Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Why Quantum Mechanics Feels Like a Cosmic Prank (But Also, Maybe Not?)

 This post explores the second "sin" of quantum mechanics—the apparent non-causal nature of the universe at a microscopic level. Understanding this oddball feature can change how we see everything from science to philosophy, and even life itself. Plus, it's always fun to ponder if we're all just cosmic dice throws, right?

God playing dice?

A Recap: Quantum Mechanics and its "Sins"

In my earlier post, Quantum Sins: Why I'm Not Sold on the Uncertainty of It All, I dug into one of quantum mechanics' gravest offenses—its inherently probabilistic nature. According to the book The Emerging Quantum: The Physics Behind Quantum Mechanics by Luis de la Peña, Ana María Cetto, and Andrea Valdés Hernández, this world, full of chaotic energy fields and quantum fuzziness, is driven by probabilities. You just have to accept that and move on (shut up and calculate, they say).

But there’s more to the story. In their view, these quantum oddities might stem from fluctuations in the "aether"—or as they cautiously term it, the "zero-point energy field." Yes, that mysterious "beast" that no one quite understands. While it doesn't answer all our burning questions, it gives us something more to work with, even though with this alternative view the world appears to be even more complex than we would wish.

Zero-point energy field

Note: By the way: you can find a nice and informative literary/journalistic exposition of the zero-point energy field concept  in the book "The Field" by Lynne McTaggart.

A really pleasant read, with a window into the paranormal world, and with lot of references.

Enter the Second Sin: Non-Causality

And now, dear reader, brace yourself for Quantum Sin #2—non-causality as the authors of "The Emerging Quantum" term it. Yep, quantum mechanics is a rebel without a cause. One shining example of this noncausality is the famous Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. If you've ever wanted to pin down the trajectory of an electron, forget about it. Heisenberg's inequalities imply that there are inevitable quantum fluctuations (whatever it means)", trajectories simply do not exist (and it is not made clear what it is that "exist", beyond the "math" and the mysterious "observer", who is not even a part of the theory),  and to make things weirder, the theory itself provides no reason why they happen.

Heisenberg Uncertainty

It's as if quantum mechanics decided, "Let’s just say things happen randomly. No need to explain further." Naturally, this has led to fierce debates among physicists—some argue it's just ignorance on our part, while others think it's the universe keeping its secrets well-hidden, like a magician refusing to reveal how the rabbit got into the hat.

The Story of Heisenberg's Fluctuations (Minus the Observers)

Now, if you’ve heard the textbook explanation for the Uncertainty Principle, it probably involved an electron being disturbed by an observer. You know, the whole "Schrödinger’s cat is dead AND alive" until-someone-looks situation. But the real kicker is that Heisenberg’s inequalities follow mathematically from quantum theory, no observers necessary! "Observers" undefined within the formalism. It's like a party that happens whether or not anyone shows up.

The uncertainties (or “indeterminacies” if we’re feeling fancy) are woven into the fabric of reality. And here's the fun part—try explaining that one at a cocktail party.

Energy-Time Inequality: A Special Kind of Weird

If you thought the regular Uncertainty Principle was trippy, wait till you get to the energy-time inequality. This one's even more out there because it doesn’t fit nicely into the usual quantum mechanics toolkit. It is there, and it is not! Over the years, various theorists have tried to patch this up with new proposals, and some (including the author of this post) have even played with the idea of introducing a "time operator" (cue dramatic music).

Still, most physicists wave their hands and say, "Eh, it's spontaneous!" It's like they’ve decided that quantum fluctuations are the universe's equivalent of spontaneous combustion—no cause needed, just sit back and enjoy the chaos. Or, perhaps, it is just God playing invisible dice?

A Different Take: My Event Enhanced Quantum Theory (EEQT)

Now, if you’re tired of all this quantum uncertainty and complementarity, let me offer you a little ray of hope. In Event Enhanced Quantum Theory (EEQT), the child of Ph. Blanchard and myself, things are a bit more grounded (but still pretty wild). The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle holds true, but we add a twist. EEQT allows for the simultaneous (and even continuous)  measurement of variables that are usually incompatible—things like position and momentum or different spin components. Moreover, EEQT has the concept of "measurement" included in its extended math formalism!

Of course, chaos reigns in this world too, but it’s a chaos you can simulate on a regular old classical computer. And sometimes, amidst the madness, patterns emerge—beautiful, sometimes terrifying, quantum fractals. In fact, I wrote a whole book about these fractals, aptly titled Quantum Fractals. It's full of eye candy and scientific intrigue. Think of it as a fusion of quantum mechanics and abstract art—minus the pretentious gallery openings.

Merging Worlds: EEQT Meets the Zero-Point Field?

Here’s where things get even more interesting (or insane, depending on your perspective). I’ve got this wild idea to merge EEQT with the zero-point energy field theory promoted by de la Peña and friends. It’s pure speculation at this point, but something deep inside tells me this could work. Maybe it’s a whisper from a benevolent angel, or perhaps it’s the trickster devil egging me on. Who knows? Either way, I won't know until I try.

So, that’s one of the many projects on my drawing board—a quantum adventure waiting to unfold.

The Final Thought: The Dance of Quantum Chaos

In the end, quantum mechanics may feel like the ultimate cosmic prank, where things just "happen" without rhyme or reason. Yet, there’s something undeniably beautiful about it too. We may not understand the cause behind the quantum curtain, but we can still marvel at the dance it creates. And who knows? Maybe that very uncertainty is what makes life—and the universe—so full of wonder.

P.S. 18-09-24 8:55 The idea of merging EEQT with the aether idea, which was so evident for me last night, when I was working on this post, appears to me incomprehensible this morning. I have no idea what did I have i mind! Quantum uncertainty in action!

P.S. 18-09-24 8:58 Just published. Recorded yesterday:

P.S.19-09-24 8:41 Agathon tells us:

Is that 100% true?

P.S. 19-09-24 12:20

"The professional, on the other hand, understands delayed gratification. He is the ant, not the grasshopper; the tortoise, not the hare. " Steven Pressfield, The War of Art


  1. Funny weird looking turtle on today's image/illustration and that rabbit or grasshopper or fly or whatever that's supposed to be on its back. :))

    1. Yes, indeed. Creative fun is today absolutely necessary for survival.

  2. Tony related the zero point field to zitterbewegung which relates to the Dirac equation which has conformal symmetry so I'd say merging EEQT with zero point/aether is merging EEQT with conformal infinity. So you need to merge your Blanchard side with Coquereaux side!

  3. Аркадиуш, если быть честными по отношению к себе, то надо признать, что все чудеса квантовой механики просто исчезанут после того как мы загоним микроскопическую частицу в коридор (на поверхность цилиндра для одномерной механики). Ну не знаем мы по какой траектории полетит эта частица, она просто случайным образом блуждает по этому коридору и время от времени попадает в вероятностные ловушки (прообраз вектора состояний квантовой частицы).

    1. Кроме того, для ограничения свободного движения частицы следует учесть, что в "коридоре" дует ветер, формирующий силы внешнего воздействия на блуждающую частицу.

    2. И ещё, о наблюдателе. У наблюдателя очень грубые инструменты, он не видит ширину коридора (окружности цилиндра). Ему доступно лишь одно измерение, формирующее одномерную механику.


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