Friday, September 6, 2024

Quantum Sins: Why I'm Not Sold on the Uncertainty of It All


A Journey with Reservations

You might have gathered from my last post—*“Monkeys, UFOs, and Quantum Fractals: A Mind-Bending Journey through Relativity and Imagination”—*that I’m fully onboard with quantum mechanics. Relativity too, no questions asked, right?

Well, not quite.

In fact, I have plenty of questions. A LOT of questions. Why does quantum mechanics work like it does? How does it tie into everything else? What’s next? And, most importantly, where the heck did this all come from?

So while I use quantum mechanics on the regular, I'm always searching for answers. I read what physicists say, sometimes philosophers too (they've got interesting things to say when they're not being too vague). And recently, I stumbled upon a book that grabbed my attention.

The book? "The Emerging Quantum: The Physics Behind Quantum Mechanics" by Luis de la Peña, Ana María Cetto, and Andrea Valdés Hernández. What did they say that got me thinking even more?

Oh, just that quantum mechanics has some serious sins.

The First Quantum Sin: Uncertainty Is the Name of the Game

The book kicks off with a bold statement—there are six major sins of quantum mechanics. SIX. But honestly, I didn’t need to read past the first one. This first sin alone is enough to raise my eyebrows and start casting shadows on quantum's shiny reputation.

Let me explain.

Quantum mechanics is, at its core, an indeterministic theory. Sure, its mathematical laws play out deterministically, but when it comes to predicting real-world events? Good luck. The best it can do is throw out probabilities. You can’t pin down a specific outcome before it happens, no matter how much data you have.

Sound frustrating? It is.

But wait, you might say—classical physics has probabilistic elements too! True. The statistical mechanics of classical physics (think of gases in a box, or the movement of particles) also deal with probabilities. But here's the difference: in classical physics, we know exactly why we have to use statistics. There are so many particles, moving so randomly, that it’s impossible to track them all individually. The indeterminism isn’t a flaw in the theory; it’s just part of the reality we’re describing.

Quantum mechanics, though? It doesn’t even give us that. The randomness seems to be baked right into the theory itself, and that’s where the problem lies. We don’t have an explanation for it. It just... is.

The Difference Between Determinism and Causality

Now, let’s talk about determinism and causality. You might think they’re the same thing, but they’re not. Determinism is how we describe a system—the equations and predictions we make about what should happen. Causality, on the other hand, is the actual, real-life connection between things, the "why" behind the scenes.

If we think of nature like a computer, causality is the hardware, determinism is the software. If the hardware is broken, no matter how perfect your software is, you're not getting the right result.

So when we talk about quantum indeterminism, it becomes messy. Are we saying the universe itself is inherently random (the hardware), or is it just that we don’t have the right tools to describe it properly (our software is glitching)?

That’s the big question. And depending on who you ask, you’ll get different answers.

Digging for Determinism

Despite the quantum community mostly accepting indeterminism, some brave souls are still searching for a deeper, deterministic theory. Something that could explain all the weird randomness we observe in quantum mechanics, without giving up on the idea that the universe follows clear rules. But every time someone thinks they’re onto something, things get murky. Does indeterminism emerge from something deeper, or are we doomed to forever live in a probabilistic haze?

That’s where I’m at. Reading, searching, doubting, and asking: Is quantum uncertainty the end of the road, or is there a more solid foundation hiding beneath the waves?

In the end, the question still looms large: Is this quantum uncertainty just the tip of the iceberg, or are we really staring into the abyss of randomness?

Time to find out.

P.S. 07-09-24 10:17 John G. mentioned in his comment "infinite tensor product". Intuition tells me: that's it!

Infinite tensor product! That's it!

P.S. 07-09-24 12:08 Nanotechnology in action:

What are these?


  1. 1. There is no aether
    2. The speed of light is constant
    3. There is wave-particle duality
    4. There are no electron halves
    5. There are no hidden variables
    6. There is no locality

  2. Perhaps a clarification is needed:
    the above are sins.

    1. It was not too difficult to figure it out. But I would add the number zero:
      0. There are no extra dimensions.
      Now, assuming we are avoiding all of these, how do we explain UFOs (or UAPs)? The devil is in the details. What are these details? At least some of them?

    2. Ark :"0. There are no extra dimensions."

      Extra dimensions over how many?
      Ten? (x, y, z, t, Ex, Ey, Ez, Bx, By, Bz)

    3. How many? My bet is: infinitely many. But I am not sure if this infinity is countable or not....

  3. 1. Maybe aether is conformal symmetry?
    2. Maybe conformal symmetry can trap light even with a vacuum?
    3. Maybe particles seem wave-like via branching probabilistically to multiple universe states?
    4. True.
    5. Ark's EEQT rather classical central algebra could have interesting things in it?
    6. An infinite tensor product universe state could be the product of "localities"?

  4. Thanks for the P.S. YT video about self-assembling nano-critters, just wow. Definitely asks for further research.

    Regarding the question: "In the end, the question still looms large: Is this quantum uncertainty just the tip of the iceberg, or are we really staring into the abyss of randomness?", maybe the potential answer lies in your previous post here, namely in its last paragraph:
    "What’s left is for us to stretch our minds beyond the confines of current knowledge. After all, as the saying goes: "As above, so below"."

    If Free Will encompasses All that exists, from all sides, realms, dimensions, everywhere, and we allow ourselves to take a step where nowadays mainstream material science adamantly refuses to go, i.e. that all that exists is endowed with consciousness, even if it might seem irrelevant and negligible to our human perception, then uncertainty or randomness or quantum indeterminism becomes just the reflection of our inability to better describe the world at the smallest scales appropriately to our satisfaction.
    In other words, if a neutrino and an electron and an atom all have the possibility to choose among the available potential states and ways/paths how to get there corresponding to their 'intrinsic' energy levels (knowledge or consciousness or awareness they 'posses' within their beings), is there another manner to mathematically describe the situation apart calling it "random" or "undetermined" within the 'allowed parametric phase space'?

    1. There is, however, an extra complication: the outcomes from quantum theory are not "completely free" or "completely undetermined". It seem that there is always a specific "probability distribution". Where are these "probabilities" coming from? Who or what decides them to be this or that way? It seems to me that THIS is the most important detail that the devil dwells in.

    2. That's evidently true, the Universe is not completely chaotic and entropic, there is some order beneath it all, a kind of a dancing 'rules', patterns that constantly emerge when wider perception is taken into account. Is it the devil's work or a divine's layout that might be followed at one's predisposition, hm, maybe also something to be looked into in more details?

  5. Information fuels intentions.
    Intentions lead to actions.
    Upon completion, actions become information.

    The caveat is that we cannot see nor measure intentions, so we swim in a sea of uncertainty when we try to reason about the steps that led to an action. If such reasoning could be known, some actions would become much more certain.

  6. The tensor product part of Fock/Hilbert spaces seemed related to the "free algebra" you related to the "algebra sets you free" comment of future you. Before reading that I had never heard of free algebra; I didn't even like Hilbert spaces for a long while. A particle though of course isn't going to do calculations on an infinite tensor product to get probabilities. Your central algebra seems to know locally the effect of the whole universe state while outside the central algebra is the normal local effect on the universe or something like that.


Thank you for your comment..

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