Thursday, March 14, 2024

Why? The Purpose of the Universe part 2

Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Here I continue with the series begun with: 

Why? The Purpose of the Universe

In the previous section, I discussed the issues Philip Goff presents in his book “Why? The Purpose of the Universe”. There it was noted that Goff, himself, was an early follower of David Hume’s philosophical empiricism and skepticism until, finding a flaw in Hume’s arguments, he (Goff), became a Nihilist.  I briefly covered Nihilism, Antinatalism, Materialism and its offshoot, Physicalism and Goff’s turnaround to search for a meaning to life.  It appears, from what Goff writes, that this was motivated by the fact that he had become a father.  Goff came to the conclusion that that the only plausible options are between Value Fundamentalism and Value Nihilism.  Since Goff claims that evidence for Cosmic Purpose is strong, that eliminates Value Nihilism; but Value Fundamentalism posits that Value Facts are primitive and lead to the idea of a non-physical realm of value facts. He apparently doesn't like that conclusion. So, let's see where he is going with this.   Here, we turn to Goff’s proof that there is Purpose to our existence.

Goff begins with the Standard Model of particle physics.  He cites the fact that this model contains constants, that is, fixed numbers that are needed for the equations to correspond to reality.  He points out that researchers tried many other numbers in computer simulations of the formation of the universe, and the inevitable results were that the vast majority of such simulations resulted in universes that were incompatible with life or structural complexity.  Goff concludes that we either accept that this outcome is a wild coincidence or that physics is based on these numbers because they allow for a universe of great value.  This, then, is the Value Selection Hypothesis.

The Value Selection Hypothesis:  Mathematical constants are as they are BECAUSE they allow for a universe containing things of significant value.

Obviously, the God Hypothesis would be one version of the Value Selection Hypothesis but Goff isn’t going there.  He notes that there can be impersonal forces directed toward the good.  

Goff tells us that Fine Tuning is really, REALLY, improbable and that the odds of getting a 6 in 70 consecutive rolls of dice (1 in 1055)  are better than getting a universe that is fine tuned (1 in 10136).

And so, Goff states that the rational pressure for us to accept the Value Selection Hypothesis is overwhelming!  The constants of physics are what they are for the sake of the existence of a universe with the goal of that universe containing things of great value.  Et voila!  There IS Cosmic Purpose!

Goff is just staggered by his conclusion.  He can’t understand why this is not talked about more (and possibly why he, himself, was not exposed to this information sooner!), why the physics community doesn’t shout this from the rooftops and embrace Cosmic Purpose!

He suggests that the reason this doesn’t happen is because the Value Selection Hypothesis has always led to the God Hypothesis and that just won’t do!  He then notes that there is a strong cultural resistance not only to God, but also to any kind of purpose or goal directedness at the fundamental level of reality because it would overturn Darwin.  Our Western Culture – and science in general – is so inculcated with Darwin, that we are cemented into a materialistic world view.  Goff laments that science has done away with Cosmic Purpose so thoroughly that they are incapable of opening their minds to their own evidence – the evidence in favor of the Value Selection Hypothesis.

Goff gives the argument a good effort.  He brings in The Likelihood Principle of Bayes: If the evidence is more likely assuming the theory is true that is assuming the theory is false, then the evidence supports the theory. That is, by the Likelihood Principle, the evidence of Fine Tuning supports the Value Selection Hypothesis.

Goff notes that physicists brought in the Many Worlds interpretation (and later, String Theory), in order to explain away the Fine Tuning.  From my perspective, it was just an effort to extend Darwinism into physics.  Given endless time and endless universes, more or less, at least one is going to be suited to life. Goff is having none of that.  He brings in the Inverse Gambler’s Fallacy argument.

The regular gambler’s fallacy is that the longer you play, the more likely you are to finally get a winning hand or roll of the dice.  The fact is that your odds of the next roll or hand being a winner are the same as the odds of any other individual roll or hand winning.  How many times you’ve been dealt a hand or rolled the dice, is irrelevant. (Obviously, counting cards is another matter.)

The Inverse Gambler’s fallacy: you walk into a casino and immediately see one player having incredible luck and assume from that fact that the casino must be full of players.  So the fallacy is that the number of people playing in a casino can increase the odds of any one of them having ‘good luck’ and winning.  However, the number of people playing has no bearing on the odds of any one of them getting lucky.  That is, whether or not there are other universes has no bearing on the odds of our universe turning out to be fine-tuned for life. And here, the Anthropic Principle won’t help because it is irrelevant. It is still a fallacy to infer from one person having good luck and winning that the casino is full. So it is a fallacy to infer many universes from one fine-tuned universe regardless of the fact that we couldn’t have observed a non-fine-tuned universe.

Goff says that the Inverse Gambler’s Fallacy is a fallacy also because it violates the Requirement for Total Evidence.  The inference to a full casino starts from the evidence that someone in the casino has had an extraordinary run of good luck.  The number of people playing has no bearing on how likely it is that this one person will win over and over again.  The Specific Evidence is that this one person rolls winning dice over and over again.

We have specific evidence that the universe we inhabit is fine-tuned and the existence of other universes has no bearing on how likely it is that this universe turned out to be fine-tuned.  The Requirement of Total Evidence obliges us to take the evidence of fine-tuning to consist of the data point that this universe, the only one we’ve ever observed – is fine tuned.  We have no other evidence.  And that evidence is highly improbable if, as the Cosmic Fluke Hypothesis assumes, the values of the constants were determined by chance (Many Worlds).  The Evidence that our universe is fine-tuned is massively more likely (says Goff) assuming the Value Selection Hypothesis.

Goff concedes that this does not rule out an eternal inflation multiverse, but we are obliged to adopt only versions of inflation in which something is ensuring that a significant proportion of bubble universes are fine-tuned, for only on this basis is it likely that this universe if fine-tuned.

Goff notes that a common strategy used in response to fine-tuning arguments for purpose is to increase the demands for proof. And so, Goff hauls in Bayes Prior Probability argument. This is how likely the hypothesis is based on what we know about the world in a more general way, before we look at the latest evidence.

A hypothesis with a reasonable prior probability won’t need a great deal of evidence to end up having a high overall probability.  On the other side, a hypothesis with a very low prior probability is going to need a lot of evidence to get anywhere near to likelihood.  (Sagan’s famous expression: Extraordinary events require extraordinary evidence.)  Physicist Lee Smolin estimates that the probability of getting fine-tuned constants by chance is 1 in 10229

From the above, I think you can get the idea of Goff’s arguments for the Value Selection Hypothesis.  But, despite railing against the apparent Darwinism of physicists, Goff isn’t ready to let go of Darwinism completely.  

In the next section, we will meet Meaning Zombies which would be the result of plain old Natural Selection if something else wasn’t in play…


  1. By "directing" randomness, it is possible to generate "exceptional" results. For example, you set up a 'roll-the-die' elimination tournament where there are 2^10 (1024) participants. A participant advances to the next round if he rolls a die with a higher value than his opponent. After 10 rounds, the tournament winner has 10 consecutive wins, an "exceptional" result.

    Despite the overwhelming part that randomness has played in this tournament, the final result (producing some winner with 10 consecutive victories) is guaranteed. How is that possible? Well, it seems that randomness can be "guided" or "structured." A "frame" can be built within which randomness can freely navigate and approach a definitive result. For example, the Sierpinsky triangle can also be generated by randomness, but there is a specific rule or formula which orients the random process.

    So there is something beyond randomness, something very structured and meaningful. If this "structure" was made from randomness, then we have a paradox: how did randomness come along? Randomness created randomness which then gave structure to the world we see? That's hard to believe, because as soon as you have a "structured" piece, randomness becomes secondary, or a tool of the "structured" piece to make other "structured" pieces. Thus, it is much more probable that the world is governed by very precise rules (including the rather iconic "you are free to do whatever you want") which have always existed and will never cease to exist. And whenever we are talking about "structure," we are talking about truth, and vice versa. Any organized, structured system is an instantiation of many universal truths. So the meaning of life is to accumulate as many universal truths as possible and to become the system that allowed us to realize that we needed to seek truth to advance.

  2. I do think the constants are calculations so that would make other universes in the multiverse be like ours but it would be more like being lucky than fine-tuned.

    1. "I do think the constants are calculations"

      Who is doing the calculations? And how?

    2. It's just the way Tony did it with masses and force strengths as diffusion equations. He used Paola Zizzi's calculation of the cosmological constant from the entropy of a Planck mass black hole.

      I think the only thing he didn't do a calculation for was the gravitational constant; he just described it as diffusion of gravitons into a many-worlds superposition. These are Gravity as well as Standard Model parameters.

      There are parts of Tony's model I was sure enough about to write a paper on. Those calculations though are not something I would write about.

    3. What if reality didn't actually need to perform any calculations to exist? What if all objects already enclosed all the states, all the things that could ever happen to them? The interactions or collisions between two objects would already have been mapped. What prevents this from turning into a giant deterministic state machine is the fact that the exact trajectory of the objects is unknown. However, the trajectory can be modeled (at least approximately), and this is where calculations come into play. Calculations arise when the system queries itself. When there is a need to project something into the future, a model of reality has to be made (and it's possible that such a model could fail to provide an answer even if it accurately portrays reality). For example, when you throw a ball into a wall, the ball isn't really calculating anything, its geometric properties are responding to stimulus and know how to react depending on the type of stimulus (deformation, rotation, translation, etc). If you want to know where the ball will land, you'll need a way to reason about all the possible states that the ball could occupy (no free lunch). Reality wouldn't be reality if it had to compute everything that is happening to itself. The circle wouldn't be a circle if all the digits of PI weren't already known by reality. If I had to describe reality, I would say that it's a system which simultaneously asks "what is your next move?" to all its sub-components.

  3. Good observation. Another example of "directed" randomness is from "quantum fractals" - constructed by iterated function systems a'la Sierpinski triangle, but on the two-dimensional sphere. Like this animation:

    Each frame of this movie is made of about 1 million of "directed random dots". Not enough of this "direction" produces just chaos (pleroma, beginning of the movie). Too much exhibits just the direction centers. Somewhere in-between interesting complex structures are being formed (middle of the movie).


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