, also a set of (neo)-Platonic (crystal) solids (plus many other goodies not shown ...)

P.S.3. 29-1027 10:33

One of my favorite quotes.

We must regard the present state of the universe as the effect of its past and the cause of its future. Consider an intelligence which, at any instant, could have a knowledge of all forces controlling nature together with the momentary conditions of all the entities of which nature consists. If this intelligence were powerful enough to submit all this data to analysis it would be able to embrace in a single formula the movements of the largest bodies in the universe and those of the lightest atoms; for it, nothing would be uncertain; the future and the past would be equally present to its eyes. ~ Pierre Laplace

Now we need only to make it compatible with chaotic behavior of some  nonlinear systems, and adjust our understanding of synchronicity and quantum phenomena accordingly.

P.S.4/ 30-10-23 12:39 Good news. Essential progress with the paper I am working on. Yesterday night I was still thinking that the only way to get the result that I have envisaged was by using a brute force. But today I realized that, with the right insight, it will cost almost no work at all, and that it can be done in a full generality that I didn't even dream about before!😁😁😁

P.S.5. 30-10-23 13:01 And here is another B-Day gift that I received from my dear friend Pierre Lescaudron.

The Periodic Table of Elements. Pierre passed away on October 19, so the fact that I have received this beautiful gift a week after is an  additional reason to ponder about the mysteries of love, densities and of time.  

P.S.6. 31-10-23 11:18 (Suggested to me by Laura)

P.S.7. 31-10-23 11:44 Signs conventions (from Misner, Wheeler, Thorne "Gravitation")

P.S.8. 31-10-23 13:39 Updated the file. Added beginning of Sec. 2.2 "Action of pure boosts"..

P.S.9. 01-11-23 9:39 The prototype of  the Time Machine based on the Properties of Light and Time Eversion.

P.S.10. 02-11-23 13:39 Completed the proof of Lemma 2.1. Added Acknowledgements at the end. Now it is time for calculating the limit (70). With the handy Lemma it should be now a piece of cake.

P.S.11. 02-11-23 16:22 There is still a possibility (subjectively 50% probability) that the Lemma is false, its proof has errors, and that there is no limit as in Eq. (70). If this reasoning can be fixed - I will find a way to fix it. So more work is needed. I have no idea now how long will it take. That is what I will be working on now.

P.S.12. 02-11-23 18:40 Removed the part containing Lemma 2.1 and its proof. It leads nowhere, even if it is correct. Totally useless work. Discovered one more way how NOT to make the light bulb. Leaning from errors.

P.S.13 05-11-23 12:37 The Dirac Sea

I wrote in a reply top a comment by Natus Videre:  "And what is space?" Perhaps it is the Dirac sea of some kind?

Quoting from the paper by a mathematician  J. Dimock "The Dirac Sea":

" Dirac’s resolution of the problem was to to assume the particles were fermions, invoke the Pauli exclusion principle, and hypothesize that the negative energy states were present but they were all filled. The resulting sea of particles (the Dirac sea) would be stable and homogeneous and its presence would not ordinarily be detected. However it would be possible to have some holes in the sea which would behave as if they had positive energy and opposite charge. These would be identified with anti-particles. If a positive energy particle fell into the sea and filled the hole (with an accompanying the emission of photons), it would look as though the particle and anti-particle annihilated. The resulting picture is known as hole theory. 
The basic idea is that if an n-fermion state is modeled by an n-fold wedge product of Hilbert spaces, then the Dirac sea should be descibed as an infinite wedge product of Hilbert spaces."

P.S.14. 06-11-23 11:49
P.S.15. 08-11-23 8:29 Dreaming about the Ripples on the Dirac Sea

"Geoff Landis has just completed a postdoctoral fellowship at NASA’s Lewis Research Center in Cleveland. He writes science fiction grounded in the hard sciences, but his first story, “Elemental,” a Hugo nominee for best novella of 1984, dealt with magical matters in a scientific context and appeared in Analog. Later work has been published in Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, Pulphouse, and Amazing Stories.

About his award-winning short story, Geoff writes, ” ‘Ripples in the Dirac Sea’ was an experimental story for me. Quite a number of disparate threads wove into the final narrative. One important thread was my feeling that a story involving time travel should have a nonlinear narrative to reflect the discontinuous way the characters experience time.

“I also wanted to see if it was possible to write a story in which real physics is presented. Very little of modern SF goes beyond the early quantum mechanics of Heisenberg and Schrodinger, work which is admittedly remarkable and beautiful, but by no means the end of the story. Here I tried to invoke some of the strangeness and beauty— I might even say sense of wonder—of the physics of Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac. In ‘Ripples’ I decided to explore the inconsistency between Dirac’s relativistic quantum mechanics and the mathematics of infinity developed by Cantor and others (as far as I can tell, a quite real inconsistency). The Dirac sea is also real, not an invention of mine— despite the very science-fictional feel of an infinitely dense sea of negative energy that surrounds and permeates us."

But I'm telling you: The infinite dense sea of 
Bose-Einstein condensate of light
is even more intriguing!

P.S.16. 09-11-23 8:17 
P.S.17. 09-11-23 10:53 My negative mass/energy space propulsion project:

P.S.18 09-11-23 17:28 Changed notation. Replaced omega with E (for energy). Fixed Proposition 2.1. Added its Proof. Now it is time to verify and to find and correct possible errors.

P.S.19. 10-11-23 7:49 Something is still wrong. The matrix is indeed orthogonal, but it does not do what I am expected it to do. Back to the drawing desk. Chase the error. The devil must be hiding in some tiny detail. Errare humanum est. But WHY? (Bjab?) Why some people make more errors than other?????? Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum. I know. But one thing is to know, and completely different thing is creatively apply this knowledge to fix one's errors for good!

P.S.20 16-11-23 7:50 Finished Sections 2.1 and 2.2. Added plots of vector fields.

 Animation of the combed sphere  came not the way I intended.... Can cause a headache!

But I do not have time now for playing with animations of rotations. Now calculating the torsion tensor of the induced teleparallel connection. Deadline for finishing the paper: December 30.
The vector fields e1 and e2, are mutually orthogonal and, in x-space satisfy the equations
div e1 =div e2 = 0. But they should be thought of as Hertz potentials, and not as electric and magnetic fields.

P.S.21 19-11-23 10:41 Houston, we have a problem.

P.S.21 200-11-23 10:52

P.S.22 20-11-23 11:54
"... His truth is marching on. ..."

P.S.23 21-11-23 13:13 Laura is telling me that it is not Elvis, who died in 1977, singing this song which was written by Leonard Cohen in the 80s. And no, it is not time travel either. It is Ron Jesse who is singing the song.

P.S.24 21-11-23 18:19 In stereographic projection coordinates the teleparallel affine connection and torsion come out beautifully! Somewhat different than those in the  papers by Staruszkiewicz
, but so much simpler, prettier and more elegant! Tomorrow will update the file. Haleluja!

P.S.25 23-11-23 12:12 Reading "The Late Summer Passion of a Woman of Mind" by Rebecca Goldstein:

"... Eva had come to the conclusion that there is something seriously amiss with her book.
Time, Eva now thought. It was time that contained the ambiguity. She had not come to terms with the concept of temporality in her book. She had not shown, had not even taken up the question, of how the systems of Plato and Spinoza, which presented reality as eternal and changeless, held by tenseless logic in the stasis of necessity, could accommodate even the notion of passing time. How is it that our sense of the flow of time, which so dominates our experience of thi world, can arise? To say that it is ultimately an illusion does not solve the problem. How can there be room for even this deception, in such systems as these?"

P.S.26 23-11-23 19:23 Added Sec 2.3.1. Stereographic projection 

and 2.3.2 The connection coefficients. Added references to Staruszkiewicz's two papers. Updated the file.

P.S.27 25-11-23 17:15 Taking break for studying recent papers on the same or related subjects. Learning and thinking. Thinking and learning. Meditating. Brainstorming.

P.S.28 26-11-23 11:11 Laura's find on X:

Unable (temporarily) to answer another important question: "What is time?", I consider related question: What is (timeless) photon? And how it relates to the leptonic magnetic monopole of Georges Lochak? Clifford algebras are there.

P.S.28 26-11-23 11:36 Human consciousness is a local debugging unit with the ability to read the wave. It has also very limited wave writing capability. Most of these units are faulty. But that is how Nature works - creating abundances of everything (except for magnetic monopoles which seem to be very rare a specie).

P.S.29  26-11-23 12:47 Coincidence? After writing the previous P.S. I went home to get a lamp (I need more photons!) and found Laura in the laundry room reading this: 

She did not read the previous P.S. But she must have read my mind Or I read her mind. Or simply colinearity - reading the same wave at the approximately the same time.

P.S.30 26-11-23 18:14 Added three new highly relevant references to the paper in progress. In the next couple of days will add new stuff with my comments about these references.

P.S.31 27-11-23. From "Single Photon Manipulation". IntechOpen 2020, p. 15

"During the last decades, an impressive technological development has been achieved permitting the manipulation of single photons with a high degree of statistical accuracy. However, despite the significant experimental advances, we still do not have a clear physical picture of a single photon state universally accepted by the scientific community, especially involved in quantum electrodynamics. "

P.S.32 27-11-23 15:08 And so, from today on,  I become a member of the Editorial Board of the MDPI journal "Mathematics", section Mathematical Physics.  Perhaps because I feel as being more a mathematician than a physicist... I respect and adore physics, but my true love is (applied) mathematics.

P.S.33 01-12-23 10:30

While reading Daniel Kastler, "Introduction à l'électrodynamique quantique", Dunod (Orléans, Impr. nouvelle), 1960, In "Avant propos":

"...Indépendamment de son utilite, l'unité des sciences physico-mathématiques nous semble être buts de l'humanisme scientifique."

P.S.34 02-12-23 12:07

 P.S.35 02-12-23 12:27


P.S.36 02-12-23 18:26 Reading Christine Li, "5-minute self-discipline Exercises", p. 137

"List five things that you are thankful for:"

P.S.37 03-12-23 10:06 Reading Philip Goff, "Why? The Purpose of the Universe"

"(...) Philosophy for me isn’t just an abstract exercise but something I live out. During my ethical subjectivist teenage years, I kissed my best friend John’s girlfriend, telling him to his face that it was okay because ‘good’ and ‘bad’ depend on how you feel and it didn’t feel bad. For his part, John decided on a creative response. With the help of a few friends, he kidnapped me, tied me up, and bleached my hair bright white. Even in the absence of moral objectivity, there are ways of stopping people doing shitty things. (...)"


"My favourite interpretation of quantum mechanics is the most boring and unsexy of all of them: the pilot wave interpretation." 

I criticized it in my Quantum Fractals (perhaps partly because I was jealous?) . But now, when I read that it is "boring and unsexy" - perhaps will change my views, reconsider. It happens once in a while that what we at some point of time dislike and even hate, later on becomes our favorite!

11:37: I still think that it can be happily merged with EEQT. It will then become more sexy and less boring (discrete events!), but without losing its attractive features. Or, better, add the pilot-wave feature to EEQT! Should be doable! In EEQT between jumps the classical system follows the classical mechanics. But it may as well be governed by the pilot-wave guided evolution. Except that  it will be now dissipative.

 P.S.38 05-11-23 19:39 While reading "Non-Commutative Geometry and Measurements of Polarized Two Photon Coincidence Counts" by 7 authors (two of them I have met in the past)

There are anti-photons!

Bjab should be happy!

P.S.39  06-12-23 18:36 Philip Goff is is overusing the Ockham razor principle. As Laura has noticed, when we were discussing the subject,: if Nature would use the Ockham razor, we would not be here discussing the question "Why?". 

P.S.40 10-12-23 Failure! Defeat! I am depressed. Tried to read the paper

"Action of the conformal group on steady state solutions to Maxwell's equations and background radiation" 

by Bertram Kostant, Nolan Wallach

After five or six pages the mathematics there became completely unknown to me. And I know that it is a very important paper - necessary for understanding consciousness. But in the paper we find category theory, exact sequences,  algebraic topology,  harmonic analysis - and lot of other things that I have rough idea about, but not working knowledge. Disaster. It will take me a month or more to learn, to fill out the holes in my mathematical education. They say:

Perhaps. Should I feel inspired by my failure? I should and I am.

P.S.40 15-12-23 19:42 Finally finished preparing my complete list of publications with links to all published papers. Here it is. It has a title line in Russian, because it was prepared for Math-Net.Ru.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Photons according to Krishna

 Following the advice of  Krishna, I worked for more than a month. Here is the first part of the result

22-10-23 7:12 


I realized it was a premature satisfaction. The method was a bad one and the result was wrong. Mistakes were made. I made them. Removed. Work contiunues ... 

 The (BAD, WRONG) pdf is here. There may still be typos (THERE ARE ERRORS).

There may be a short break in my posts, as this morning I will be having a surgery on my eye.

P.S.1. 20-10-23 9:35 Working on a new better version. Perhaps will replace the file today.

P.S.2. 20-10-23 17:57 Changing the arena of interest from the tangent bundle of the light cone (in momentum space) to the cotangent one I have met a geometro-algebraic problem that is bothering me. It slows down my progress.

Reading "Properties of Light" by Rebecca Goldstein. 

A very strange and disturbing book. There:

"... Einstein himself, who had declared some years after accomplishing the revelations of his general relativity

I will devote the remainder of my life to thinking about light." 

P.S.3. 21-10-23 13:09 Have finished reading the "Properties of Light" by Rebecca Goldstein. In the Afterward she (as many others) writes that Bohm's model of hidden variables is "deterministic". But it is not. It requires the initial data of the guided to be randomly selected in agreement with the Born probabilistic interpretation. Otherwise it is not in agreement with experiment. Thus the book is misleading. Also the position of John Bell is not presented faithfully. John Bell was inspired by Bohm's model, but not satisfied with it. Otherwise it was interesting to read the book through.

P.S.4. 22-10-23 7:21 Started reading (with one eye, as the other one is still giving a blurry image)  "The Mind-Body Problem" by the same author, Rebecca Goldstein

A bright Jewish girl comes to Princeton to make her PhD in philosophy. Being not quite able to find her place among the top-top-top rank philosophers she starts to seduce her male colleagues, one by one. Finally seduces a real genius (also a Jew, to her mother satisfaction) mathematician and easily succeeds in making him to marry her. Interesting reading, instructive psychology, also uncensored view of scientists and science, philosophy, physics, mathematics, by an insider.

P.S.5. 24-10-23 17:36 Have finished the difficult and tedious calculations. They came as expected. But there so much work to confirm what I know must be true. Now to write it all down....

Reading "The Mind-Body Problem". There:

"“From where I stand and what I can see from there—and I’m speaking only as a mathematician now—bodies and their space occupy only a rather insignificant stratum of reality. So it doesn’t surprise me at all that we—or at any rate our minds—turn out not to be bodies. That’s the way it really ought to be, that the thinking part of us, the part that can grasp the nonsensible, the purely intelligible, should itself be nonphysical.”

"so much work to confirm "what I know". The hero of the book, the genius (though solipsistic) mathematician, considers reincarnation as more supported by data by than some crazy constructs of quantum physicists. He would say not "what I know", but rather "what I remember".

And also this:

"There’s a certain degree of danger involved in the life of the pure mathematician, in his intimacy with the inhumanly perfect and the consequent liberation from mortal concerns. Insanity is an occupational hazard, a sacrifice the mathematician risks in his solipsistic splendor."

P.S.6. 25-1-=23 19:06

In my posts "Clifford Solution. P.S.2" and "Religion and Science – cruel Gods" I have mentioned "Atlas Shrugged" and "Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand. I was not well informed at that time, I was lacking the data. Here are the additional relevant data:

The DISTURBING TRUE STORY of Ayn Rand’s Indoctrination

Knowledge protects.

Monday, October 2, 2023

An Interview with Theoretical-Mathematical Physicist

 Since I am very-very-very busy right now, spending days and nights on the light cone (in energy-momentum-frequency space), there are no new posts for a while. But, by chance, I stumbled upon a very interesting item that the reader may enjoy in the interim: 

"An Interview with Theoretical-Mathematical Physicist, Arkadiusz Jadczyk"

I was reading it with great interest, so here it is - just follow the link.

That's me, standing on my head and proving that you can swallow upward (chocolate, of course!). 

P.S.1. 02-10-23: John G. Cramer

"Despite his description of the transactional "handshake" as atemporal, Cramer says the collapse occurs when the emitter accepts the confirmation wave from an absorber. It is the absorber that precipitates the collapse, he says,

In the transactional interpretation the collapse, i.e., the development of the transaction, is atemporal and thus avoids the contradictions and inconsistencies implicit in any time-localized SV collapse.

Furthermore, the transactional description does not need to invoke arbitrary collapse triggers, such as consciousness, etc., because it is the absorber rather than the observer which precipitates the collapse of the SV, and this can occur atemporally and nonlocally across any sort of interval between elements of the measuring apparatus.

Cramer is quite critical of the need for a "conscious observer."

This "consciousness" interpretation, while it is a reasonable working hypothesis for an observer who does not wish to find himself dissolved into the state vector of the system he is measuring, does beg a number of questions. Did the SV of the universe remain uncollapsed until the first consciousness evolved? Where is the borderline between consciousness and unconsciousness? Will "smart" measuring instruments eventually achieve the abihty to collapse SV's, and how will one know when they do? And so on.

Schrodinger (1935) suggested an alternative to the consciousness interpretation, which he called the principle of state distinction and which asserts, "states of a microscopic system which could be told apart by macroscopic observation are distinct from each other whether observed or not. " In other words, the SV collapses as soon as some macroscopic record of the result of a measurement is made, whether a conscious observer looks at that record or not. Heisenberg (1960) and others have suggested a variant of this position which asserts that as soon as the quantum measurement passes from the domain of reversible processes into the domain of thermodynamic irreversibility the SV collapses.

The latter two "collapse triggers" are more appealing to most physicists than the former because they avoid giving some special significance to consciousness and because, as pointed out by Weisskopf (1959,1980), they correspond more closely to the operating assumptions that practicing physicists use in thinking about how quantum measurements are done. However, these models also beg the question of borders: Where precisely is the border between macrophysics and microphysics and the border at which irreversibility begins?

John G. Cramer,  The Information Philosopher

P.S.2. 15:34 John. G. Cramer, "Gravity with 4-Vector Potentials - A Theory Revolution?" 

P.S.3.03-10-23 16:20 Came today. Will have to see if I can manage to happily marry the Quantum Handshake with EEQT?

P.S.4. 04-1023 15:54 Version 2 of the preprint "Physical unambiguity of the definition of the photon position operator and its special eigenstates" by Grzegorz M. Koczan appeared on arxiv. I am very pleased to see there the following in this new version:


I would like to thank Arkadiusz Jadczyk – co-author of an important publication [9] – for his active help. Extensive consultations concerned both the definition of the photon position operator (the use of zero modes and definition equivalence) and the eigenstates (on a straight line and on a circle). More- over, the consultations resulted in the Lemma on the commutation of the photon position operator with the helicity operator.

P.S.5. 05-10-23 8:14 In P.S.1. 04-08-23 I have mentioned the poster that G.M. Koczan presented at the annul meeting of the Polish Physical Society. In the list of References there is this item:

[14] Koczan G. M., Jadczyk A. (2023), Uniqueness of the definition of the photon position operator and its special eigenstates, przesłane do arXiv

As I have mentioned in the previous P.S. the preprint, with a somewhat different title, had appeared, but with my name in Acknowledgement. The reason for that change of plans is that the differences in our respective views on the subject, on what is important and what less important or incomplete, were too severe. I could not add my name to a paper that I would never accept as ready for publication if I was a Referee. These differences persist and get even stronger with time. That does not prevents us from having a fruitful discussions. G.M. Koczan is a stubborn and ambitious researcher, but I am stubborn, though in a somewhat different way. So we continue our intense exchanges. Communication, even when difficult, is very important. And keeping the sense of humor all the time is an important tool in the communication. For instance concerning the withdrawing my name as a co-author of the paper, he suggested that I consult Laura about the issue! To which I replied that Laura is informed and supports my decision. It's nice and funny when otherwise very serious physicists feel free to talk this way. 

P.S.6. 05-1-23 12:49 Concerning a possible  vision of the "physics of densities":

"Paul nodded and stepped to the blackboard, writing with chalk as he talked. 'Our normal matter is only one particle state, and there are six others. I found it was confusing to think of that many different states, so I visualize them as seven parallel planes. A particle can lie only in one plane at a time and can interact with other particles in the same plane. Our universe is the middle plane, say, and there are three adjoining "up" planes and three "down" planes. Or you can think of these shadow planes as six other shadow universes, all parallel to ours and interacting with ours only through gravity."

John Cramer, "Twistor"

What kind of Cramer's advanced waves is needed? Electromagnetic? Or gravitational? Or, perhaps, gravimagnetic? The last ones seem to be the best candidate, though not without a danger lurking there. But "kairon waves" as the mean of carrying the information is another guess...

P.S.7. 16:12 I have ordered Ruth E. Kastner, "The Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. A relativistic treatment", 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press 2022. Should come in about ten days. Table of content very promising and interesting:

1 Introduction: Quantum Peculiarities 1

1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Quantum Peculiarities 4
1.3 Prevailing Interpretations of QM 13
1.4 Quantum Theory Presents a Genuinely New Interpretational Challenge 25

2 The Map versus the Territory 26
2.1 The Irony of Quantum Theory 27
2.2 “ Constructive ” versus “ Principle ” Theories 30
2.3 Bohr ’ s Kantian Orthodoxy 31
2.4 The Proper Way to Interpret a “ Principle ” Theory 34
2.5 Heisenberg ’ s Hint: A New Metaphysical Category 36
2.6 Ernst Mach: Visionary/Reactionary 38
2.7 Quantum Theory and the Noumenal Realm 40
2.8 Science as the Endeavor to Understand Reality 42

3 The Original TI: Fundamentals 44

3.1 Background 44
3.2 Basic Concepts of TI 50
3.3 “ Measurement ” Is Well De fi ned in TI 54
3.4 TI Sheds Light on Feynman ’ s Account of Quantum
Probabilities 57

4 The New TI: Possibilist Transactional Interpretation 65

4.1 Why PTI? 65
4.2 Basic Concepts of PTI 66
4.3 Addressing Some Concerns 73
4.4 “ Transaction ” Is Not Equivalent to “ Trajectory ” 79
4.5 Revisiting the Two-Slit Experiment 83
4.6 Null Measurements 85

5 The Relativistic Transactional Interpretation 88

5.1 TI Has Basic Compatibility with Relativity 88
5.2 The Quantum Direct-Action Theory 89
5.3 The Micro/Macro Distinction 107
5.4 Classical Limit of the Quantum Electromagnetic Field 109
5.5 Nonlocality in Quantum Mechanics: RTI versus rGRWf 113

6 Challenges, Replies, and Applications 117

6.1 Challenges to TI 117
6.2 Interaction-Free Measurements 122
6.3 Delayed Choice Experiment 129
6.4 Quantum Eraser Experiments 134
6.5 Transactions and Decoherence 140
6.6 RTI Solves the Frauchiger – Renner Paradox156
6.7 The Afshar Experiment 162

7 The Metaphysics of Possibility in RTI 167

7.1 Traditional Formulations of the Notion of Possibility 168
7.2 The PTI Formulation: Possibility as Physically Real Potentiality 168
7.3 Offer Waves, as Potentiae, Are Not Individuals 170
7.4 The Macroscopic World in PTI 172
7.5 An Example: Phenomenon versus Noumenon 179
7.6 Causality 182
7.7 Concerns about Structural Realism 185

8 RTI and Spacetime 189
8.1 Recalling Plato ’ s Distinction 189
8.2 Transactions and Spacetime Emergence 200
8.3 Transactions Break Time Symmetry and Lead to an Arrowof Time 215
8.4 Spacetime Relationalism 220
8.5 RTI versus Radical Relationalism 222
8.6 Ontological versus Epistemological Approaches, and Implications for Free Will 224

9 Epilogue

P.S.8. 16:32 And another "must read" paper:

Michal Dobrski, Maciej Przanowski, Jaromir Tosiek, Francisco J. Turrubiates, "Construction of a photon position operator with commuting components from natural axioms", Phys. Rev. A 107, 042208 – Published 11 April 2023.

P.S.9. 06-10-23 8:40 Have finished "Twistor". The second part is written just right for children age 10 or less. I liked it. Somewhat disappointing is however the part of Wikipedia's entry on   Transactional interpretation, where it says

"TI is an exact interpretation of QM and so its predictions must be the same as QM. Like the many-worlds interpretation (MWI), TI is a "pure" interpretation in that it does not add anything ad hoc but provides a physical referent for a part of the formalism that has lacked one (the advanced states implicitly appearing in the Born rule). Thus the demand often placed on TI for new predictions or testability is a mistaken one that misconstrues the project of interpretation as one of theory modification.[17]"

and also this part:

"Thus the so-called "retreat" to Hilbert space (criticized also below in the lengthy discussion of note[24]) can instead be seen as a needed expansion of the ontology, rather than a retreat to anti-realism/instrumentalism about the multi-particle states. The vague statement (under[24]) that "Offer waves are somewhat ephemeral three-dimensional space objects" indicates the lack of clear definition of the ontology when one attempts to keep everything in 3+1 spacetime."

But still I consider TI as a good try. I will impatiently wait for Kastner's book which seems to be more philosophically oriented with understanding of the need of logical and ontological consistency."

P.S.10 07-10-23 8:54 Started reading "A lady mathematician in this strange universe : memoirs"  by Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat, World Scientific 2023. There I find:

"When I was working to be admitted in the “École Normale” for girls — indeed the rue d’Ulm ENS was not, in those times, open to girls — my father liked to look at my mathematics problems, quite ready to help me if I expressed desire for it. On the other hand, if I asked a question about physics, he would often answer with a reference to one of his books. Thus, my father was not one of the physicists hostile to mathematics. Those can be forgiven because at that period, the Bourbaki school of mathematics showed deep contempt for physics. I heard Dieudonné, a great mathematician and very active member of Bourbaki, say, “If I knew that the mathematics I do are useful for physics, I would stop doing them.” However, Dieudonné was a man with powerful intelligence and great honesty."

Well, I like Dieudonne for his clear and precise writing. I was learning math from his books. But why would he say such things about physics? This I do not understand. Perhaps subconsciously he really loved physics, but expressing this love would interfere with his love to the purity of mathematics?

P.S.11. 08-10-23 9:22 While reading "A lady mathematician in this strange universe : memoirs", in the chapter "First Works, the 3+1 Formulation", I have found this:

 "I published, in 1948, three other papers in the Comptes Rendus of the Académie des Sciences — among them, two are cosigned par Lichnerowicz. In one of them, we simplify a hypothesis made in constructing the Schwarzschild metric, fundamental in Einsteinian gravitation. Lichnerowicz then proposed to me, as a subject for my thesis, the generalization of one of his theorems, itself a generalization of a fundamental theorem from Georges Darmois. The problem was to formulate the Einstein equations of General Relativity, in replacing the particular coordinates chosen by him generalizing the particular ones chosen by Darmois, by fully general ones. This formulation, called now three plus one, highlights the local splitting of the roles of space and time. I had essentially finished this work, which required little imagination, and published a summary in a paper to the Académie, when Leray suggested to me a more interesting subject. I will come back to that later."

3+1. This is what I am playing with now, though for a different reason. There are, in fact, many more common points of interest.

P.S.12. 10-10-23 7:40 There are also significant differences. Yvonne runs away from waves travelling faster than light. She is in love with Einstein's causality. In this respect I am the opposite. She became famous doing important research. I am, on the other hand, one of those fringe physicists fitting black lists. But I read that one of her friends, Yves Rocard, was also blacklisted because of his interest in dowsing.:

"His non-election in the French Académie des Sciences is an example of the narrow-mindedness of some who are afraid of an idea which disagrees with beliefs forged by their predecessors; in the case of Rocard, the detection of water by dowsers. "

Another difference: Yvonne complains that she was not allowed to teach a course on quantum mechanics, which prevented her from learning it. I was more lucky in this respect teaching several courses on quantum mechanics and learning it - unfortunately (or fortunately?) mostly from books and papers, not from real human experts. Working now on a little paper (of mainly pedagogical nature) about "quantum mechanics of photons" - attempting to finish what Varadarajan (and Daniel Kastler in his "Introduction à l'Electrodynamique quantique") left unfinished. 

P.S.13 12-10-23 11:04 Found in "Lady mathematician":

"Jordan, in 1947, wrote the obtained equations without this last hypothesis and interpreted the new coefficient as what was previously the gravitational constant, now variable. The geometric formulation of Jordan’s work and the physical interpretation of results were proposed to Yves Thiry as the subject for a thesis by Lichnerowicz, who then named the result “Jordan-Thiry theory”. The unification in a geometric formulation of gravitation, electromagnetism and the new fields (weak and strong interactions) called Yang-Mills, discovered after Einstein’s death, was done by Richard Kerner, Andrezj Trautman and myself, by considering even higher dimensional space-times. They are called “Kaluza-Klein theories” — too bad for Jordan. "

Notice the interesting morphism: Andrzej -> Andrezj. I love it! Fortunately Ryszard, after moving from Warsaw to Paris, became Richard - much easier to remember correctly.

From my private collection. Smiling physicists: Richard Kerner on the left. Jakub Rembielinski on the right.
P.S.14. 13-10-23 10:24 While reading "Lady mathematician" found this:

"In 1979, I renewed my old friendship with Irving Segal at his sixtieth birthday, celebrated in MIT (Massachussetts Institute of Technology) where he was a professor. (...) He directed with great dedication the researches of several students, mathematicians interested in physics who shared his belief in his cosmology, an unchanging universe, invariant under the Lorentz group. (...)  Irving was interested in the method used by Demetrios and myself to prove the global existence of solutions to the Yang-Mills equations on Minkowski spacetime. He hoped we could extend this result to his cosmos. We attacked this problem and a combination of methods and ideas allowed us to achieve the result. Irving entrusted the drafting of the demonstration to his student and favorite disciple, Paneitz. The latter performed his task, using the definitions and specific notations of his master, which were for me, I have to admit, foreign. The article cosigned by the three of us appeared in the journal dear to Irving, “Journal of Functional Analysis”, thirty years after our first article in collaboration written in Princeton. I, however, granted myself the satisfaction of writing a demonstration with my usual notations for a note in the “Comptes Rendus de l’Académie”. Unfortunately a tragedy occurred soon after: Paneitz, a tall, apparently robust young man, drowned while trying to cross, with Irving who was a man of about sixty and not particularly athletic, a lake close to a place where both had participated in a congress. Irving told me this later, after having consulted a psychologist, a very American reaction, to alleviate the sorrow caused to him by this death"

Segal's "cosmology" is that of the conformally compactified Minkowski space, though he did not like the "cyclic time", so he was unwinding the time loops in his model. Not so long ago I was asking my friend, mathematician in Novosibirsk, who is working in this area for many years, about references dealing with the subject mentioned in the quote above. He told me me about papers about photons on the conformally compactified Minkowski space by Segal and Paneitz, without however being precise. And here, in this quote, I am finding the needed additional useful information.

P.S.15. 15-10-23 7:22 Still fighting with guardians and dragons. Taking the limit...
→ 0+

P.S.16. 17-10-23 8:42

(...) He was often tempted to give up. Then the sluggish wave returned: "After all, no one measures the results according to the intentions; it is only you who knows what the results are in relation to the issue at hand, or rather, you know that they are essentially nothing; apart from that, however, the results are quite interesting and your work has not been in vain." 


P.S.17. 17-10-23 16:18

From "Lady Mathematician":

Among theoretical physicists, one could distinguish, as Gustave Choquet did for mathematicians, strategists and tacticians. Strategists propose a new theory — general relativity, for example, or the existence of quarks — anticipating its verification by possible observations. Tacticians, on the other hand, critically analyze the theories proposed by strategists, deducing their consequences and foreseeing their possible experimental verification with instruments one has or might build. In physics, I am essentially a tactician, using the Einstein equations of General Relativity to prove the existence of the gravitational waves that were only recently observed after about fifty years of experimental efforts."

I am also a tactician (a small one). Today I finally won the little battle that I have started more than a month ago (yesterday the result was still unsure), when I wrote about Varadarajan;

"He did not go into these ideas neither here nor anywhere else that I know about. But I have to go into these ideas. It's my duty."

Now I have to write it all down, and there is a lot to write,  and make it public. It will take probably another week or two. And today finally came the awaited

Which may cause me to start another little battle. But first things first. I need to well secure my borders first, and make the foundations firm.

Her ex-husband, Sheldon Goldstein, is a theoretical physicist working on the foundations of quantum mechanics (in particular, in the past,  on "Bohmian mechanics", which I shortly criticized in my "Quantum Fractals").

Spin Chronicles Part 46 - Closing the GNS construction door

  "When one door closes another door opens" - how very true. But first this one door needs to be tightly closed. Today we will cl...