Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Why Quantum Mechanics Feels Like a Cosmic Prank (But Also, Maybe Not?)

 This post explores the second "sin" of quantum mechanics—the apparent non-causal nature of the universe at a microscopic level. Understanding this oddball feature can change how we see everything from science to philosophy, and even life itself. Plus, it's always fun to ponder if we're all just cosmic dice throws, right?

God playing dice?

A Recap: Quantum Mechanics and its "Sins"

In my earlier post, Quantum Sins: Why I'm Not Sold on the Uncertainty of It All, I dug into one of quantum mechanics' gravest offenses—its inherently probabilistic nature. According to the book The Emerging Quantum: The Physics Behind Quantum Mechanics by Luis de la Peña, Ana María Cetto, and Andrea Valdés Hernández, this world, full of chaotic energy fields and quantum fuzziness, is driven by probabilities. You just have to accept that and move on (shut up and calculate, they say).

But there’s more to the story. In their view, these quantum oddities might stem from fluctuations in the "aether"—or as they cautiously term it, the "zero-point energy field." Yes, that mysterious "beast" that no one quite understands. While it doesn't answer all our burning questions, it gives us something more to work with, even though with this alternative view the world appears to be even more complex than we would wish.

Zero-point energy field

Note: By the way: you can find a nice and informative literary/journalistic exposition of the zero-point energy field concept  in the book "The Field" by Lynne McTaggart.

A really pleasant read, with a window into the paranormal world, and with lot of references.

Enter the Second Sin: Non-Causality

And now, dear reader, brace yourself for Quantum Sin #2—non-causality as the authors of "The Emerging Quantum" term it. Yep, quantum mechanics is a rebel without a cause. One shining example of this noncausality is the famous Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. If you've ever wanted to pin down the trajectory of an electron, forget about it. Heisenberg's inequalities imply that there are inevitable quantum fluctuations (whatever it mean)", trajectories simply do not exist,  and to make things weirder, the theory itself provides no reason why they happen.

Heisenberg Uncertainty

It's as if quantum mechanics decided, "Let’s just say things happen randomly. No need to explain further." Naturally, this has led to fierce debates among physicists—some argue it's just ignorance on our part, while others think it's the universe keeping its secrets well-hidden, like a magician refusing to reveal how the rabbit got into the hat.

The Story of Heisenberg's Fluctuations (Minus the Observers)

Now, if you’ve heard the textbook explanation for the Uncertainty Principle, it probably involved an electron being disturbed by an observer. You know, the whole "Schrödinger’s cat is dead AND alive" until-someone-looks situation. But the real kicker is that Heisenberg’s inequalities follow mathematically from quantum theory, no observers necessary! "Observers" undefined within the formalism. It's like a party that happens whether or not anyone shows up.

The uncertainties (or “indeterminacies” if we’re feeling fancy) are woven into the fabric of reality. And here's the fun part—try explaining that one at a cocktail party.

Energy-Time Inequality: A Special Kind of Weird

If you thought the regular Uncertainty Principle was trippy, wait till you get to the energy-time inequality. This one's even more out there because it doesn’t fit nicely into the usual quantum mechanics toolkit. It is there, and it is not! Over the years, various theorists have tried to patch this up with new proposals, and some (including the author of this post) have even played with the idea of introducing a "time operator" (cue dramatic music).

Still, most physicists wave their hands and say, "Eh, it's spontaneous!" It's like they’ve decided that quantum fluctuations are the universe's equivalent of spontaneous combustion—no cause needed, just sit back and enjoy the chaos. Or, perhaps, it is just God playing invisible dice?

A Different Take: My Event Enhanced Quantum Theory (EEQT)

Now, if you’re tired of all this quantum uncertainty and complementarity, let me offer you a little ray of hope. In Event Enhanced Quantum Theory (EEQT), the child of Ph. Blanchard and myself, things are a bit more grounded (but still pretty wild). The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle holds true, but we add a twist. EEQT allows for the simultaneous (and even continuous)  measurement of variables that are usually incompatible—things like position and momentum or different spin components. Moreover, EEQT has the concept of "measurement" included in its extended math formalism!

Of course, chaos reigns in this world too, but it’s a chaos you can simulate on a regular old classical computer. And sometimes, amidst the madness, patterns emerge—beautiful, sometimes terrifying, quantum fractals. In fact, I wrote a whole book about these fractals, aptly titled Quantum Fractals. It's full of eye candy and scientific intrigue. Think of it as a fusion of quantum mechanics and abstract art—minus the pretentious gallery openings.

Merging Worlds: EEQT Meets the Zero-Point Field?

Here’s where things get even more interesting (or insane, depending on your perspective). I’ve got this wild idea to merge EEQT with the zero-point energy field theory promoted by de la Peña and friends. It’s pure speculation at this point, but something deep inside tells me this could work. Maybe it’s a whisper from a benevolent angel, or perhaps it’s the trickster devil egging me on. Who knows? Either way, I won't know until I try.

So, that’s one of the many projects on my drawing board—a quantum adventure waiting to unfold.

The Final Thought: The Dance of Quantum Chaos

In the end, quantum mechanics may feel like the ultimate cosmic prank, where things just "happen" without rhyme or reason. Yet, there’s something undeniably beautiful about it too. We may not understand the cause behind the quantum curtain, but we can still marvel at the dance it creates. And who knows? Maybe that very uncertainty is what makes life—and the universe—so full of wonder.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Quantum Musketeers: The Quest for Cognitive Physics

 The following story drifts somewhere between sarcasm and curiosity, touching on the idea that our minds might be governed by quantum laws. Yes, those quantum laws. You know, the ones with Schrödinger's cat, uncertainty, and all that jazz. But as much as I want to laugh it off, part of me hesitates. Could there be truth in these bold claims? Is it possible that 50 years from now, we'll be awarding Nobel Prizes for discoveries that our brains are quantum computers, firing love and hate through Schrödinger's equation?

I might be skeptical, but let's dive into this paradoxical rabbit hole of thought with our valiant quantum musketeers.

Meet the Musketeers

Almost everyone has heard of the classic musketeers from Dumas' world, but have you heard of their quantum counterparts? Enter the Quantum Musketeers, a group of researchers who dared to ask: "What if mental phenomena are quantum-like?" Six fearless scientists initially embarked on this mind-bending journey, soon to be joined by a mysterious seventh.

But before we dive into the science, let’s recall the type of trivialities that triggered swordfights for our classical musketeers:

"Why are you fighting?"
"Faith! I don't very well know."
"I’m fighting because… well, I’m fighting!"

At least Dumas' musketeers had a reason (albeit vague) for crossing swords. Our quantum musketeers? They're fighting the unseen, the intangible. Forget waving swords—these warriors are dealing with halos of uncertainty, fluctuating in and out of existence. 

Their minds are neither particles nor waves but something in between. Quantum superpositions, perhaps?

And now, the modern heroes:

  1. Elio Conte
  2. Antonio Federici
  3. Francesco Vitiello
  4. Orlando Todarello
  5. Michele Lopane
  6. Andrei Khrennikov
    And the wildcard:
  7. Joseph P. Zbilut

Together, they’ve crafted papers with titles like "Preliminar Evidence of Quantum-Like Behavior in Measurements of Mental States" and "Remarks on Quantum Behavior of Cognitive Entities." Clearly, they’re not messing around.

Quantum Leaps of the Mind

What, you ask, have our brave musketeers accomplished? According to their Introduction, mental states don't fit neatly into our traditional physical reality. They argue that we need extra dimensions—mental coordinates, if you will—to capture the complexity of consciousness. Sounds pretty groundbreaking, right? Well, as they put it:

"Mental phenomena cannot be completely embedded into physical space."

Wait… extra dimensions? I can barely manage three, and now you’re telling me there are more? In fact, B. Hiley (a sidekick of David Bohm, quantum legend) theorizes that consciousness might exist in something called PRESPACE. Oh sure, PRESPACE. It's right next to that place where I left my car keys and my sense of direction.

Schrödinger’s Brain?

The six musketeers go on to suggest that thinking itself might resemble quantum mechanics. They propose that when we make decisions, our minds behave like quantum particles, collapsing from one potential state to another. In short, every decision you make is a quantum leap in your head. Just imagine: You’re deciding between pizza and salad, and somewhere in PRESPACE, a wave function collapses.

"The act of conscious thinking is itself the same as the collapse resolving out potential alternatives."

A tantalizing thought, isn’t it? Maybe that time I accidentally bought a pineapple pizza instead of pepperoni was the fault of quantum interference.

Quantum Spin or Spin Doctoring?

Our fearless heroes even dared to experiment. They devised tests to examine how people perceive shapes, borrowing ideas from Gestalt psychology. We all know this joke:

Imagine staring at two images: one group sees picture A, the other sees picture B, and depending on which background you focus on, your mind flips back and forth. What does this have to do with quantum physics? They claim that our minds exhibit “quantum interference” in how we perceive and interpret information.

At this point, the authors were this close to preparing a Schrödinger-like equation for cognitive states. And yet, a small caveat emerged: quantum micro-descriptions might not scale perfectly to the human brain. The differences in temperature, time, and scale are just too vast. But fear not! They propose that mental states still behave in a context-dependent, quantum-like manner.

In summary, they claimed:

"Mental states behave in a context-dependent, quantum-like manner, indicating that mental phenomena cannot be completely encompassed within the framework of traditional physical space."

Quantum Philosophy: The Final Thought

So, there you have it: mental phenomena, Schrödinger-style. Whether our brave musketeers are on the verge of unlocking the mysteries of the mind or simply wielding the sword of over-enthusiastic theory, only time will tell. Could they be heralds of a new era of cognitive science, one where quantum equations describe love, war, and pizza choices? Perhaps.

Or maybe, just maybe, this quantum interpretation of thought is as elusive as PRESPACE itself. For now, I'm left with one lingering question: If consciousness exists in extra dimensions, does that mean my existential crises are bigger than I thought?


Quantumly speaking...

In the end, it’s a balancing act—somewhere between skepticism and curiosity, quantum fuzziness and clarity. Our Quantum Musketeers have taken up arms in a battle where the enemy is not only invisible but exists in multiple states simultaneously. Whether they’re on the path to a Nobel Prize or just tilting at windmills, they’ve certainly given us something to ponder. Or at least, to laugh about—quantumly speaking.

Friday, September 13, 2024

The Eternal Tug-of-War: Self-Discipline vs. Creativity

 Every morning, I wake up with the best of intentions. I have a neat little timetable, written the night before, staring back at me. It's a masterpiece of organization, if I may say so myself. The first hour? I’m a productivity machine! But then… the crash.

Disaster strikes, usually in the form of an email or an innocent search. One link leads to another, and before I know it, I'm waist-deep in a rabbit hole, surrounded by articles, videos, and the occasional cat meme. My day’s plan? It’s not just off-track—it’s in the trash.

Tomorrow will be better, right? That's what I tell myself.

Ah, The Glory Days...

Once upon a time, I was a disciplined machine, especially during my last year as a physics student. The photo of my journal from that time would make even the most hardcore planners weep with joy. 

My life had structure, precision, and—dare I say—perfection.

But then came a revelation, one that turned my orderly world upside down: creativity doesn’t always follow a plan. As I entered the world of science, I realized that the magic of new discoveries often comes when you veer off the path. Suddenly, “following the clues” meant abandoning the plan and embracing the chaos.

Living in the Tension

Since then, my life has been a never-ending tension between these two forces: the need for self-discipline and the irresistible pull of spontaneous creativity.

It’s a battle. One day, the disciplined side wins; the next, the creative chaos takes over. And it seems like lately, chaos has been putting up quite the fight. To make sense of it all, I decided to seek advice from someone who understands this inner conflict. Enter: The War of Art by Steven Pressfield.

Enter the Resistance

Pressfield's book is a game-changer. Right from the start, he explains that the moment you embark on any ambitious journey—be it writing, creating, starting a business, or just trying to stick to a diet—you will meet a formidable enemy: Resistance.

Here is Pressfield's list of activities that attract immediately the Resistance:

  • 1)  The  pursuit  of  any  calling  in  writing,  painting,  music, film,  dance,  or  any  creative  art,  however  marginal  or unconventional.
  • 2)  The  launching  of  any  entrepreneurial  venture  or enterprise,  for  profit  or  otherwise.
  • 3)  Any  diet  or  health  regimen.
  • 4)  Any  program  of  spiritual  advancement.
  • 5)  Any activity whose  aim is  tighter abdominals.
  • 6)  Any  course  or  program  designed  to  overcome  an unwholesome  habit  or  addiction.
  • 7)  Education  of  every  kind.
  • 8)  Any act of political,  moral, or ethical courage,  including the  decision  to  change  for  the  better  some  unworthy pattern  of  thought  or  conduct  in  ourselves.
  • 9)  The  undertaking  of  any  enterprise  or  endeavor  whose aim is to  help others.
  • 10)  Any  act  that  entails  commitment  of  the  heart.  The decision  to  get  married,  to  have  a  child,  to  weather  a rocky patch  in  a  relationship.
  • 11) The taking of any principled stand in the face of adversity.

Resistance is sneaky. It’s that invisible force that distracts you, convinces you to procrastinate, and makes the couch look way more appealing than your to-do list. You can’t see it or touch it, but you can feel it—oh boy, can you feel it.

We often think the distractions are external—email notifications, social media, that random video about baby sloths. But Pressfield is clear: Resistance comes from within. It’s the internal saboteur, the enemy lurking in the shadows, waiting to throw you off course.

The Many Faces of Resistance

Resistance is crafty. It’ll take on any form necessary to stop you. Maybe it pretends to be a lawyer, convincing you with logical arguments about why now isn’t the right time to start that project. Or perhaps it shows up as a stick-up man, holding a metaphorical gun to your head and demanding that you Twitter-binge instead of write that chapter.

And the worst part? Resistance lies. It’ll say
anything to keep you from doing the work.

But Wait, There’s More…

Pressfield’s ideas about Resistance reminded me of another thinker—Boris Mouravieff. In his work Gnosis, Mouravieff (of Gurdjieff circle) takes it a step further, suggesting, between the lines, that these forces of Resistance might not just be psychological—they could be hyperdimensional. Yep, you heard that right. According to him, there might be an “Intelligence” whose job is to keep us from growing, both psychologically and spiritually.

Both Good and Evil may well reside in higher dimensions. I’m not sure if that makes me feel better or worse, but it’s an intriguing thought. With the help of hyperdimensional forces we can develop higher centers and use obstacles to learn and to grow.

Embracing the War

Regardless of whether Resistance is a personal psychological battle or part of a larger cosmic game, Pressfield’s advice resonates deeply with me. As I continue to navigate the tension between too much order and too much chaos, The War of Art offers a kind of road map for this internal battleground.

And perhaps, tomorrow, I’ll win the day a little more. Or maybe not. But hey, the war continues—and that’s what makes life interesting, right?

Final Thoughts: If you, like me, are grappling with that constant tension between self-discipline and creativity, I recommend giving The War of Art a read. 

Who knows? It might just help you declare victory over Resistance… or at least win a few battles along the way.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Standing on Giants... But Be Careful of Heights

 About a month ago, I wrote about the importance of “standing on the shoulders of giants,” in my note "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: The Unsung Path to Innovation". My advice then was simple: when embarking on a new project or tackling a complex problem, follow the wisdom of Newton—find your giants, climb on their shoulders, and use the elevated view to dream bigger and contribute to humanity’s understanding.

Well, life has a funny way of teaching lessons, and after a recent event, my enthusiasm for climbing those metaphorical shoulders has waned. Sometimes, when you climb too high, you risk falling flat on your backside—painfully.

A Roller Coaster of Peer Review

As a member of several publishing boards, part of my job is determining whether a submitted paper deserves to grace the pages of an academic journal. Recently, I had to evaluate a paper on foundations of quantum mechanics, which, as you might imagine, had stirred up quite the debate among its reviewers. Two gave it positive, albeit superficial, reviews, while one reviewer passionately tore it apart, backed by meticulous analysis.

Now, quantum mechanics is close to my heart, so I dove in headfirst. The paper referenced Freeman Dyson, particularly his work Why is Maxwell’s Theory So Hard to Understand?”. Dyson, as many in the field will know, is no lightweight. The man’s a legend—he’s responsible for everything from Dyson spheres to eternal intelligence. If there’s a Mount Olympus for physicists, Dyson is sitting comfortably at the top.

But then things started to get interesting...

Enter Dyson's World of Confusion

As I waded through Dyson's work on Maxwell’s electrodynamic theory, I couldn’t help but admire his writing. He starts strong, with captivating lines like:

"The importance of Maxwell's work was not obvious to his contemporaries... For more than twenty years, his theory of electromagnetism was largely ignored. Physicists found it hard to understand because the equations were complicated. Mathematicians found it hard to understand because Maxwell used physical language to explain it.”

I was nodding along enthusiastically. Yes, yes! Physics and math not always seeing eye-to-eye—makes perfect sense.

Then, Dyson drops this gem about modesty (or the lack thereof):

"Modesty is not always a virtue. Maxwell’s modesty set back the progress of physics by twenty years. Mendel’s modesty set back biology by fifty years. If people make great discoveries, they should not be too modest to blow their own trumpets."

Ah! A philosophical nugget! And there I was, suddenly hit with an uncomfortable realization. I’d been too modest with my own work—my EEQT theory. Out of some misplaced humility, I even skipped presenting my own research at an international conference I helped organize. What was I thinking? As Dyson says, modesty sometimes just gets in the way of progress!

Physics or Philosophical Puzzle?

But just as I was patting myself on the back for learning this life lesson, Dyson took a turn into some rather strange territory.

"The conventional unit of electric field strength is the square root of a joule per cubic meter... a square root of a joule is not a unit of anything tangible... The unit of electric field strength is a mathematical abstraction.(...) It means that an electric field-strength is an abstract quantity, incommensurable with any quantities that we can measure directly.

Wait, what?

At this point, my brain started doing somersaults. Dyson wasn’t talking about some esoteric theory or the philosophical implications of physics—he was talking about electric field strength. This is something you can measure, right? I mean, you can feel a magnetic field pulling a compass needle, and the Lorentz force acts on charges in an electric field. These aren’t just abstract notions.

I was genuinely torn. Am I in the wrong universe? Has the physics I know and love been lying to me all these years? Maybe I should go back to elementary school physics or, as Dyson would suggest, just trust the giant and move on without asking too many questions. Perhaps, dear reader, you can help me untangle this mess?

The Verdict: A Paper with No Punch

Now, back to that quantum mechanics paper with the mixed reviews. After slogging through the Dyson-inspired bits, I realized the author had presented an entertaining read but brought nothing new to the table. It was like watching a well-acted movie with a plot you’ve seen a thousand times—pleasant, but no surprises.

Even though the author represented the Boeing Corporation (a bit of a giant themselves), I had to do the unthinkable. I recommended rejection. Sometimes, saying “no” is a duty, even when you’d rather say “yes.”

Lessons from the Fall

So, what have I learned from this strange journey through Dyson, modesty, and physics?

  1. Climbing on giants' shoulders is risky—you might see further, but the fall can be harder. Proceed with caution.
  2. Modesty isn’t always a virtue. Sometimes, it holds you back more than it helps.
  3. Not all giants are infallible. Even the best minds can baffle you, leaving you questioning your very existence—or at least your understanding of electric fields.

And with that, I’ll step off these lofty shoulders, bruised but wiser, ready to approach my next project with both caution and confidence.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Quantum Sins and the Art of Being Confused: A Journey Through the Minds of Giants


Introduction: Quantum Mechanics – A Beautiful Mess

In my last post, Quantum Sins: Why I’m Not Sold on the Uncertainty of It All, I addressed the “sinful” nature of quantum theory—its deeply probabilistic essence, as lamented in the book The Emerging Quantum: The Physics Behind Quantum Mechanics by Luis de la Peña, Ana María Cetto, and Andrea Valdés Hernández. One could argue that quantum theory has more than its fair share of sins, but the authors have generously narrowed it down to six. Honestly, even that feels like an understatement.

Before diving into these so-called sins, the book curates a delightful assortment of quotes from the scientific elite, those who, while creating the theory itself, seem to share a not-so-secret discomfort with its foundational quirks. So, let's summon the titans of physics and hear their thoughts on this cosmic enigma we call quantum mechanics.

Feynman’s Fog of Quantum Confusion

Let’s kick things off with Richard Feynman, the physicist equivalent of a rock star. He famously said:

“I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.”

And just like that, Feynman perfectly encapsulates the mystique of quantum mechanics. Imagine building a house but never quite figuring out how the plumbing works. Sure, the water flows, but ask how, and you’re met with shrugs. That’s quantum mechanics for you: the water flows, but no one can tell you how the pipes connect.

Referring to matter diffraction, Feynman added:

"A phenomenon which is impossible, absolutely impossible, to explain in any classical way... It contains the only mystery."

Yes, you heard that right. This isn’t just a complicated puzzle; it’s the puzzle. And the best part? No one has a clue about the machinery behind the magic. Quantum mechanics, ladies and gentlemen—where the rabbit hole is both endless and inexplicable.

Gell-Mann’s Grim Acceptance

Next up is Murray Gell-Mann, who tosses his hat into the “we don’t get it, but it works” ring. He describes quantum mechanics as:

“... that mysterious, confusing discipline, which none of us really understands but which we know how to use.”

It's like using your smartphone without ever peeking at the user manual. You don't know why it works, but it does, and that’s good enough. Gell-Mann even went so far as to call quantum mechanics a “framework,” rather than a theory. It’s not a complete explanation, but more of a container, like a philosophical Tupperware. You can stuff your theories into it, but good luck explaining how the lid stays on.

Dyson: Embrace the Mystery, Just Do the Math

Freeman Dyson, ever the pragmatist, had this to say:

“If you want to understand quantum mechanics, just do the math.”

In other words, don’t waste your time trying to interpret what’s going on. Get out your calculator and power through it. According to Dyson, all the poetic language we spin around quantum theory is just that—fluff. The math is where the magic happens, and everything else is window dressing.

Dyson’s philosophy is akin to saying, “If you want to enjoy a good meal, don’t ask what’s in the sausage. Just eat it.” No need to complicate things with big questions. Just trust the process and let the equations do the heavy lifting.

Bell: Weekday Pragmatism, Weekend Dreams

John Bell, known for his groundbreaking work on quantum theory, also found himself straddling the line between practicality and idealism. During lectures, he famously said that he spent his weekdays using the “FAPP” theory (For All Practical Purposes), but on weekends, he returned to his principles and searched for something better.

Bell’s approach suggests that quantum mechanics works fine for the day-to-day grind, but when you get a chance to sit back and ponder life (say, over a Sunday coffee), you can’t help but wonder: Is this really all there is? It’s like living in a city you know well, but every weekend you yearn for the mountains.

Quantum Mechanics: Good, But Dangerous?

Now, what’s my personal take on this? It’s complicated, to say the least. There’s an old saying, “Don’t fix what ain’t broken,” paired with another, “Perfect is the enemy of good.” Quantum mechanics is, without a doubt, good. But is it perfect? Far from it. Is it broken? Well, that depends on how philosophical you’re feeling and which day of the week it is.

For most physicists, quantum mechanics is annoyingly good—like an irritatingly effective app that does the job without letting you peek behind the code. But here’s the rub: its success stunts our ability to push the boundaries of our understanding. It’s so successful that it feels like a roadblock rather than a stepping stone.

In that sense, quantum mechanics isn’t just imperfect; it’s dangerous. It’s the flashy magic trick that distracts us from what’s really going on behind the curtain. And unless we figure out how to peek behind that curtain, our understanding of the universe will remain frustratingly incomplete.

Conclusion: The Quantum Dilemma

At the end of the day, quantum mechanics works—and it works really well. But if you're looking for clarity, don’t hold your breath. As our physicist heroes have lamented, it's a framework, not an explanation. It's a tool we wield with precision, but one we don't truly comprehend.

We can keep plugging away, content with the fact that it works. Or, like Bell on the weekends, we can keep searching for something better. One thing's for sure: the quantum puzzle isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. So buckle up, do the math, and enjoy the ride—however bizarre it may be.


[1]Popper, K.:The Logic of Scientific Discovery. Basic Books, New York (1959)

[2] Feynman, R.P., Leighton, R.B., Sands, M.: The Feynman Lectures on Physics, vol. III. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass (1965)

[3] Gell-Mann, M.: Questions for the future. Series Wolfson College lectures, 1980. Oxford University Press, Oxford (1981). Also in the collection The Nature of Matter, Wolfson College Lectures 1980. J. H. Mulvey, ed. (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1981)

[4] Dyson, F.J.: Innovation in Physics. Sci. Am. 199(9), 74 (1958). Quoted in Landé 1965, p. 148, and requoted in Selleri, Quantum Paradoxes, p. 2

[5]Dyson, F.J.: Interview with Onnesha Roychoudhuri, Sep 29, 2007 (in Atoms & Eden)

[6]Gisin, N.: Sundays in a Quantum Engineers’s Life, in Bertlmann and Zeilinger (2002)

Friday, September 6, 2024

Quantum Sins: Why I'm Not Sold on the Uncertainty of It All


A Journey with Reservations

You might have gathered from my last post—*“Monkeys, UFOs, and Quantum Fractals: A Mind-Bending Journey through Relativity and Imagination”—*that I’m fully onboard with quantum mechanics. Relativity too, no questions asked, right?

Well, not quite.

In fact, I have plenty of questions. A LOT of questions. Why does quantum mechanics work like it does? How does it tie into everything else? What’s next? And, most importantly, where the heck did this all come from?

So while I use quantum mechanics on the regular, I'm always searching for answers. I read what physicists say, sometimes philosophers too (they've got interesting things to say when they're not being too vague). And recently, I stumbled upon a book that grabbed my attention.

The book? "The Emerging Quantum: The Physics Behind Quantum Mechanics" by Luis de la Peña, Ana María Cetto, and Andrea Valdés Hernández. What did they say that got me thinking even more?

Oh, just that quantum mechanics has some serious sins.

The First Quantum Sin: Uncertainty Is the Name of the Game

The book kicks off with a bold statement—there are six major sins of quantum mechanics. SIX. But honestly, I didn’t need to read past the first one. This first sin alone is enough to raise my eyebrows and start casting shadows on quantum's shiny reputation.

Let me explain.

Quantum mechanics is, at its core, an indeterministic theory. Sure, its mathematical laws play out deterministically, but when it comes to predicting real-world events? Good luck. The best it can do is throw out probabilities. You can’t pin down a specific outcome before it happens, no matter how much data you have.

Sound frustrating? It is.

But wait, you might say—classical physics has probabilistic elements too! True. The statistical mechanics of classical physics (think of gases in a box, or the movement of particles) also deal with probabilities. But here's the difference: in classical physics, we know exactly why we have to use statistics. There are so many particles, moving so randomly, that it’s impossible to track them all individually. The indeterminism isn’t a flaw in the theory; it’s just part of the reality we’re describing.

Quantum mechanics, though? It doesn’t even give us that. The randomness seems to be baked right into the theory itself, and that’s where the problem lies. We don’t have an explanation for it. It just... is.

The Difference Between Determinism and Causality

Now, let’s talk about determinism and causality. You might think they’re the same thing, but they’re not. Determinism is how we describe a system—the equations and predictions we make about what should happen. Causality, on the other hand, is the actual, real-life connection between things, the "why" behind the scenes.

If we think of nature like a computer, causality is the hardware, determinism is the software. If the hardware is broken, no matter how perfect your software is, you're not getting the right result.

So when we talk about quantum indeterminism, it becomes messy. Are we saying the universe itself is inherently random (the hardware), or is it just that we don’t have the right tools to describe it properly (our software is glitching)?

That’s the big question. And depending on who you ask, you’ll get different answers.

Digging for Determinism

Despite the quantum community mostly accepting indeterminism, some brave souls are still searching for a deeper, deterministic theory. Something that could explain all the weird randomness we observe in quantum mechanics, without giving up on the idea that the universe follows clear rules. But every time someone thinks they’re onto something, things get murky. Does indeterminism emerge from something deeper, or are we doomed to forever live in a probabilistic haze?

That’s where I’m at. Reading, searching, doubting, and asking: Is quantum uncertainty the end of the road, or is there a more solid foundation hiding beneath the waves?

In the end, the question still looms large: Is this quantum uncertainty just the tip of the iceberg, or are we really staring into the abyss of randomness?

Time to find out.

P.S. 07-09-24 10:17 John G. mentioned in his comment "infinite tensor product". Intuition tells me: that's it!

Infinite tensor product! That's it!

P.S. 07-09-24 12:08 Nanotechnology in action:

What are these?

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Monkeys, UFOs, and Quantum Fractals: A Mind-Bending Journey through Relativity and Imagination

The Quantum Sky and UFOs: A Puzzling Connection

Picture this: the mathematical world of quantum fractals applies not just to abstract quantum state vectors, but also to something as vast and visible as the sky. Yes, the actual sky. Quantum mechanics and Special Relativity share a hidden bond, one that links the rotation of quantum spin states on the Bloch sphere to the way light behaves in the heavens. Mind-blowing, isn’t it?

While this might sound like a leap from the purely theoretical to the outlandish, it’s grounded in rigorous formalism. You can almost see it—those elusive patterns in the cosmos that bend both light and logic. Let me take you further down the rabbit hole with a thought experiment that will stretch your imagination.

UFOs, Aberrations, and Lawrence Krauss

Let’s first rewind to a passage from Lawrence M. Krauss's Beyond Star Trek:

“The traditional notion has been that UFOs don’t behave like rockets or planes (this is, after all, what makes them UFOs)... turning at 90-degree angles on a dime."

It’s a tantalizing idea. UFOs not only defy gravity but also physics as we know it, performing maneuvers that mock conventional aerodynamics. And let’s take it a step further—not just 90 degrees, but any angle, at any speed. All with a flick of a switch.

Enter: The Monkey Pilot

Now, here’s where things get surreal. Imagine a monkey at the controls of one of these UFOs. Yes, a monkey. This primate has a joystick with 24 different positions, each pre-programmed for a specific, instantaneous maneuver. Every flick of the joystick sends the UFO into a new rotation or sudden acceleration.

 This primate has a joystick with 24 different positions

But this isn’t just about the ship’s wild movements. The monkey is also tracking a distant star—say, Betelgeuse—on a hemispherical dome. Every time the joystick moves, the star appears to shift on the dome due to the UFO’s motion and the relativistic aberration of light. The monkey repeats this process a hundred thousand times—randomly, relentlessly.

And then something bizarre happens. A pattern begins to emerge on the dome, as if the universe is leaving behind a cryptic signature for the monkey to discover.

Fractal pattern created by the monkey

Science Fiction Today, Reality Tomorrow?

Today, this scene feels perfect for a sci-fi blockbuster, an absurd twist of logic and physics. Krauss would tell you that such maneuvers are impossible with our current understanding of science and technology. And he’d be right.

But tomorrow? Who knows? Science has a way of catching up with the impossible. The boundaries of reality bend when human beings refuse to accept limitations. What is fiction today might become the next experiment tomorrow.

Quantum Fractals: From Monads to the Sky

This entire thought experiment stems from the idea in my book Quantum Fractals.

 In it, I delve into "qubits," the elementary quantum systems that, like Leibniz’s monads or modern digital bits, form the foundation of everything. But if the micro reflects the macro, as many believe, should we be surprised that the smallest quantum fractals can echo into the vastness of the cosmos?

From the quantum to the celestial, the patterns are there, waiting to be discovered—or maybe even flown through by a monkey in a UFO.

Parabolic quantum fractal on the Bloch sphere

What’s left is for us to stretch our minds beyond the confines of current knowledge. After all, as the saying goes: "As above, so below."

Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Quantum Conundrum: Unmasking the Mystique with Andrei Khrennikov

 Meet the Rebel of Quantum Theory: Andrei Khrennikov

Today's post is a continuation of "This is not just quantum entanglement, this is hyperphysics!", and it features a true maverick of modern physics: Andrei Khrennikov. If you haven't heard of him, it's time to tune in. This mathematician isn't just content with playing by the rules—he's rewriting them. Khrennikov's publications are like a breath of fresh air in a room that's been stifled with half-baked theories and mathematical missteps for decades.

The Bell That Never Quite Rang True

Let’s start with Khrennikov’s 2008 paper, “Complete Account of Randomness in the EPR-Bohm-Bell Experiment” [1]. Sounds fancy, right? But what Khrennikov is really saying is this: we've all been duped by a misunderstanding. John Bell, bless his heart, was a physicist, not a mathematician. His famous theorem, which has fueled countless debates and existential crises in physics, was built on shaky probabilistic ground.

Here’s the crux of Khrennikov’s argument: the “paradoxical” results of Bell’s experiments aren't paradoxical at all—they’re just the result of using the wrong math. When you apply the correct probabilistic model, the whole spooky action-at-a-distance thing? Yeah, it vanishes into thin air. According to Khrennikov, what we have here is a classic case of bad math leading to even worse physics.

Spooky action-at-a-distance thing vanishes into thin air

Quantum Entanglement? Not So Fast

But Khrennikov doesn’t stop there. In his follow-up paper, “Demystification of Quantum Entanglement,” [2]m he drops another bombshell. You know that thing physicists have been saying for years—that quantum entanglement is this mysterious, unexplainable phenomenon that defies all classical reasoning? Well, Khrennikov calls bull.

He proposes that what we’re really dealing with is just a fancy version of field manipulation. You thought quantum teleportation was about instantaneously zapping information across the universe? Nope. Khrennikov says it’s just a matter of preparing two systems that are correlated in a special way. It’s like setting up two dominoes and then acting surprised when knocking one over makes the other fall.

It’s like setting up two dominoes

The Myth Lives On... In Children's Books?

Yet, while Khrennikov is busy debunking decades of quantum folklore, the myths just keep on spreading. Take Gribbin’s popular book Quantum Physics: A Beginner’s Guide to the Subatomic World.” It’s full of pretty pictures and catchy conclusions like, “the moment we see that one ball is yellow, the other becomes blue, even when no one is watching.” 

Sounds profound, right? But it’s about as scientifically accurate as the stories in the Children’s Bible.

Einstein's Legacy and Khrennikov’s Limitations

Now, Khrennikov’s work is impressive, no doubt, but it’s not without its own set of limitations. He’s a mathematician, not a physicist. He knows how to spot a mathematical blunder, but when it comes to integrating his theories with the rest of physics, well, he’s at a bit of a loss. He’s like Einstein in his later years—searching for that elusive, pure field model, one that could tie everything together. Einstein, too, was obsessed with fields—a nonlinear, living field—but even he couldn’t quite crack the code.

Einstein's late calculations

And what about those extra dimensions? Einstein shied away from them, perhaps because they didn’t quite fit into his mental framework. Khrennikov doesn’t touch them either, but who knows? Maybe if Kaluza and Klein had been a little more persuasive—or Jewish, as a joke might go—Einstein might have ventured down that path.

In the end, Khrennikov may not have all the answers, but he’s certainly asking the right questions. And that, in the world of quantum physics, is half the battle won. So, next time you hear someone waxing poetic about quantum entanglement, just remember: sometimes, it’s not the universe that’s mysterious—it’s the math that’s a mess.


[1] David Avis, Paul Fischer, Astrid Hilbert, Andrei Khrennikov, “Complete account of randomness in the EPR-Bohm-Bell experiment", 2008.

[2] Andrei Khrennikov, “Demystification of quantum entanglement”, 2009.

[3] John Gribbin, "Quantum Physics : A Beginner's Guide to the Subatomic World (Essential Science)", DK (November 1, 2002).

P.S. 01-09-24 13:54 Experiencing Time

"It's a kind of magic. Firelight makes time stand still. When you put out the lamps and sit in the firelight's glow there aren't any rules any more. You can do what you want, say what you want, be what you want, and when the lamps are lit again, time starts again, and everything you said or did is forgotten. More than forgotten it never happened."

P.S. 03-09-24 FYI: 

"Dr. Michael Nehls describes for Tucker Carlson how the COVID injections affect a recipient's hippocampus—that is, the part of the brain that's involved in many cognitive functions, including memory and learning. 

Tucker Carlson: "For those of us who've noticed that people who've taken the mRNA vax and boosters seem different psychologically, we're not imagining that."

Michael Nehls: "No. It's what's really happening."

Michael Nehls, MD, PhD, a molecular geneticist, immunologist, author, and educator.  Nehls authored over 50 scientific publications, two of which were published with the Nobel Prize winners Paul Greengard and Martin Evans.

Dr. Nehls has a new book out called The Indoctrinated Brain."


Why Quantum Mechanics Feels Like a Cosmic Prank (But Also, Maybe Not?)

 This post explores the second "sin" of quantum mechanics—the apparent non-causal nature of the universe at a microscopic level. U...